Humanist Manifesto +Scopes Quiz Flashcards
What is secular humanism defined and based on?
The Humanist Manifestos
What is the establishment clause in the US constitution based upon?
What are the two points established in the constitution?
1) Government can not establish an official religion
2) An official religion cannot be imposed on the government
What are the two points based on (about government and the religion)…?
An equal protect
When everything is “equal” what is the authority on?
What is the religion in the document of the Humanist Manifesto?
What does it mean when the document days “science and economic change are the basis”…?
Showing their foundational beliefs
What did the revisions of the Humanist Manifesto do?
Took out the word Religion
What are public school being taught?
Propaganda on a religion (Humanism)
What are affirmations?
Truth claims
What exactly is humanism?
Human-centered belief based on self justification
What are the Human Centered belief in Acts (in Aeropagus)?
Epicureans- Pleasure
Stoics- Mind/Logic
(Remember they’ve been around since the very beginning)
What are the human centered beliefs of the Stoics and Epicureans built into the structure of?
The Humanist Manifesto
What significant role did Dewey play in histor
He was the primary person to influence curriculum in the American public school system
📍What was going on in the 1920’s?
-Progressive movement- which was designed to reform society based upon science and economic change
What 2 amendments occurred that were very significant at this time? (1920’s)
1) The prohibition
2) Women’s Right to vote
(Driven by women)
Why was Prohibition a women’s movement?
Men would abuse their wives/children and use women. Men were the primary financial owner and they would take their anger out on their wives.
✅Why didn’t prohibition work?
You can’t legislate behavior…. You have to allow people to have the freedom to be stupid
Does Christianity try to control behavior?
Yes, Religion through history has shown to control humans behavior
Why is humanism accepted from the 1990’s-1930’s?
There was a “BOOM” in America because there was an incredible amount of money… Known as the Roaring Twenties
What are the 2 appeals of the Humanist Manifesto?
1) Appeals to their inherit signature
2) They wanted to be free from the control of organized religion
What was another reason people wanted to remove religion? (Specifically women)
- In many religions women didn’t have the permission to be true members of the church
- They thought men the only ones who understood the bible
What are they trying to do in the second paragraph of the Humanist manifesto?
They are trying to redefine the word religion
📍What are the three truth claims in the Humanist Manifesto?
1) Larger understanding of the universe
2) Scientific advancements
3) Deeper appreciation of brotherhood
📍What does the truth claim “defining their religion of humanity” mean in the Humanist Manifesto?
1) meets adequate social goals
2) meets personal satisfactions
(Communicates a self-centered religion)
Why was the Humanist Manifesto acceptable at that time?(1933)
Because the religion is acceptable because the religion at the time was unacceptable
What was the traditional religion in the western civilization?
What were the 2 examples of conflict in Catholicism?
1) Galileo
2) Martin Luther
What did Galileo do/believe?
He has scientific principles and made scientific advancements that went against the Catholic Church.
- there was a difference between authority of religion and authority of God
- He went against what religion said was real and was persecuted in the 1500’s
At around the time of Galilieo, what was the situation like?
- Constantine was the emperor
- Everyone has to answer to the pope
What did Martin Luther do/believe?
- He went against the church
- He tried to reform the Catholic Church based upon the Biblical Bible
What was the Catholic Church around the time of Martin Luther?
- They were selling heaven to people
- After he died, it turned into a Protestant thing
What were people protesting against religion?
Unjust religious authority
What was the result of the split of religion in Catholicism?
Russia- Orthodox Church
Arabs- Islamic
Jews- only believe in the Old Testament
Explain the founding of America…
Taking over the natives for persecution
📍What happened that was significant in the 1600’s + 1700’s?
- A constant split
- Spain and France remained Catholic
- England turned Protestant
📍What was significant document was presented in the 1700’s?
Declaration of Independence
-concept= all men are created equal, rights if humanity come from God, pursuit of happiness (originally property)
(But they had slaves and women didn’t have equal rights
Where did all of these ideals of the rights of humanity and pursuit of happiness come from?
John Locke
What significant thing happened in 1859?
Darwin’s origin of species (Foundation of evolution)
What significant thing happened in 1861-1865?
The civil war
📍What significant thing happened in 1848?
