Life Calling: Chapters 3 & 4 Flashcards
The Leadership curriculum states that Faith expresses our value of _________
of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong.
being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern conduct.
the moral and ethical quality of people demonstrated in the actions taken in life consistent with the mind-set they establish for their lives.
he said “A man is but the product of his thoughts . . . what he thinks, he becomes.”
When we don’t live in life congruence, we can end up in a condition that psychologists refer to as ___________. (which is just an elaborate way of saying “disagreement within our mind.”)
cognitive dissonance
Our life is ______ when the values we claim to believe for our lives equal the way we actually live our lives.
Our life is ______ when the values we claim to believe for our lives does NOT equal the way we actually
live our lives.
If the values of our life do NOT equal the way we actually live our lives, what are our only two options to make them equal?
- change our behavior
- change the values/principles of our life
When our values and actions are incompatible or in disagreement in our minds the text warns that this “often leads to a strange condition.” What is that condition?
Leads to great confusion when it comes to finding direction. Because of this, the text states that “our minds often leads to a strange condition. Quite often the two incompatible ways of thinking become a driving force that compels our minds to acquire or invent new thoughts or beliefs to minimize the amount of disagreement between our beliefs and actions.”
How does James 1 describe the condition in the above-mentioned question?
The text states that another manner in which people a empt to deal with the disagreements within their minds is to have “morals à la carte” - what does this mean?
When you compartmentalize your morality. For instance, in one area of your life you will seek out God and His direction, while in another your feelings/emotions determine your direction. Or saying one thing and doing another.
If you answered that God created the world and everything in it, and you make your choices regarding Character within that belief structure, this will lead to _____?
If you answered that God created the world and everything in it, and you make your choices regarding Character contrary to that belief structure, this will lead to _____?
If we answer that we were Created by God, we would seek a er what our life calling is within this existence
and find __________ within that role.
If we answer that we exist for ourselves or that there isn’t an overall meaning to our existence, our ac ons would lead us down a path of _________________.
If we believe that we have an eternal place in the universe, we pursue our life-calling in our relationship with God and find our ______ in trying to continually mature.
If we believe that this physical world is all that there is, than our life would seem to be totally ________ and live as though nothing really matters that much.
“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if people claim to have faith but have no deeds? Can such faith save them?”
James 2:14
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:25
“Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is be er than sacrifice, and to heed is be er than the fat of rams.”
1 Samuel 15:22
Give an example of “burnt offerings” that you may fall into the trap of doing in your life.
Making over-hyped promises to God when you’re struggling, like “God if you help me I promise to never miss church again” or “never do that again”
What is the three-fold congruence that the text advises to live in?
- Words
- Faith
- Action
What does the text state will be the result if you choose NOT to live your life in the three-fold congruence?
Confusion - because you won’t know what path to follow in your life
The place in scripture that clearly describes the struggle related with the a empt for such life congruency.
Romans 7:21-25
Our hope is in the deliverance from this struggle can come only through ______.
The saving grace of Jesus
Was commended by the prophet Samuel as being a man a er God’s own heart, despite his struggle with sin.
David (found in scripture in 1 Samuel 13:14)
The place in scripture that describes this person’s (David) struggle with sin.
Psalm 51
When we choose to surrender to Christ in our Life-Calling, we will be able to ________ and ________ God’s will.
- Test
- Approve
What are the three ways God’s Will is described:
- Good
- Pleasing
- Perfect
When we choose to follow the patterns of the world in pursuing our Life-Calling, what do we seek?
our selfish interest
The place in scripture that contrasts the perspective of pursuing God’s Will or the pattern of the world.
Romans 12
When your PRESENT condition is negative (sad, depressed, lonely, confused, etc.) what is the way to look at your PAST that leads toward maturity?
____They will see it as an opportunity to take responsibility, learn from it and grow____
When your PRESENT condition is negative (sad, depressed, lonely, confused, etc.) what is the way to look at your PAST that leads toward immaturity?
They will look back to place blame on why something caused them harm
is the individual hired by the NFL’s New England Patriots to be their character coach.
Jack Easterby
This character coach puts a high emphasis on player_________ because it is a sign that the player has an issue.
This character coach made the observation that a lack of character has caused failure in our society and in business, illustrating the reality that _________
Choices matter
Players from the team commented that this character coach helped them through difficult situations and brought them _______ when trying to balance the reality of being a professional player, a dad, a spouse, etc.
