Quiz 5- The parables Flashcards
What is the lesson in The Parable of the Sower?
-Teaches about the different ways people receive the word of God
What a re the 4 ways people receive the word of God?
1) The seeds that fell along the path and got eaten by birds- when we hear the message of God and don’t understand it so the evil one snatches it from our heart
2) Fell on rocky paths- When someone receives the word with joy at one point but since they have no root, it lasts a short time.
3) Fell on thorns and got choked by plants- someone hears the word but the deceitfulness chokes it and makes it unfruitful
4) fell on good soil- someone who hears the word of God and understands it.
What is the lesson in the Parable of the Tenants?
Teaching us that we have an obligation to care for what we have been given.
What is the lesson in The Parable of the Lost Sheep?
God loves us so much that He will seek after us even if we don’t deserve it.
What is the lesson in The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant?
We are to forgive because God has forgiven us.
What is the lesson in the parable of the two sons?👬
Actions speak louder than words; Be honest with God and actually go through with it.
What is the lesson in the Parable of the treasure?
The value of possessing God vs. the value of getting what we want
What is the lesson in the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard?
Be weary of what you agree to/ valuable lesson on character
What is the lesson in the Parable of the net?
All have the opportunity, all have the same fate but death is the net.
What is the lesson in the Parable of the Weeds?
Everything will be exposed for what it is
What is the lesson in The Parable of the Wedding banquet?
The banquet is heaven but the people are comfortable so they might not want to follow God.
What is the lesson in The parable of the Ten Virgins?
Everyone was anticipating the coming of Jesus, but the flame blew out.
Why would our flame blow out?
Because we aren’t tending to our flame. When we tend, we are loving God and loving others.
What is the lesson in The parable of the mustard seed and yeast?
A little bit of faith can be multiplied
What is the lesson in the parable of the Talents?
Recognizing if you’re sleeping on your talent
What is the lesson in the parable of the Old and New Garment?
Focus on what each new day has in store for you
What is the lesson in the parable of The blind leading the blind?
Remove our selfishness before leading others.
What is the lesson in the Good Samaritan?
(Don’t know)
What is the lesson in the Rich fool?
Providing for the responsibility and needs of others
What is the lesson in the Fig Tree?
You can’t reap what you don’t sow; you won’t be rewarded for not doing anything, only actions will get you what you want
What is the lesson in The guests at the wedding feast?
Recognizing your place which should be a place of humility
What is the lesson in the lost son?
Celebration is daily when you’re alive/ there’s a party when recognizing a new life
What is the lesson in the Shrewd manager?
Shows the win/win mentality
What is the lesson in the rich man and Lazarus?
God provides His eternal provision
What is the lesson in The Persistent widow?
Great lesson on faith without evidence
What is the lesson in The Pharisee and the Tax collector ?
Humility is key!
What is the lesson in The a Little Children parable?
We should have faith without doubt just like a child
What is the lesson in The rich ruler?
It’s hard giving up comfort