Quiz 8 Flashcards
Density dependent: Compensatory
-per capita recruitment declines with increasing size of spawning stock
Density-dependent: Overcompensatory
- recruitment really declines with high stock
- EX: when cannibalism occurs, or disease outbreaks due to overcrowding
Density-dependent: Depensatory
-per capita recruitment drops when stock goes below a certain level
Density-dependent model: Beverton-Holt model
R = @S/B+S
- alpha times stock dived by beta + stock
- as S gets large, R approaches alpha
- one of the more freq used models
Density dependent model: Ricker model
- alpha is the slope of the curve near 0
- as S gets large, e-(-BS) gets very small
- one of more freq used models
Error that can occur when measuring stock size
measurement error
How can fish stocks recover
-overfishing must be ceased
Hilborn and Walters warnings
- Warning 1: do not blindly believe the average behavior predicted by models
- Warning 2: do not ignore the variability in the real data - use it to generate estimates of variance
Carrying capacity
K = (b_0 - d_0)/(a+c)
-represents the max pop size supportable in a given environment
Logistic growth model
(dN/dt) = rN(1 - (N/K))
1 - (N/K) is the “unused portion of carrying capacity
-created by P. F. Verhulst
Assumptions of the logistic model
- no time logs
- no migration
- no genetic variation
- no age structure in pop
- K is constant
Stable limit cycle
- When (r * t) is greater than 1.57
- pop oscillates up and down in regular cycles
Discrete population growth model
- breaks up time into discrete chunks
- keeps track of time chunks by calling them t
Robert May
-famous ecologist that studied time-lagged and discrete versions of the logistic growth model
-situation where the model is extremely sensitive to the initial starting conditions
Logistic growth model for change in biomass
(dB/dt) = rB(1 - (B/k))
- B is change in biomass
- r is growth rate
- might represent the dynamics of an unexploited fish stock
-y variable that is added to the end of the logistic growth model for biomass
What happens for a fishery to be in a steady state
-yield is in balance with the growth rate of the population
Y = rB(1 - (B/K))
- maximum sustainable yield
- occurs at the max biomass (x axis) and max yield (y axis)
- biological reference point
- management criterion that is derived from biological considerations
How do we define harvesting in terms of fishing effort
Y = qfB
q is catchability coefficient
f is fishing effort
What is “q”
- catchability coefficient
- defined as the proportion of the total stock caught by 1 unit of effort
- can vary due to a number of factors so much be measured
What is “f”
- fishing effort
- total amount of effort used and should always be standardized to a specific kind of effort
-catch per unit of effort
= Y/f
Schaefer’s model
Y = af - bf^2
- yield on y axis, fishing effort on x
- parabolic curve, MSY occurs at the max
- this model allows us to estimate the parameters a and b
when is a fish stock overfished
-when f is greater than or equal to (-a/b)