quiz 7 Flashcards
- All of the sensory input from every part of the body and from every organ of sense, before
getting to the corresponding brain centers and areas, have to go through
a. Medulla oblongata
b. Cerebellum
c. Hypothalamus
d. Thalamus
d. Thalamus
- Which statement is not correct about the Automatic Nervous System? ANS consists of motor
neurons that:
a. innervate smooth/cardiac muscle and glands
b. make adjustments to ensure optimal support for body activities
c. operate via conscious control
d. have viscera as most of their effectors
c. operate via conscious control
Match: Each question may have multiple answers
3. The effectors of the CNS are________________________________
4. The effectors of the ANS are_________________________________
a. cardiac muscle
b. smooth muscle
c. Skeletal muscles
d. Glands
- The effectors of the CNS are_c. skeletal muscles
- The effectors of the ANS are___a b d.cardiac and smooth muscles, glands
- All somatic motor neurons release acetylcholine (Ach), which has a/an
a. Suppressive effect
b. Inhibitory effect
c. Excitatory effect
c. Excitatory effect
- Which statement is not true about ANS. In the ANS,
a. all preganglionic fibers release ACh
b. postganglionic fibers release only ACh and the effect is either stimulatory or inhibitory
c. ANS effect on the target organ is dependent upon the neurotransmitter released and the
receptor type of the effector
b. postganglionic fibers release only ACh and the effect is either stimulatory or inhibitory
- The effects of being inhibitory or excitatory, depends on the type of the neurotransmitter
a. True
b. False
a. True
8. The sympathetic division of the ANS _______
9. The parasympathetic division of the ANS_____
a. performs maintenance activities and conserves body energy
b. mobilizes the body during extreme situations
- The sympathetic division of the ANS _______
b. mobilizes the body during extreme situations - The parasympathetic division of the ANS_____
a. performs maintenance activities and conserves body energy
Table 14.1
origin-craniosacral part: brain stem nuclei of cranial n. 3, 7, 9, 10. spinal cord segments: s2-s4
ganglia (terminal) within visceral organ or close by
length-long pre, short postganglionic
no rami communicantes
preganglionic fiber branching - minimal
fx- maintenance, conserve, rest and digest
nt-all rel ACh (cholinergic fibers)
origin-thoracolumbar part: lat horns of gray matter of spinal cord seg t1-l2
ganglia within a few cm of CNS. alongside and ant to vertebral column
length-short pre, long post
gray and white rami communicantes.
branching of pre-g fibers-extensive
fx-prep body for fight or flight
nt-all pre rel ACh, most post rel norepinephrine (adrenergic). post serving sweat glads rel ACh.
- What is not correct about parasympathetic nervous system?
a. concerned with keeping body energy use low
b. involves the D activities – digestion, defecation, duplication and diuresis
c. its activity is illustrated in a person who relaxes after a meal
d. blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rates are low
e. gastrointestinal tract activity is high
f. the skin is warm and the pupils are constricted
b. involves the D activities – digestion, defecation, duplication and diuresis
no duplication
- Which cranial nerve does not belong to parasympathetic nervous system?
a. Cranial nerve II
b. Cranial nerve III
c. Cranial nerve VII
d. Cranial nerve X
e. Cranial nerve IX
a. Cranial nerve II
- What is not correct about sympathetic nervous system?
a. the sympathetic division is the “fight-or-flight” system
b. involves E activities – exercise, excitement, emergency, and embarrassment
c. promotes adjustments during exercise so that blood flow to organs is increased, flow to muscles
is decreased
d. its activity is illustrated by a person who is threatened
e. heart rate increases and breathing is rapid and deep
f. the skin is cold and sweaty, and the pupils dilate
c. promotes adjustments during exercise so that blood flow to organs is increased, flow to muscles
is decreased
- Know about the paravertebral ganglia, which organs are innervated by them
T1:Eyes, Skin, Salivary Glands, Lungs
T2 - T4: Heart
T5, T6: Stomach
T7, T8: Pancreas (Spleen)
T9 - T11: Liver, Gallbladder
T-12: Adrenal Gland
L2, L3: Bladder, Genitals
- Activation of the sympathetic nervous system constricts the pupils
a. True
b. False
b. False
- The fibers [T5-L2] leave the sympathetic chain without synapsing and they form thoracic,
lumbar, and sacral splanchnic nerves
a. True
b. False
a. True
- What is not correct about pathways to the Adrenal Medulla?
a. fibers of the thoracic splanchnic nerve pass directly to the adrenal medulla
b. upon stimulation, medullary cells secrete acetylcholine into the blood
c. the adrenal medulla is considered part of the sympathetic nervous system
d. a ganglion that is encased in glandular tissue
b. upon stimulation, medullary cells secrete acetylcholine into the blood
- Visceral reflexes have the same elements as somatic reflexes, they are always polysynaptic
pathways and afferent fibers are found in spinal and autonomic nerves
a. True
b. False
a. True
- What are these statements about?