New England player Ricky Jean Francois stated that this coach was different than the other “pretenders” - what does he mean?
_That the character coach was doing this NOT to get something from the players by being close to their fame__
When finding a solution to any issue, this character coach says that _______ wins above all other possible responses.
This character coach sums up his role as being a _______ to the players on the team.
The Leadership curriculum states that Character expresses our value of _______
The Leadership curriculum states that Service expresses our value of __________
When we Love God, we are expressing the foundational value of ____________
When we identify and sharpen our God-given gifts we are expressing the foundational value of ______________
When we seek after the calling God has given to our lives we are expressing the foundational value of
Being able to understand all that is happening in a moment is recognizing what the
_____________ of the moment is
Who stated at the beginning of Chapter 4 “all men a caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny …. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
When we have an attitude of service, we ________ others around us in a spirit of _____________.
value; community
Service implies that our actions of character are carried out with a sense of ______________ to others.
The concept of compassionate concern teaches us that service is _________-centered, rather than
other; self
What is the concept known as the “fabric of society” and explain how character and service function to
support it.
That each of us belong to one another in the Body of Christ. Our lives have been created by God to live in the service of Him (by identifying and sharpening of gifts and call) and the service of others (by applying the needs of the age)
Having a self-centered perspective towards the needs of others will result in the ___________ and _____________ that “I know how to live their lives better than they do”.
assumption; judgement
Having a God-centered perspective towards the needs of others will allow you to have ________ and ________ and recognize that “but by the grace of God, there go I.”
humility and empathy
“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if people claim to have faith but have no deeds? Can such a faith save them?”
James 2:14
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10
“So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 7:12
Where in scripture does our curriculum reference to state the following: “God created us with an intricate design in a fearful and wonderful manner that was part of his intent before we ever came into being. It follows, then that this intricate design is directly related to our Life Calling. The greater we can live in harmony with our design, the greater will be the fulfillment of purpose in our lives.”
Psalm 139
Which individual avoided the responsibility instead of engaging?
religious leader
Which individual avoided the responsibility even after first contact?
political leader
Which individual engaged in a spirit of respect, community, concern, responsibility, and action despite their differences with the one in need?
good Samaritan
an exertion of energy, power, or force to accomplish a desired end
a group sharing common characteristics, interests, and heritage
a matter that engages a person’s close attention, deep interest, or significant care
being answerable or accountable for something or someone within our ability, power, or control to care for
a linking relationship and association that joins, unites, and binds us
a feeling of appreciative, often deferential, regard and esteem
the noblest form of love carried out in life’s relationships
List The 5 elements of true compassionate service
Respect Community Concern Responsibility Action
When we attempt to understand a situation from another’s perspective, we are displaying _______
When we seek to honor, rather than demean, those we serve our goal is ______________
mutual edification
What is the problem with the concept of “I’ll give people respect when they show me respect?”
Primarily it will then become a question of who will “go first”and do so no matter what another does
Explain the concept of serving others in a manner that we “don’t rob them of their dignity”
Everyone has value
When you see a need in society, God is revealing to you that have been ______ and ________ to fill that need
gifted; called
What are some of the reasons people may choose not to act upon the needs of society
you think your not worthy; you think everyone sees it, therefore someone else will fill the need; you try to force your opinion on others
Mutual respect: when you ______ and _______ others …….
love; accept
……. you are NOT ________ them. (respect)
Mutual trust: When you _______ and _______ from others ………
listen; learn
…… you are NOT ________ them. (trust)
Dignity: when you _____ and ______ with others ……..
serve; partner
…….. you are NOT ______ them. (dignity)
Is a mindset that you need to be taken care of or others who are in a difficult situation need to be taken care of
Is a mindset where you and others seek to develop their gifts with the ability to care for oneself
Give a man a fish he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime
What is the difference between “sharing the gospel” and “telling people about God”
primarily an attitude of acting like you’re an equal and have empathy over plight vs. an attitude of superiority- you’re better than them and if they would just live like you then they would be fine
______ is the forced act of serving another person …..
….. and it is carried out in our ____. (forced)
_______ is the the decided act of serving another person ……..
…… and it is carried out in our ____. (decided)
________ is the attitudinal act of serving another person ………
…….. and it is carried out in our _____. (attitudinal)