Quiz Questions From Quizzes Flashcards
A 25 y/o has damage to the frontal lobes. What would be expected movements related deficits?
Difficulty initiating voluntary movements
T or F: in addition to the role in movement, the basal ganglia play a role in cognition?
Akinesia, bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, postural instability, freezing, shuffled gait, forward flexed posture are all characteristics of which disorder?
Dysmetria of the right hand is either overshooting or undershooting of the target during reaching, result from lesions of the _______ cerebellum in pendulous tremor as the Brian trie to correct the movement?
Right lateral
What motor association corticies is most active when performing coordinated bilateral movements or complex sequential movements?
Supplemental Motor cortex
What muscle contraction is always abnormal and is caused by degeneration of the LMN?
A patient suffers a lesion of the corticospinal tract. What is an example of something that would be affected?
Typing a letter
The efference copy of the body is a “snapshot” of the LMN and is formed by the cerebellum as part of the the error correcting function. What tract is responsible for collecting the information from the spinal cord?
Ventral spinocerebellar tract
At what point do most of the axons of the lateral cortical spinal pathway cross to the opposite side of the CNS?
In the caudal medulla
What is the function of the vermis?
Controls axial musculature vie the medial pathways
T or F: the cerebellum provides conscious awareness of proprioceptive information?
The medial pathways are in general concerned with ___?
Control of movement of the postural and girdle muscles
A pt. Has an injury to the medial portion of the primary motor cortex. Which part of the body maps to this region of the cortex?
Lower limbs
Which pool of motor neurons do the UMN of the lateral corticospinal tracts typically innervate or terminal on the ____ motor neuron pools. These pools innervate the _____ muscle of the body?
Lateral; distal muscles
The reticulospinal tract originates from the _____ and _____ decussate as it descends?
Pons and medulla : does not