Quiz 7: Chapter 4 Flashcards
Bilateral Organization
A single government agency that provides aid to less developed countries, such as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
The deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death of people, animals, or plants, which may lead to pandemics and epidemics (anthrax, cholera, Ebola virus, Lassa fever, plague, and smallpox).
Chemical Emergency
Occurs when a hazardous chemical has been released and the release has the potential to harm people’s health.
The factors and conditions that are important considerations in population.
Developed Country
Refers to those countries with a stable economy and a wide range of industrial and technological development, low child mortality, high gross national income, and a high human asset index.
Disability-Adjusted Life Years
A measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability or early death. It was developed in the 1990s as a way of comparing the overall health and life expectancy of different countries.
Environmental Sanitation
Critical to the well-being of people around the globe. Many of the major health risks relate to interactions between people and their environment.
Developed by a jurist named Raphael Lemkin in 1944. Race killing.
Global Burden of Disease
Combines losses from premature death and losses of healthy life that result from disability.
Global Health Diplomacy
Refers to multilevel and multifactor negotiation processes involving environment, health, emerging diseases, and human safety.
Health Commodification
Commodification of health care is a central tenet of managed care as it functions in the United States. As a result, price, cost, quality, availability, and distribution of health care are increasingly left to the workings of the competitive marketplace.
Health for all in the 21st Century
The goals of health for all by the year 2000 were extended into the next century with this document.
Less Developed Country
A country that does not meet the criteria of a developed country is considered a less developed country.
Man-made Disasters
Include bioterrorism, chemical agents, pandemics and epidemics, radiation, and terrorism.
Millennium Development Goals
Were developed to relieve poor health conditions around the world and to establish positive steps to improve living conditions by the year 2015.
Multilateral Organizations
Those that receive funding from multiple government and nongovernment sources.
Natural Disasters
Such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods can often come at the least expected time. Others, such as hurricanes and cyclones, are increasing in severity and destruction. Droughts are increasing as the threat of global warming rises. Typically, the poor are the worst hit, for they have the least resources to cope and rebuild.
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO’s)
Nongovernmental Organizations or private voluntary
organizations (PVOs), as well as philanthropic organizations,
provide almost 20% of all external aid to less developed
countries. NGOs and PVOs are represented by many different
kinds of religious and secular groups.
Pan American Health Organizations (PAHO)
One of the oldest continuously functioning multilateral agencies, founded in 1902, and predates the WHO.
Philanthropic Organizations
Receive funding from private endowment funds.
Population Health
Refers to the health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group, and includes health outcomes, pattern of health determinants, and policies and interventions that link these two.
Primary Health Care
Ultimate goal of this is to achieve better health for all.
Private Voluntary Organizations (PVO’s)
Includes philanthropic organizations.
Radiation Poisoning
An excess amount of radiation is released to harm people’s health. These may be unintentional and intentional events.
Religious Organizations
Reflect several denominations and religious interests, support many health care programs, including hospitals in rural and urban areas, refugee centers, orphanages, and leprosy treatment centers.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEFF)
Multilateral agency. It was formed after World War II to assist children in the war-ravaged countries of Europe, it is a subsidiary agency to the UN Economic and Social Council.
World Bank
A multilateral agency that is related to the United Nations. It has collaborated with the field offices of the WHO for various health-related projects such as the control and eradication of the tropical disease onchocerciasis in West Africa, as well as programs aimed at providing safe drinking water and affordable housing, developing sanitation systems, and encouraging family planning and childhood immunizations.
World Health Organization (WHO)
A separate, autonomous organization that, by special agreement, works with the United Nations through its Economic and Social Council.