Quiz 4 Flashcards
2 serous membranes covering lungs & lining the thorax.
Parietal pleura
Visceral pleura
Parietal pleura
Attached to thoracic wall
Attaches via the endothoracic fascia
Visceral pleura
Connected to surface of lungs
Pleural cavity
Also called intrapleural space.
Space between visceral and costal pleura.
Filled with pleural fluid (lube for pleurae)
Left & right: separated
Central compartment of thoracic cavity.
Contains: heart, great vessels of heart, esophagus, trachea, thymus, vagus nerves, & lymph nodes of chest
Phrenicopericardial ligament
Ligament between caudal heart & thoracic wall
Located caudally to heart
Lung lobes
Left: cranial (cranial & caudal), caudal lobes
Right: cranial, middle, caudal, accessory
Cranial lobe of right lung
Between 4th & 5th rib space
Veins cranial to heart
Cranial vena cava Brachiocephalic (external jugular & subclavian) Azygos Thoracic duct Right lymphatic duct
Azygos vein
Last vein entering cranial vena cava
Only on right side
Collects all dorsal intercostal veins
Thoracic duct
Lymph drainage from: Viscera Pelvic limb Left thoracic limb Left tracheal trunk into the left brachiocephalic vein
Right lymphatic duct
Lymph drainage from:
Right thoracic limb
Right tracheal trunk
into the right brachiocephalic vein
Arteries cranial to the heart
Aorta; ascending: Brachiocephalic trunk (right & left common carotoid, right subclavian -> vertebral -> costocervical -> internal thoracic -> superficial cervical -> axillary) Left subclavian (vertebral -> costocervical -> internal thoracic -> superficial cervical -> axillary)
Venipuncture sites
Location of blood collection
Cephalic vein & external jugular
(Axillobrachial & omobrachial)
Lymphatic drainage
The thoracic duct is the chief channel for return of lymph in the body
Rami communicantes
Branches of communication between each spinal nerve & sympathetic trunk
Sympathetic ganglion
A concentrated mass of nerve cell bodies
Mainly: cranial sympathetic ganglion, middle cervical ganglion, & sympathetic trunk ganglion)
Sympathetic pathway
Origin: L1-L3; thoracolumbar region
Parts: Preganglionic pathway, ganglion (close to spinal cord), postganglionic pathway (long fibers w/ lots of branching)
Target organs: smooth muscle & gland of pelvic viscera (urinary tract, genitalia, rectum, & anal canal blood vessels & smooth muscle)
Preganglionic pathway of sympathetic pathway
Ventral root, spinal nerve, ramus communicans, sympathetic trunk, lumbar splanchnic nerves, & caudal mesenteric plexus
Ganglion of sympathetic pathway
Caudal mesenteric ganglion
Postganglionic pathway of sympathetic pathway
Left/right hypogastric nerve to pelvic plexus, branches to pelvic viscera from pelvic plexus
Parasympathetic pathway
Origin: craniosacral region
Parts: preganglionic pathway, ganglion (close to target organs), & postganglionic pathway (short fibers w/ little branching)
Target organs of pelvic viscera: smooth muscle & glands of pelvic viscera (urinary tract, genitalia, descending colon, rectum, & anal canal blood vessels)
Preganglionic pathway of parasympathetic pathway
Ventral root, spinal nerve, ventral primary branch, lumbosacral nerve plexus, pelvic nerve, & pelvic plexus
Ganglion of parasympathetic pathway
Pelvic ganglia
Postganglionic pathway of parasympathetic pathway
Direct branches from pelvic plexus to pelvic viscera
Chambers of the heart
Earlike appendage of each atrium
Pectinate muscle
Two superior chamber of the heart
Receive the blood
Right side divided into: sinus venarum & right auricle
Two lower chambers (pumping chambers)
Parts: chordae tendinae, papillary muscles, trabeculae carneae, trabecula septomarginalis
Valves of the heart
Direct flow of blood in one direction:
Atrioventricular valve
Right: tricuspid valve (cusps: angular, parietal, septal)
Left: bicuspid/mitral valve (cusps: parietal, septal)
Semilunar valve
Half-moon shaped flaps
Grow from lining of pulmonary artery & aorta.
