Quiz 3 Flashcards
Pelvic symphysis
Seconday cartiliginous joint which ossifies with age. Begins at pubis & moves caudally.
Join the pubis and ischium.
Sacro-iliac joints
Combine synovial joint with adjacent fibrous union.
Allow firm joint with shock absorption.
Sacrotuberous ligament
Dog: stout cord which runs from transverse processes of S3&Cd1 to lateral angle of ischiatic tuberosity.
Point of attachment for biceps femoris m. & others
Cat: absent
Ball-&-socket joint
Hip joint.
Main movements are flexion & extension.
Ligament of femoral head
Thick band of collagenous tissue.
Extends from acetabular fossa to fovea capitis.
Prevents dislocation of hip joint.
Transverse acetabular ligament
Small band, extends from one side of acetabular notch to other.
Continues the acetabular lip
Acetabular lip
Deepens the acetabulum to keep femur head solidly in place
Ligaments of knee
1&2. Cranial & caudal cruciate 3. Meniscofemoral 4. Transverse 5&6. Lateral & medial femoropatellar 7&8. Lateral & medial collateral 9. Patellar
Knee joint.
Comprised of three bones: femur, tibia, & patella
Axial skeleton
Includes skull, hyoid apparatus, vertebrae, ribs, & sternum
Appendicular skeleton
Bones of the limbs & their joints
How many bones of the vertebral column?
~ 50 irregular bone
What is the function of the vertebral column?
Aid in locomotion: link thoracic and pelvic limb & provide direction and support for locomotor system
Protect the spinal cord
What are the vertebral groups
Cervical (C) (7) Thoracic (T) (13) Lumbar (L) (7) Sacral (S) (3 - fused) Caudal (Cd) (~20 - depends on breed)
Body of vertebrae
Cranial side = convex
Caudal side = concave
Intervertebral disks
Intervertebral disks
Fibrous joints between bodies
Comprised of: nucleus pulposus & anulus fibrosus
Function: absorb shock & allow movement
Vertebral arch
Two parts: pedicles (basal part) & laminae (dorsal part)
Vertebral foramen
Vertebral arch + body
Vertebral canal
All vertebral foramina
Intervertebral foramina
Small holes which pass the spinal nerve & blood vessels
Spinous processes
Located dorsally
The “spine”
Transverse processes
Projects laterally from area where arch joins body
Transverse foramen
Short canal that pass obliquely through transverse process.
Contain vertebral a. & v.
Articular processes
Articulates with ribs.
Two on each side of vertebra: cranial pair & caudal pair
Prevent lateral movement
Transverse process form wings
No spinous process
Form atlanto-occipital joint: hinge joint (“yes”)
Elongated spinous process
Form atlanto-axial joint: pivot joint (“no”)
Thoracic vertebrae
T1-T9 have spinous process
T12 & T13 have different shape
Articulate with ribs
Lumbar vertebrae
Spinous process are blunt
Transverse process are prominent & directed cranially
Sacral vertebrae
Articulate with ilia
Composed of 8 unpaired segments (sternebrae)
Joined by intersternbral cartilages
First sternebrae
Xiphoid process
Eighth sternebrae
Which ribs articulate with sternum?
True ribs (sternal ribs) Dogs/cats = ribs 1-9 (9 pairs) Horses = ribs 1-8 (8 pairs)
Which ribs form costal arch?
False ribs (asternal ribs) Dogs/cats = ribs 10-12 (3 pairs) Horse = ribs 9-18 (10 pairs)
Floating rib
No attachment (form of asternal ribs) Dogs/cats = rib 13 (1 pair) Horse = rib 19 (1 pair)
How are ribs numbered?
Based on thoracic vertebrae they articulate with
Supraspinous ligament
Ligament running along tips of spinous processes
Interspinous ligament
Ligament between spinous processes
Nuchal ligament
Strong band of connective tissue between spinous processes
Relieves epaxial muscles
Dog: C2-T1
Horse/ox: Extensive. Consists of funicular (from skull) and lamellar (from T2-3) parts
Epaxial muscles
Lie dorsal to transverse processes of T & L vertebrae.
Consist of Transversospinalis system, longissimus system, and iliocostalis system.
Hypaxial muscles
Located ventral to transverse processes
Consist of neck, thorax, and abdominal wall muscles
Neck muscles
- Longus capitis
2. Longus colli
Thorax (thoracic wall)
- Scalenus
- Rectus thoracis
- Serratus ventralis (cervicis & thoracis)
- Serratus dorsalis (cranialis & caudalis)
- External intercostals (run caudoventrally)
- Internal intercostals (run cranioventrally)
Abdominal wall
- External abdominal oblique (inguinal canal)
- Internal abdominal oblique (caudal border fibers forms cremaster m. in male)
- Transversus abdominis (fibers run transversely)
- Rectus abdominis (in the umbilical region)
Prepubic tendon
Strong fibrous structure attached to cranial border of pubic bones
Inguinal canal
Passageway for abdominal structures out of abdomen.
Between deep and superficial inguinal rings
Transversospinalis system
- splenius
2. Semispinalis capitis (biventer cervicis, complexus)
Longissimus system
- Thoracis et lumborum
- Cervicis
- Capitis
Iliocostalis system
- Lumborum
2. Thoracis
Muscles of inspiration
- Sternocephalicus
- Scalenus
- Rectus thoracis
- Serratus dorsalis (cranial)
- External intercostals
- Diaphragm
Muscles of expiration
- External abdominal oblique
- Internal abdominal oblique
- Transversus abdominis
- Serratus ventralis
- Serratus dorsalis (caudal)
- Internal intercostals
- Rectus abdominis
- Diaphragm
Cranial nerves
12 major pairs in head. Arise from brain and emerge through holes in skull
Peripheral nerves
Paired nerves from spinal cord that exit from vertebral column through spaces between vertebrae
Sensory nerves
Afferent nerves
Carry info from periphery of body to spinal cord/brain
Ex. olfactory nerve
Motor nerves
Efferent nerves
Transmit impulses from brain/spinal cord to periphery
Ex. Accessory nerve
Mixed nerves
Composed of both motor and sensory fibers
Ex. Spinal nerves
Structure of nerves
Basic unit: neuron
Components: cell body, dendrites, axon (myelin sheath), and nerve terminal
Spinal cord nerves
Leave spinal cord via intervertebral foramen behind each vertebrae. Depends on species Dog: Cervical (8) Thoracic (13) Lumbar (7) Sacral (3) Caudal (5)
Cervical spinal nerves
- Accessory nerve: Cr 11
- C2
- C3
- C4
- C5
Intercostal arteries
Divide into ventral & dorsal branches.
Combine where dorsal a. & v. pass ventrally to ventral a. & v.
Run caudally of each rib
Ventral branches of intercostal arteries
Come from internal thoracic a. & v.
Dorsal branches of intercostal arteries
First 3: come from costocervical a.
Last 9: come from aorta
Deep vessels of thoracic wall
- Subclavian a.
- Internal thoracic a.
- Musculophrenic a.
- Cranial epigastric a.
- Cranial superficial epigrastric a.
Mammary glands
Blood supply from internal thoracic a.: cranial & caudal thoracic
Blood supply from cranial & caudal superficial epigastric a.: cranial & caudal abdominal and inguinal