Communist manifesto (marks and angle) -communicate that capitalism would turn into socialism and then turn into communism
What happened in 1903? (Assassination)
Assassination of the Roman King
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point one…
- The world is self-existing
- There is absolutely no way to know that for sure
- When the world is self-existing the authority is in oneself
- When the world is created, the authority is in the Creator
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 2….
Humanity emerged from nature as part of a continuos process
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 3….
-Organic dualism must be rejected
-Physical being vs. spiritual being contained in a physical body
(You either have faith in one or the other)
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 4….
- You are born into a culture/ religion and you just adapt and believe that…
- it’s just a statement… Do you believe the culture or have an independent mind?
📍Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 5…
- There’s no evidence so we just reject and move forward
- modern science makes a statement of authority
- basis of truth= modern science (evolutionary process)
📍What are the modern science truth statements?
1) unacceptable to have supernatural now if guarantees of human values (because you can’t prove it)
2) Doesn’t deny realities not yet discovered but insists that what exists and what’s real in life is found…
2a) intelligent inquiry (redefines religion)- hope+plan, spirit+method of science
2b) assessment of relate human need
What wrong about science and religion existing for humans?
God doesn’t exist for us and our personal satisfaction
What happens when you accept the truth if the word of God?
You learn to evangelize the word of God
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 6…
- The time has passed for all the “isms”
- Basically religion and philosophy
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 7…
- Reinforces the definition that they’re done of religion
- Humanity is religion
- There is no such thing as sacred or secular
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 8….
-“Purpose of life”
-1) realization of human personality “my life”/ obsession of self
(Not a way to find peace and joy)
-2) develop and fulfillment of the here and now
Why has depression come to a complete rise right now?
Because everything is based on self fulfillment and they are never fully satisfied because that’s not the way it should be
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 9….
- Devalues worship and prayer as unintelligent
- not an intelligent way to live
📍Intelligent emotion list in the 9th point…
1) heightened sense of personal life
2) cooperative effort to promote social well being
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 10….
- They are obstinant
- say that God doesn’t exist and it’s stupid to think so.
📍Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 11…
- You don’t go to God to handle crisis
- depend on knowledge of naturalness (science) and probability (math)
- science and math is how you handle a problem
The things in point 11 are taught where?
1) education
2) custom
Why did the colonists win?
They were fighting for their freedom
Why didn’t the British win?
They were just fighting because they were being TOLD to do so
📍Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 13….
- Religious humanism mission statement
- ALL institutions and associations exist for the fulfillment of human life
- inherent flaw is that it’s not true because when talking about abortion, the baby doesn’t get the fulfillment of human life
What significant event happened in 1973 ?
-Legalization of killing (abortion)
In the 1900’s and 2000’s, who made the greatest advancements in science?
The Nazis during WWII because they used real human beings to test things out
When you are a Christian, what are you well aware of?
You are well aware that you are sinful and selfish
Explain the Humanist Manifesto I point 14….
- Denounces capitalism
- believes in socialism
- 1973 Roe v. Wade + continual war
📍Who were the disagreements against?
Socialist communists vs capitalism
✅What is progressive education?
Repackaging of the same education
What happens when you have the incorrect authority in your life?
Your maturity slows down
Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs…
Top self and self-actualization
-once you reach your best self, you will be able to help others.
What’s being taught?
How to be better at being selfish
What does it mean when you’re not selfish?
You feel responsible for others who you don’t have to be responsible for.
Explain Locke’s book….
“Two treaties on government”
- natural law , gods law super cedes mans law
Explain Alexis de Tocqueville
-French Revolution
-connection between religion and Liberty
Goal= discover gods law
-he believed that slavery went against the very principles of the constitution
Explain connection and Liberty
Did not want to impose God upon society- serve society by following gods law
Explain James Madison’s quote … “ man aren’t Angels, we need the rule of law so….the branches were made for a balance of powers
All man are sinful you can’t give all the power to one person
Explain natural law…
- Blackstone method
- you have to discover gods unmovable law and that’s how you determine what’s legal and what’s not
Who was lanydell…?
President of Harvard
- the law changes as society changes
- changes the definition of a variety of things
What are morals?
How people behave (what is)
📍What are ethics?
Transcendent norm of behavior concept of what (ought to be)
What us empathy?
The ability to see what someone else is feeling
Hat is the scopes trial?
A direct collision or 2 world views
-purposely break the butler act
Why was there an international coverage?
There was an argument of who the authority was
What did Clarence Darrow believe?
What did William Jennings Bryan believe?
Creationism was superior to evolution