Pain stimuli arising from the viscera are perceived as somatic in origin. This may be due to the fact that visceral pain afferents travel along the same pathways as somatic pain fibers.
a. Visceral
b. Intermittent
c. Somatic
d. Referred
d. Referred
- For your future reference print out or keep for your records slides 42 and 43
ht-jaw, chest
lu and diaphragm-neck and shoulders
lv-shoulders and scapulae
st/sp-upper abd
gb-hypochondriac region and shoulder
si-above umbilicus
ovaries-sl above umbilicus
colon-below umbilicus
kd-near hipbones, low back
ub-lower abd, top of buttcrack, under buttcheeks
ureters-near hip crease
- The two types of receptors that bind ACh are
a. nicotinic
b. muscarinic
c. adrenergic
d. a and b
e. b and c
d. a and b
nicotinic and muscarinic
- What is true about muscarinic receptors?
a. the effect of ACh binding to muscarinic receptor can be only inhibitory
b. the effect of Ach binding to muscarininc receptor can be only excitatory
c. the effect of ACh binding to muscarinic receptor can be both inhibitory and excitatory
c. the effect of ACh binding to muscarinic receptor can be both inhibitory and excitatory
- Muscarinic receptor can be blocked by
a. Dopamine
b. Acetylcholine
c. Muscarin
d. Atropine
d. Atropine
- Which statement is incorrect?
a. the two types of adrenergic receptors are alpha and beta
b. each type has two or three subclasses (α 1, α 2, β 1, β 2, β 3)
c. effects of NE binding to α receptors is generally stimulatory
d. effects of NE binding to β receptors is generally inhibitory
e. NE binding to βreceptors of the heart is inhibitory
e. NE binding to βreceptors of the heart is inhibitory
- What is not a correct statement about β-Blockers?
a. block the action of E, NE
b. used to treat hypotension – will increase the systemic BP
c. in the heart, they reduce heart rate (chronotropic)
d. reduce force of contraction (inotropic)
e. in the kidneys, they reduce renin release
f. in the vasculature, they cause vasodilation
b. used to treat hypotension – will increase the systemic BP
- Mark the Table 14.3, helpful for pharmacology
nicotine- stimulates sympathetic fx, bp rises. nicotinic ach receptors on all post ganglionic neurons and in CNS
pilocarpine (glaucoma), bethanechol (urinary issues)- parasympathomimetic. mimics ACh. muscarinic ach receptors
neostigmine (myasthenia gravis), sarin (sim to insecticide)- bind to enzyme AChE that degrades ACh. acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. prolong fx of ach.
albuterol (asthma), phenylephrine (nasal decong)- sympathomimetic. bind to adrenergic receptors or inc NE release. sympathetic activity.
propranolol- sympatholytic. dec symp activity by blocking adrenergic receptors or inhib NE release
- Which statement is correct?
a. most visceral organs are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
b. this results in dynamic antagonisms that precisely control visceral activity
c. sympathetic fibers increase heart and respiratory rates, and inhibit digestion and elimination
d. parasympathetic fibers decrease heart and respiratory rates, and allow for digestion and the
discarding of wastes
e. All are correct
e. All are correct
- Which statement is correct?
a. the sympathetic division controls blood pressure and keeps the blood vessels in a continual
state of partial constriction
b. this sympathetic tone (vasomotor tone) constricts blood vessels and causes blood pressure to
rise as needed
c. prompts vessels to dilate if blood pressure is to be decreased
d. All are correct
d. All are correct
- What statement is not correct about parasympathetic tone?
a. Accelerates the heart
b. dictates normal activity levels of the digestive and urinary systems
c. the sympathetic division can override these effects during times of stress
d. drugs that block parasympathetic responses increase heart rate and block fecal and urinary
e. sudden fright will also cause the same – you cannot activate your voluntary sphincters quick
a. Accelerates the heart
- The following statements are important to remember since they refer to Yin and Yang, too
ANS cooperation is best seen in control of the external genitalia
Parasympathetic fibers cause vasodilation and are responsible for erection of the penis and clitoris
Sympathetic fibers cause ejaculation of semen in males and reflex peristalsis in females
Levels of Motor Control
- Segmental Level
- Projection Level
- Pre-Command Level
Segmental Level
- lowest level of the hierarchy
- circuits (called central pattern generators, CPGs) control: locomotion, specific/oft-repeated motor activity
Cetral Pattern Generator
- Segmental Level Circuit
- a network of neurons that is able to exhibit rhythmic behavior in the absence of sensory input e.g. chewing, walking
Projection Level
- consists of: cortical motor areas that produce the direct (pyramidal) system and brain stem motor areas that oversee the indirect (multineuronal) system
- helps control reflex/fixed pattern activity and houses command neurons that modify the segmental apparatus
Pre-Command Level
Cerebral and basal nuclei system that:
* regulates motor activity
* precisely start or stop movements
* coordinate movements with posture
* block unwanted movements
* monitor muscle tone
- a rapid, predictable motor response to a stimulus
- may be: inborn (intrinsic) or learned (acquired)
- may involve: peripheral nerves and the spinal cord (spinal reflexes), higher brain centers
Inborn Reflexes
- Genetically programmed
- “Simple” - pain withdrawal, rooting, suckling, tracking objects with eyes
Learned Reflexes
- learned motor patterns
- complex, appear with maturation of nervous system: correcting balance while bike riding, slamming brakes while driving, “quick reflexes” of pro athletes
Reflex Arcs
5 Components of reflex arc:
1. Receptor - site of stimulus
2. Sensory Neuron - transmits afferent impulse to CNS
3. Integration Center - monosynaptic or polysynaptic region within CNS
4. Motor Neuron - conducts efferent impulses from integration center to an effector
5. Effector - muscle fiber or gland that responds to efferent impulse
Stretch and Deep Tendon Reflexes
For skeletal muscles to perform normally:
* stretch reflexes initiated by muscle spindles must maintain healthy muscle tone
* Golgi tendon organs must constantly inform the brain of muscle state
* Both are considered mechanoreceptors via unconscious proprioception