2nd TEST 📕 Flashcards
Romans 5 states that we rejoice in our suffering, because:
a. Suffering produces ______🏃🏻
b. Which produces ____💪🏼
c. Which results in ____🙌🏼
1) perseverance
2) character
3) hope
What does “Just the right time” mean in Romans 5:6? 🕰
When we are saved from our sin, it is always the right time to live for God
According to Romans 5, death came into the world through..🍎
According to Romans 5, life came into the world through✝
Jesus Christ
Why does Romans 5 use the term “death” as the condemnation of all man due to the trespass of sin?💀😅
Because living selfishly focuses solely on this physical life – which comes to an end
Why does Romans 5 use the term “life” as the justification of Jesus dying for our sins?
Because we are no longer dead in our sins, and we have been set free to live our physical life knowing the truth of eternal life
Romans 5 concludes that the law was added so that _____ would increase. And when that increases, ____ increases all the more.
Sin; Grace
Romans 6 states that we are united with Jesus in what two ways:
a. ____Through Jesus’ death______
b. ____Through Jesus’ resurrection____
What is the five-point guideline that is provided in Romans 6 to illustrate how we are dead to sin and alive in Christ?📜(5)
a. ____Do not offer the parts of your body to sin_____
b. ____Do not have the parts of your body be instruments of wickedness_____
c. ____ Offer the parts of your body to God_____
d. ____Have the parts of your body be instruments of righteousness______________
e. ____Do not allow sin to reign as your master____
What is significant about Romans 6:16 “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey them as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey – whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness”?
The value is the TRUTH that these are the only two options we have. We CHOOSE to either be a slave to sin (pursuing selfishness and its desires) or slaves to Christ (pursuing a relationship with Christ through prayer and God’s word).
The wages of sin is…💀
Death 💀💀💀
The gift of God is…..🎁
Eternal life
Win/Win People seek ______ ___________in all human interactions.💁🏻
Mutual benefit
Win/Win People display _______-based behavior.🙏🏼
This behavior is seen in the _________model where we are all loved, all sinful, all gifted, all called, to meet the needs of the age.😇
Leadership style – understand who will take the lead based upon the talent/call of the moment The scriptural example of this was displayed in the behavior of …..?👴🏼🏊🏼
John the Baptist
The other three outcomes are ________-based models, which reflect a ________philosophy.😠💪🏼
1) competitive
2) self-centered
Win/Lose People think that in order for them to win, someone else must lose. This type of thinking is rooted in seeking who gets the _______. The scriptural example of this was displayed in the behavior of _________.🙄
1) credit
2) Jewish leaders
Win/Lose People have a leadership style that is _________ (other people are ________ – used to perform the task you want done).🔨
1) authoritarian
2) tools
Win/Lose People hurt __________, because if both people aren’t winning, both are losing.💔
relationships 💔
Lose/Win People are considered ________. 👞👞
Lose/Win People seek strength from popularity based on ________. 👸🏻
Lose/Win People have a leadership style of ______________.👯
People-pleasing (Sycophants)
👿Lose/Lose People become _________with making the other person lose (make them look bad), even at their own _________. (Gossip, Factions, Envy, Jealousy, Slander).
1) obsessed
2) expense
What is the spiritual “law” that Paul is referencing in Romans 7?
The Old Testament law the God gave as a guide for humanity
What is the unspiritual condition that Paul states humans are in?
Sin (Self-centeredness)
Why are we a slave to the law when we are a slave to sin?
Due to our sin, we are unable to follow the law (no matter how much we try)
What phrase does Paul use to describe the internal situation between you and sin?
Wretched condition.
Is there an alternative to choosing between being a slave to sin or a slave to Christ?
What is the choice of depravity?
Choosing NOT to retain the knowledge of God
What is the simplistic manner in which humans try to understand the world?
What is the name given that describes the people humans surround themselves with to support their thinking?
What is the place where humans often find comfort and formulate an identity?
Give an example of such a place mentioned in the previous question (subculture)
sports, music, video games,
What is the “wretched condition” that Jesus saves humans from?
