1st TEST📕 Flashcards
What is the purpose of apologetics?🙏🏼
The ability to know and defend what you believe in
What are the three steps for an individual to take in order to achieve the purpose of this class?💫
A. Identify what you believe
B. Research and Analyze the benefits of the belief
C. Investigate and Explain what you believe in
Who was the individual who acknowledged the authority of God, but did not find peace in following Him?🐳
What are the two ways that individuals with an I-centered philosophy view authority?🙄
a. The authority will PREVENT them from getting what they want
b. The authority will GIVE them what they want
What does Psalm 37:4 state?📚
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will grant you the desires of your heart”
Where did Paul speak to the people in Athens?🏛
What were the people in Athens religious towards?🕯
The latest ideas of the day
What is the lesson taught by Paul in the Book of Acts when speaking to the people in Athens? ✝
The God and His laws exist and He is the authority whether the people accept that truth or not (Putting God in a box makes the people the authority)
What is significant about Acts 17:26?📚
No moment circumstantial (the people, the problems, etc)/ opportunity to hear from God (I-centered, God-centered/ self-justification, justification by faith)
What are the two invisible qualities that God has made plain to man so that they are without excuse? 🌟
Divine nature and eternal power (Nature, Eternal power)
What does the above-mentioned phrase “without excuse” refer to?💭
Acceptance of the reality of God’s creation and existence (therefor there is self-justification or their ignorance/arrogance)
What has God given to all humans?🎁
What is the call that God has given to all humans in response to what He has given to us? 🎁
To sharpen those gifts and apply them to the needs of the age
What is the example given in Acts 1 about Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth that illustrates the order in which we are to answer the call God has on our live?🏜
a. Jerusalem- yourself
Judea- your family/friends
Samaria- your community
Ends if the Earth- the entire human race
What does Romans, Chapter 1 state that man exchanged the truth of God for? 😈
Lies (of I-centeredness)
What does Romans, Chapter 1 state that man exchanged the Creator for?🔗🔎
Items created by man
What is worship?🙌🏼
Worship is where one spends their time
How does Romans 1:28 define what having a “deprived mind” is? 👷🏼
Choosing not to retain the knowledge of God
What is the purpose of the Old Testament?📚
Proclaiming of the coming of the Messiah
What was the Samaritan Woman “thirsty” for? 😞
Significance which she defined as love
How did Jesus show love to the Samaritan Woman?❤️
To give the understanding that her significance was found in God’s love (which is giving)
What lesson does Paul teach in Romans regarding what happens when you judge others?😾
You’re judging yourself (concerned about what people think if you)- elevating yourself (which lie)
What are the three examples provided in class about why people have the right to judge others?🙄
a. Act like they haven’t done wrong
b. Believe they are better than another
c. Believe they are qualified to do so due to:
i. Intelligence
ii. They have all the information
What happens to people who die without ever hearing the gospel of Christ?🙇🏻
Judges by what is written in their hearts… (entire law is summed up in loving God, loving others)
Why does Paul state in Romans 2:24 that “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you”? 👈🏼
Because they don’t love, they judge (yet they claim to have the knowledge of God)
When tempting Jesus to turn the stone to bread, what appeal to emotion was the devil using as temptation? 🍞
When the devil used scripture verses to tempt Jesus to throw himself down from the temple, what emotional ploy was the devil using as temptation?😈
When the devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms world and their splendor if Jesus would bow down to him in worship, what appeal to emotion was the devil using as temptation? 💁🏻
What was Pilate’s job?🏛
Roman governor over Jerusalem
Who did Jesus say was primarily responsible for his death? 🕵🏼
Jewish leaders
What did Jesus say His purpose of being sent to Earth?👼🏻
Testify the truth
What did Pilate believe about truth?👽
Relative (there isn’t one absolute truth that applies to all people)
What is the problem with the statement “there is no such thing as absolute truth”? 🤐
Contradicts itself
Did Pilate believe that Jesus was an innocent man?🤔
What was the primary motivation of the Jewish leaders?⛪️
To protect their power structure
What was Pilate’s primary motivation to set Jesus free?😳
He didn’t want to deal with the problem
Who warned Pilate not to have anything to do with Jesus?👸🏻
His wife
What were the four (4) ways that Pilate tried to justify setting Jesus free?🏃🏻
a. Offering a compromise release
b. Offering to send back the Jewish leaders
c. Beating him
d. Having them denounce their king
What were three (3) ways that Pilate tried to absolve himself from responsibility regarding Jesus?😓
a. Stated Jesus’ innocence
b. Washing his hands of it in public
c. The sign on the cross
Who did the Jewish leaders say was their king? 👑
What sign did Pilate place on Jesus’ cross?🔨
King of the Jews
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the Jewish people?
