Quiz#6 Scleral, Lens Flashcards
- Connective tissue in the body is _____________and __________ and can become injured by inflammation from an abnormal immune system .
Collagen ( or connective tissue ) and elastin ( major component in ligaments bone to bone and skin)
- __________ is thinning of sclera allowing underlining uveal pigment to be seen
Blue Sclera
- When the body attacks itself this is called _____________
- Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disorders can include : 1-4
Sjogrens Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Systemic Lupus
Polyarteritis Nodosa
- _____________ is a connective autoimmune disorder in which the glands that produce tears and saliva are destroyed ,presents with dry eyes and dry mouth .
Sjogrens Syndrome
- _______________ is localized or diffuse redness with edema of the episcleral from inflammation and can be from __________________ and _________________
Connective tissue disease
- Connective tissue disorders also known as COLLAGEN disorders can cause :1-5 ( signs associated with rheumatoid arthritis)
Dry eyes Episcleritis scleritis Corneal Ulcers Uveitis
- ______________. Is an inflamed , swollen sclera that can eventually lead to loss of an eye secondary to global perforation and presents on the forms of ________,_________, and ____________ ____________________________.
Diffuse , nodular, and necrotizing with or without inflammation
- Scleritis cames from ________,__________,________
Connective tissue or collagen disorders
Infection ( fungal or bacterial)
No known cause
- ________________ most frequently located in the episclera, sclera , and uvea. Typically congenital and occasionally hereditary . Malginant melanoma of the choroid developed in 13% to 25% of cases of Melanosis Oculi
Congenital Melanosis Oculi
- _______________ is a form of necrotizing scleritis without inflammation that can be associated with systemic collagen / connective tissue disease
Scleromalacia Perforans note: patient will have trabeculactomy
- ___________ is a lens opacity , most commonly associated with aging .
13.____________ immature cataract slightly opaque with little edema
Incipient Cataract
- ____________ cataract is swollen from maximal edema and the capsule is stretched
Intumescent cataract
- ____________ cataract is an advanced cataract where the water has escaped from the lens , leaving it dehydrated and opaque with a wrinkled capsule .
Hypermature (raisin)
- _______________ cataract is a hypermature lens where the entire lens is opaque and the lens nucleus has fallen inferiorly
Morgagnian cataract
- _____________ is where the center of the lens has the most dense opacity
(NSC)Nuclear Sclerotic Cataract
18._________ cataract has peripheral opacities , often referred to as, ______________, with clear central lens
Cortical Cataract ( in the cortex)
- ____________ are water vacuoles in the anterior and posterior capsule of the lens
ACC ( anterior ) and PCC ( posterior) Vacuoles
- _____________ has opacities stuck on the posterior capsule where the rest of the lens is clear
(PSC) posterior subcapsular cataract
- Sep.page
- __________ cataract is from aging
Age Related ( senile)
location of cataract changes in here
21cataracts are commonly associated with: ON SEP PAGE STUDY IT !!!!!!!!!
23._____________cataracts are bilateral and usually very small central opacities in the lens. Severe congenital cataracts found in infants look like white pupil
Congenital cataracts
- __________ cataract are from F/B injury to lens or blunt trauma to eye where the lens becomes white soon after the injury due to interruption of the lens capsule allowing aqueous and sometimes vitreous to penetrate into the lens structure
Traumatic cataract
- _____________ is an opacity of the posterior lens capsule that is left in the eye at the time of intracapsular cataract extraction . The membrane is left there to minimize the risk of _________ and 1 out of 4 opacify within ______ months of surgery
After Cataract
3 months
- A __________ is a procedure where a laser forms a hole is a posterior capsule that has opacified , to clear vision
Yag Capsulotomy
- _____________ is dandruff - like debris that settles on the lens surface , trabecular meshwork, and on structures in the posterior chamber.
- Patient symptoms of cataracts can be :
Glare from and Halos around lights
Contrast Loss
Blurry or cloudy vision
- Testing to be included in a patient with cataract can include:1-3
Contrast Sensitivity
Bright light test / glare test / BAT ( brightness acuity meter)
PAM ( potential acuity meter)
- Pre-operative measurements that would be taken prior to cataract surgery include _____________ measuring length of the eye ____________ measuring curvature of cornea
A-scan or IOL master
- Types of cataract surgery include
_________ lens content removed and capsule left in place ________ entire lens including capsule is removed
- _____________ is a from of ECCENTRIC where ultrasound is used to break up and aspirate the content of the lens leaving the capsule in place
- IOL’s can be placed in the _______ or ______chamber of the eye
Anterior or Posterior
- __________ of the lens is a displaced lens where there has been damage to the zonules