2nd Quiz 📓 Flashcards
Why are many people coming to Jesus?
Because he is performing miraculous signs
What is the purpose of the Old Testament?
To point the Jewish to the fact that the messiah is coming.
What is the Jewish ruling council trying to do?
Stay in power
What was nicodemus searching for?
The coming of the Messiah
How does Nicodemus hedge his bet?
By going at night
What are truth claims?
1) See heaven by being born again
- You are born by water and spirit
2) Condemned if you don’t believed, not condemned if you do believe.
- light vs.darkness
What is the significance of Romans 3?
it states the grace that everyone is capable of receiving forgiveness and love through Christ.
- The law is acknowledging that you are a sinful being and your actions against hope you have hope.
- Factual based info
What is the significance of Romans 4?
God’s faithfulness is for EVERYONE! Scripture also states that righteousness comes by faith. Abraham BELIEVED, and that’s why he became the father of all nations. It was faith that led him to accomplish all of God’s promises and through faith, he received righteousness.
How are we mature in our responses?
By responding with pure joy
What example of responding with pure joy is given in Romans 4?
Responding to a problem with PURE JOY brings PERSEVERANCE which builds CHARACTER and gives you HOPE
What is asking without doubt? (Faith)
Hope against hope
What lessons are taught in the story of Abraham?
Faith and Hope.
What was the hare’s value in?
His speed
What happens when the hare looses?
His value is gone
What is the factory job example?
Disciples were putting their safety and security in their job instead of God
What were the Jewish ruling leaders doing wrong?
Doing things within the church for their benefit
What should we do with our gift?
Identify it, sharpen it, and apply it
What are we scared of when we live in an I-centered perspective?
Scared of actually trying and ending with a result that’s different than what we expect.
What is your maturity level based on ?
How quickly you mature
What’s constantly in conflict internally?
What you want and what you are
Is our present moment affected by our past?
What happens if we look at our future with an I-centered perspective?
Our future will be how we set it out to be based on the choices we have already made.
Know what has been _____ and what does it _____
Given; Mean
How does John fulfill his calling?
John fulfills his calling by doing what he’s set out to do (baptizing)
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
"Our father in heaven, Hallowed is your name, Your kingdom come Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven Give us today our daily bread And forgive us of our debts, As we have also forgiven our debtors And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from the evil one
What does “ Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name” mean…?
It is recognizing and acknowledging God
Recognizing his authority
What does “ your kingdom come, your will be done” mean?
It is recognizing heaven is real and God loves others
What does “ give us today our daily bread” mean?
Bread nourishes, therefor we are asking to get nourished by his word
What does Romans 3:23 state?
” For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption through Christ”
What does being RIGHTEOUS mean?
It means you are pure and innocent in the eyes of God
What is self-righteousness?
It is self justification!
You justify your behavior by saying that your behavior is righteous.
- You think you are innocent based on whatever people are blaming you on
In verse 4:11 when it talks about Abraham, what is the value of the law?
To become aware of what you should do
Who do we become righteous through?
Only through Jesus
What does REDEMPTION mean?
The action of being restored to your original state
What is our original state?
When we were part of Gods creation before Adam and Eve
What does RECONCILED mean?
It is being restored
-the state of being restored
Differed between redemption and reconciliation?
Redemption- the action
Reconciliation- the living and BEING of restoration
A claim of being reconciled to God; being righteous
Why are self righteous people blind?
They’re in the dark and they can’t see truth.
What is justification through work?
I’ve done this so I deserve to get that…
Justification through faith is..
Hope against hope
How did sin enter the world?
Through Adam.
How did grace enter the world?
Through Jesus
When justifying our point in love, we are brought to…
What does humility look at?
The things you did that you forgot
- we understand others and the reasoning behind why they do what they do
Gods grace came through _______ that came through ______
Redemption : Jesus Christ
How can we change the I-centeredness?
Only through the POWER of Christ and praying for freedom
As sin increases, what also increases?
Jesus is constantly forgiving and Gods restoration is infinite for everyone at all times.
How do we have peace?
Being humble in the eyes of God
What did the tortoise have faith in?
the tortoise had an immense amount of faith even when the odds were against him
Who are Abrahams wives?
Sarah, Hagar, and Kenturah
What does the story of John the Baptist teach in regards of leadership?
He was following God by fulfilling his calling and remaining humble
Study the background of Abraham