Quiz 5 Flashcards
What runs inferiorly to the sustentaculum tali?
groove for flexor hallucis longus
Where does the flexor hallucis longus run through on the talus?
Within the sulcus between the median and lateral tubercles on the posterior surface
What is order of ossification for the cuneiforms?
Lateral, medial, intermediate
The navicular tubercle is points in what direction? What muscle tendon attaches here?
inferioraly and medially
tibialis posterior
What forms the talar angle of declination?
Does the angle increase or decrease during embryonic development?
angle formed by: long axis of talar head and the line parallel to superior/trochlear surface
increases in development
What muscles attach to the medial cuneiform?
tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, and fibularis longus
What accessory bones are on the plantar aspect of the foot?
pars peronea metarsalis I, os tibiale externum (os naviculare accessorium), os vesalianum pedis, os peroneum, os cuboides secondarius
What accessory bone is between the talus, navicular, calcaneus, and cuboid?
os calcaneus secondarius
When does the primary ossification center appear in the distal, middle, and proximal phalanges?
Distal: 9-12 weeks in utero
Proximal: 11-12 weeks in utero
middle: after 15th week in utero
What attaches to the lateral aspect of the 1st metatarsal? Medial aspect?
lateral- fibularis longus
medial- tibialis anterior
What attaches to the promontory of the cuboid?
long plantar ligament
What accessory bones are associated with the navicular?
os talonaviculare dorsale, os intercuneiforme, os tibiale externum
What accessory bone lies between the navicular and cuboid?
os cuboides secondarius