Quiz 6 – Romans 9 & 10; Old Testament Leadership Lessons Flashcards
When your goal is to please God, you have faith in the ____
acceptance of the consequences (even if/when they make you uncomfortable)
According to Romans 9:16 God’s justice “does not depend on man’s desire or effort, but on ____”
God’s mercy
What is the teaching in Romans 9 when referencing Pharaoh followed by Romans 9:20 “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God”? ____________
That “you” do not have the wisdom or knowledge to comprehend the reasons why God hardens Pharaoh’s heart or any part of His creation – there are two contrasting attitudes/perspectives to understand:
a. Asking God why with a desire to learn (positive)
b. Talking back to God as if your point of view is righteous (negative)
What is the stumbling stone? ____
The belief that we can praise God or earn God’s praise through our efforts (or works)
The Gentiles received righteousness through what? ________
The people of Israel did not receive righteousness, why? _______
Because they tried to gain it through works
What is the definition of sovereignty? ______
Freedom from external control
Why was Pharaoh given has an example of God’s sovereignty? __________
Because God has the freedom to choose what to do with His creation and all that He created
Why do Christians have a unique understanding of sovereignty?__________
Because a Christian understands that in order to be FREE from the external control of sin (selfishness), we have to willingly GIVE UP our freedom of choosing to be selfish and be obedient to God
What was the class lesson taught in regards to the relationship between liberty and equality? ______
Liberty and Equality cannot be experienced together; they are OPPOSITE FORCES
a. As the liberty (freedom people have to do what they want) rises, the equality of everyone’s condition falls (because some will benefit from their freedom that others won’t be able to benefit from).
b. As the equality of the condition of people rises, the liberty of people to whatever they want decreases due to having to conform to the rules that apply to all.
What was the name of the nation that conquered Daniel’s people?
What was the name of the king when Daniel’s people were conquered?
What was the name of the king who made Daniel the 3rd highest ruler in the land?
What decree did the administrators and satraps make to the king to lessen Daniel’s power?
That no one could worship any God or man - they could only worship the king
How long was the decreased last?
30 days
What was the name of the king who placed Daniel in the lion’s den?
Did that king want Daniel to suffer death from the lions?
How did the king respond in regards to Daniel’s faith?
He made a new decree in which he stated that his people were to have fear and reverence for Daniel’s God
I did the king respond to the administrators and satraps who accused Daniel’s of disloyalty?
He threw them AND their families into the lion’s den
Why was Joseph in Egypt?
His brothers sold him into slavery
What was the name of the captain of the guard that bought Joseph from the Ishmaelites?
What were their circumstances that led Joseph to leave the place of the captain of the guard?
Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him, and when he refused her advances and ran, she accused him of trying to rape her
What was the result of Joseph leaving the place of the captain of the guard?
He was thrown in prison
Under what circumstances was Joseph introduced to pharaoh?
Because he could interpret dreams
What was the result of Joseph’s introduction to pharaoh?
Pharaoh placed him in charge of the country’s grain supply
Why did the Israelites settle and prosper in the land of Egypt?
Because they needed food during the famine and Joseph supplied it for them, forgiving his brothers
What was the result of the israelites choosing to stay in Egypt?
They stay too long (got comfortable and didn’t go back home after the famine) and a new Pharoah cane along who didn’t know why they were even there - and decided to enslave them
Who is the king of the country that Esther was in?
What country did the king rule over?
What were the circumstances that led Esther to be selected as Queen?
the Queen refused to come to the king, who then banished her and went through a selection process for a new Queen - he chose Esther
Who is the caretaker of Esther?
Why was the caretaker in this land instead of Jerusalem?
He was taken to this part of the world when Nebuchadbezzar had conquered Judah
Who is the noble that wanted to kill all of the Jewish people?
What did Esther do to have the noble’s plan discovered by the king?
She held a banquet in which she was able to publicly out Haman as the person who wanted to kill all the Jews
What does Paul mean when he says that the people are zealous for God, but that their “zeal” is not based in knowledge?
They are passionate about proving that they follow God By comparing themselves/denouncing others that don’t follow God
Why is this attempt of understanding the proper application of “zeal” a battle of authority?
Because what we desire as the outcome of a given situation will SHOW us what authority we are following (ours or God’s)
What is the Natural perspective/outlook/attitude Described in class on how we seek out a resolution to a given problem/hard decision/tragedy etc.?
We want the resolution to turn out the way WE think it should
What is the perspective/outlook/attitude described in class on how God teaches us to seek out a resolution to a given problem/hard decision/tragedy etc.?
We want to learn what God is teaching us
How is Romans 10:9-10 an example of worship? “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” _________
Your words are worship because they provide the following contrast:
a. When you give credit to God, you are humbly testifying (this is encouraging to others because it gives them hope to seek God)
b. When you give credit to yourself/you are self-promoting (which causes others to think they are not good enough or to seek a competitive relationship with you)
How does Romans 10:15 teach about understanding what “beautiful” looks like: _______
Beautiful is described as a contrast to self-centeredness:
a. It is an internal action of bringing the “good news” of God’s Word to others (cooperative and loving)_
b. Rather than an external comparison of looks (which can create competition)
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message, and that hearing the message comes from where? __________
The Word of Christ
What does Paul state is the reason why the people did not “hear the message”? ____
Because they CHOSE not to
What does it mean to be disobedient? ______
Knowing what is right and choosing not to do it
What is the opportunity we have to share the Love of Christ with disobedient people?__________
Have compassion and come along side them in encouragement (for we understand the struggle with sin and the subsequent grace and mercy of God to forgive us when we have failed in this struggle of making the choice)
What does it mean to be obstinate? ________
The stubborn refusal to follow God or even acknowledge the existence of God and promote to others that living for oneself is the best way to live
What is the opportunity we have to share the Love of Christ with obstinate people?__________
Understand that they have a false-confidence and that we are to STAND our ground in love. Do not allow oneself to be intimidated, flattered or mocked into changing our behaviors or beliefs. When we show this real confidence, we have increased the potential for obstinate one to ask how they can have this (and stop living in the insecurity of false confidence)