Pulmonary trunk -> pulmonary semilunar valve
Aorta -> aortic semilunar valve
Blood circulation into heart
Vena cava (cranial & caudal), azygos, & coronary sinus -> r. atria -> r. atrioventricular valve -> r. ventricle -> pulmonary semilunar valve -> pulmonary trunk
Blood circulation out of heart
Pulmonary artery (left & right) -> pulmonary valve -> l. atria -> l. atrioventricular valve -> l. ventricle -> aortic semilunar valve -> aorta
Conduction of heart
Cardiac muscle of conduction (only one: others are contraction m.)
Sinoatrial node -> atrioventricular node -> atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His) -> purkinje fibers
Sinoatrial node (SA node)
Hundreds of cells located in r. atrial wall
Near superior vena cava
Atrioventricular node
Special cardiac tissue
Located in r. atrium along lower part of interatrial septum
Atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His) + Purkinje fibers
Special cardiac fibers originating in AV node
Extend down septum.
Turn into PF at lateral walls of ventricles & papillary m.
Fetal heart
Foramen ovale
Ductus arteriosus
Ductus venosus
Foramen ovale
Shunt allowing blood to enter l. atrium from r. atrium. Bypasses pulmonary circulation.
Closes after birth: becomes fossa ovalis
Fossa ovalis
Closed foramen ovale
Ductus arteriosus
Shunt connecting pulmonary artery to aortic arch. Alllow blood from r. ventricle to bypass fetus’ fluid-filled lungs. Closes after birth: becomes ligamentum arteriosum
Ligamentum arteriosum
Closed ductus arteriosus
Ductus venosus
Shunts a portion of l. umbilical vein blood to descending vena cava. Allows O. blood from placenta to bypass liver.
Closes after birth: becomes ligamentum venosum
Ligamentum venosum
Closed ductus venosus
Major arteries of thoracic limb
Arteries branching from subclavian artery
Vertebral Costocervical Internal thoracic Superficial cervical Axillary
Arteries branching from axillary artery
External thoracic
Lateral thoracic
Subscapular -> (thoracodorsal, caudal circumflex humeral)
Cranial circumflex humeral
Arteries branching from brachial artery
Deep brachial Bicipital Collateral ulnar Superficial brachial Common interosseus -> (cranial & caudal interosseous, ulnar) Deep antebrachial?
Arteries branching from median artery
Deep antebrachial?
Cephalic vein
Injection site & blood collection site on thoracic limb
Runs along cranial surface of antebrachium -> deep of cleidobrachialis m. -> external jugular vein
Nerves of thoracic limb
Suprascapular Subscapular Musculocutaneous Axillary Thoracodorsal Radial Median Ulnar
Suprascapular nerve
Origin: C6-7
Innervation: suprasinatus, infraspinatus
Subscapular nerve
Origin: C6-7
Innervation: subscapularis
Musculocutaneous nerve
Origin: C6-8
Innervation: corocobrachialis, bicips brachii, brachialis
Axillary nerve
Origin: C7-8
Innervation: teres major & minor, deltoideus, subscapularis
Thoracodorsal nerve
Origin: C7-8, T1
Innervation: latissimus dorsi
Radial nerve
Origin: C7-8, T1-2
Innervation: triceps brachii, tensor fasciae, antebrachii, anconeus, common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor, supinator, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis, ulnaris lateralis, abductor digit I longus
Median nerve
Origin: C8, T1-2
Innervation: Pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, superficial digital flexor, pronator quadratus
Ulnar nerve
Origin: C8, T1-2
Innervation: Flexor carpi ulnaris, deep digital flexor (ulnar & humeral heads)
Internal thoracic artery
Ends in the musculophrenic artery & cranial epigastric artery