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the culture of the day?
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the intellectuals, wealthy, and powerful of the day?
Draw the I-centered and God-centered models and contrast the perspective of each
List the 16 way of LOVE and discuss how they are a guide for your life?💕
- Love is patient
- Love is kind
- Love does NOT envy
- Love does NOT boast
- Love is not rude
- Love is not proud
- Love is not self-seeking
- Love is not easily angered
- Love does not delight in evil
- Love keeps no record of wrong doings
- Love does not rejoice in evil
- Love always perseveres
- Love always protects
- Love always trusts
- Love always hopes
- Love never fails
Give five (5) examples of the sinful nature and five (5) examples of the spirit found in Galatians 5 and discuss how they are a guide for your life.
Sinful nature
- sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits if rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies
- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
What is the first choice that we have to make at the start of each day?
Deciding to live from a God-centered or I-centered perspective
How does that choice impact the remainder of the day?
Choosing to live God-centered
Your choice reflects the consequences / surroundings of your next moment (peace vs. conflict).
How does this choice provide insight on your understanding of how the past, present, and future are interrelated?
(Choosing to be God centered)
Assists us in understanding the inter-related relationship between the past, present and future through the analysis of how the present consequences (Galatians 5) are a result of past choices – which allows you to reinforce the positive and change the negative
Write out the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13 and explain how each line is a provision for us throughout the moments of each day.
“Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread, And forgive us of our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
“Our Father in Heaven” meaning….
Acknowledgement of God’s existence
“Hallowed be His Name” meaning…
Acknowledgement of God’s authority
“His kingdom come” meaning…
Acknowledgement of the existence and goal of Heaven
“His will be done” meaning…
That all people have the opportunity to be in Heaven (our call to evangelize)
“On earth” meaning…
Where we are to evangelize
“As it is in Heaven” meaning…
How we are to evangelize (in love)
Give us today, our daily bread” meaning…
God’s provision for all that we need (physically, emotionally,
intellectually, and spiritually)
Forgive us our trespasses” meaning…
Reminder that we are in need of forgiveness for our faults (and that God
forgives us without condemnation)
As we forgive those who trespass against us” meaning…
Since we’ve been forgiven without condemnation, we
are to forgive others in the same manner)
Lead us not into temptation
The temptation to be self-centered
And deliver from the evil one
There is a REAL evil spirit that conspires against us
What was Nicodemus searching for?
The truth of whether or not Jesus was the Messiah
How did Jesus show love to Nicodemus?
Explaining the concept of being Born Again
What does it mean to be “born again”?
To choose to submit to the authority of God
Who did Pilate agree to give Jesus’ body to?
Joseph of Arimathea
Which Jewish leader clearly believed Jesus was the Messiah, based upon the evidence of his presence at claiming Jesus’ body?
How did John the Baptist display an example of leadership?
Showing the example of how we are called by God for a specific period of time & recognizing when that time comes to an end
What does the perspective of John the Baptist’s disciples illustrate about what they believe?