That we have a desire to do good, but we cannot due to sin ALWAYS defeating us
Why does the start of Chapter 8 conclude that “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”?
Because through the gift of the Holy Spirit we are now able to use it to connect with Jesus and defeat sin (we would have been condemned if we were able to defeat sin on our own without the death & resurrection and subsequent power of the Holy Spirit)
Why is life by the Spirit described as being “set free”?
Set free from being slaves to the power of sin
Humans who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what?
gratifying the desires of our selfish viewpoint
Humans who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on what?
pursuing what God has for our lives
Why is Romans 8:8 a factual statement “those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God”?
because if you are focused on yourself, you cannot see the bigger plan God has for the moments of your life
What is the obligation in Romans 8:12 “Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation…”
We have the responsibility to identify our gifts, then sharpen those gifts, and then use those gifts for the needs of the age
Why does Romans 8:15 state that living by the sinful nature will result in having a “spirit of fear”?
We will be in constant competition/comparison with ourselves and others which results in “fear” of not measuring up or being knocked down_
Why does Romans 8:17 describe us as “co-heirs” with Jesus?
As children of God, we are brothers and sisters of God’s Son – Jesus Christ
What is the significance of Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”?
With eyes on eternity, any given struggle or problem isn’t worth worrying or complaining about
How does the Spirit help us in our weakness, especially in prayer?
The Holy Spirit provides us words, strength, understanding, etc. when we are unable to understand and/or express what we are going through
Explain why we are placing our hope in the glory of God?
Because no matter what the circumstances may be, we have faith that God knows the way – all we need to do is seek Him and allow His wisdom to work through us
What does it mean to be “more than a conqueror?
In Christ, we have ALREADY conquered ALL situations, not only the ones we see ourselves in, but the ones we don’t even know we are going to encounter
Did the results of these statements of TRUTH by Jesus result in an increase in people following Him?
What two events occurred prior to Jesus addressing the crowd with these statements of TRUTH?
Jesus walking on the water & Jesus feeding the 5,000
Jesus’ first statement of TRUTH was to communicate to the crowd “do not work for food that spoils but for food that endures” – what was the teaching Jesus was giving to them?
Instead of focusing about the physical needs being met through the miracle of feeding 5,000 – Jesus was teaching them that focusing upon Him will fulfill their spiritual needs
When those in the crowd wanted to know how to do this – what was Jesus’ response?
He made the truth claim to believe in HIM (the one who God sent)
When the crowd wanted a miraculous sign as evidence for Jesus’ response, how did Jesus use the Old Testament story of manna and Moses to give them an answer?
The miracle of manna (bread) falling from the sky to feed the Jews in the desert met a physical need – Jesus is reiterating that HE is the “Bread of Life” that will fulfill their spiritual needs into eternity
When the crowd responded with a desire for what Jesus stated, what did Jesus specifically teach regarding how to receive what they desired?
That God’s desire was for ALL to receive eternity – and they would have this through HIM
When the crowd grumbled about this response, how did Jesus rebuke them?
He rebuked them (because they should be seeking for the coming of the Messiah, not having their desires fulfilled
After Jesus’ rebuke, the crowd began to act in what manner?
They began to “argue sharply among themselves
In response to the crowd’s behavior, Jesus said the TRUTH is that in order to have “life” the people needed to eat of his flesh and drink his blood – what does He mean by this?
so He gave them the teaching that His flesh/blood was the sustenance of everlasting life
What was the behavior displayed in the crowd’s response to this teaching?
They were offended
Why did the crowd respond this way?
Because of a belief that “it’s MY LIFE” / “who are you to tell me how to live MY life”
When Jesus’ acknowledged that God will enable those to seek Him, what is the manner in which individuals will be enabled?
They will know the power of the Holy Spirit
Draw, Label and Explain the Cycle of Sin model
1) follow God
2) get comfortable
3) negative consequences of selfishness
4) repent
Draw, Label and Explain the Instant/Delayed Gratification Model of choices and their consequences.
Instant- pleasure now but even greater amount of pain later
Delayed- pain now but worth it because there will be a lot more pleasure later.
Know model of perseverance
Know Romans outline