That their value was attached to being John the Baptist’s disciples (and the recognition that came with that – which was why they were offended by people paying attention to Jesus. Instead, they were to focus on the coming Messiah
How did the Jewish leaders fail to display an example of leadership?
Instead of being obedient stewards of God’s Word in preparing the people for the coming Messiah, they used they position to promote themselves and maintain power
What does the perspective of John the Baptist’s disciples illustrate about what they believe?
That their value was attached to being John the Baptist’s disciples (and the recognition that came with that – which was why they were offended by people paying attention to Jesus. Instead, they were to focus on the coming Messiah
How did the Jewish leaders fail to display an example of leadership?
Instead of being obedient stewards of God’s Word in preparing the people for the coming Messiah, they used they position to promote themselves and maintain power
Why is significant about the teaching in Romans and the gospels to “not seek praises from man”?
Seeking praises from other humans puts our personal value and significance in their acceptance or rejection of us
What is the state of being pure and innocent in the eyes of God?
To be restored back to our original created state is known as being what?
When we confidently claim that we are pure in the eyes of God through our faith, we are declaring that we are?
The action of breaking through the separation of sin and reuniting with God is known as what?
Who did sin enter the world through?
Who did grace enter the world through?
Jesus Christ
How did Jesus summarize the law of God?
to Love God and to love others
Has anyone been declared righteous by following the law of God?
What does Romans 3 state is the value of the law?
it makes us aware of when we fall short of i
What is the way to peace – as described in Romans 3?
Having the fear of God before you
What does it mean “to have the fear of God before your eyes”?
An attitude of humility – checking to see if we’re in alignment with God’s way instead of being arrogant in our selfishness
What is Romans 3:23?
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
What increases as our sin increases?
The grace of God
How does an “I-centered” philosophy try to argue that they should be declared righteous?
Through self-justification (defending their actions as being ok because of whatever reason they give…)
Why are we unable to boast about being justified through Jesus Christ?
Because we don’t deserve it
What was the name of Abraham’s wife?
What was the name of Abraham’s wife’s maidservant?
What was the name of the son born to Abraham’ maidservant?
What was the name of the son born to his wife?
Which son became the forefather to the Islamic Nation?
Which son became the forefather to the Jewish Nation?
What does Abraham’s story teach us about hope?
That even when situations seem hopeless, we still have Hope in God for we have faith that He can do what we cannot see or understand as possible
In what manner does James 1 instruct us to view problems?
With pure joy
Why does James 1 instruct us to view problems in this manner?
Because we know that we will mature
How does James 1 define being immature?
How does James 1 provide instruction on how to develop maturity?
Because it is only through problems that we have the opportunity to mature. We have hope when facing the next trial because we have learned that persevering elevates our character
Who wrote the fable the tortoise and hare?
How does the HARE in the fable tortoise and hare illustrate a self-righteous behavior?
He boasts about his speed, and finds value in it – even though he didn’t do anything to have the talent in the first place
How does the HARE in the fable of the tortoise and hare illustrate use of talent?
He slept on his talent – instead of developing for the benefit of others
How does the TORTOISE in the fable tortoise and hare illustrate faith?
He has faith & hope in persevering even though the situation seems hopeless
How does this fable reinforce the teaching in Romans about boasting?
Same as the question above …. (He has faith & hope in persevering even though the situation seems hopeless) #43 on study guide
When you live by the vertical model of competition, what do you have faith in?
Your actions
Where does an individual find their value and significance in the competition model?
In comparison to others
When you live by the horizontal model of co-operation, what do you have faith in?
Where does an individual find their value and significance in the co-operation model?_
Through the action of answering their call to apply their gifts to the needs of the age
What does it mean to be justified by faith?
That you believe in God’s ways even though you can’t always see why
What does it mean to be justified by works?
That you believe in yourself and the accomplishments you can see
Complete the blanks from Romans 4:24-25
For us, to whom God will credit ________ for us to believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our _______and was raised to life for our __________.
- righteousness
- sins
- justification