Quiz 4 Flashcards
Respiratory System
- Obtains oxygen from the environment and brings it to the bloodstream
- Organs are found in or derived from pharynx in most vertebrates
- Gills are the typical respiratory organs in fishes that reside on the walls of pharyngeal slits
Development of Pharyngeal Slits
- Occur between the pharynx (anterior part of the archenteron) and the outside world
- Occurs through the pocketing of the endoderm and ectoderm until they meet and form a passage
Pharyngeal Slits in Jawed Fishes
Consists of five slits and an optional spiracle
- Sharks have several interbranchial septa, branchial adductors and separate openings for each arch
Pharyngeal Slits in Cyclostomes
- Spherical pouches rather than vertical slits, with small circular external openings
- Each pouch opens individually to the outside
- Lampreys have a horizontal separation between the “esophagus” an respiratory portion of the pharynx; can be isolated using a flap-like velum
- When just swimming around, the velum is open, but when feeding it would close otherwise the liquid food (blood) could pass out through the slits
- Hagfish have no internal distinction because they eat solid food
Pharyngeal Slits in Teleosts
- Operculum is present, making a single opening instead of 5-6
- More efficient system than that in sharks because as much water as possible passes over the surface of gill lamellae
- Lamellae are densely packed and cross one another
Respiratory System in Tetrapods
- Gills are lost and respiration usually occurs via lungs
- Perform the same function as gills but are not homologous
- Pharynx is smaller and functionally is less important, but still involved
- Lungs form ventrally from the pharynx, through the glottis which gives way to a series of tubes that carry air to the lungs
Organ in teleosts that resembles lungs
- Dorsal instead of ventral in position
- Not used for gas exchange but as a hydrostatic organ to alter buoyancy
- Retains attachment to the pharynx in most bony fishes but this is lost in advanced teleosts
- Used to be thought that the swimbladder was primitive and lungs advanced, but is more reasonably the other way around (some primitive fish have lungs)
Sacs formed from the ventral side of the pharynx
- Not very efficient: air goes in and out of the same tube, so there is always some unexpelled deoxygenated air
- More derived and active tetrapods have increased complexity and surface area
- Gas exchange at the alveolus
Tubes that branch from the trachea and split into bronchioles
Tubes that branch from the bronchi and split into the alveoli
Tubes that branch from the bronchioles
- Where gas exchange occurs
Respiratory System of Birds
Very complex and efficient, more so in mammals
- Can be active at lower concentrations of oxygen than mammals
- Lung is compact but there are several continuations of the respiratory system in the form of air sacs
- Air sacs are variably distributed throughout the trunk and even in some bones
- Air enters the system, goes to the posterior air sacs, enters the lungs (where exchange occurs), and then moves to anterior air sacs before being expelled
- No alveoli
- Parabronchi: tiny tubes for air exchange
- Air is constantly moving unidirectionally so very little “wasted” air
Birds: 2 Cycle System
Cycle 1
- First inhalation: air goes to posterior air sacs
- First exhalation: air moves from post. air sacs to lungs
Cycle 2
- Second inhalation: air moves from the lungs to the anterior air sacs
- Second inhalation: air moves from anterior air sacs to the trachea and out
Cutaneous Respiration
Many vertebrates have the capacity for gas exchange through skin and/or internal surfaces
- Usually limited and an accessory function
- Most amphibians can conduct the majority of their gas exchange this way
- Lungless salamanders can do all gas exchange this way
- Lungs tend to be less complex in animals that do this
Digestive System
System involved in obtaining nutrients from the world
- Main organs are specializations of the digestive tract or tube
Functions of the Digestive System
- Transport
- Takes food from where it is obtained to where it is treated/absorbed
- Residue is removed - Mechanical Digestion
- Physical treatment of food done by action of the visceral muscles surrounding the gut
- Peristalsis: wave-like contractions
- Reduces food for chemical digestion - Chemical Digestion
- Breakdown of food into molecule components for absorption - Absorption
- Substances pass through the gut wall and into the cardiovascular or lymphatic vessels
Is divided into different parts
- In humans: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum
- In many vertebrates, the gut is divided into thirds: foregut, midgut, hindgut; but this is not applicable to all
- Almost always possible to recognize the pylorus, in which case there are two parts: foregut and hindgut
Constriction at the beginning of the small intestine
Includes the pharynx, esophagus and stomach
- Distinction between pharynx and esophagus is mainly in gross morphology
- Takes the food to where it is treated
- Little chemical digestion; many tetrapods have enzymes in their saliva
- Simple tube with no stomach in amphioxus, cyclostomes and some fish
- Other fishes have a stomach but the esophagus is short and ill defined
- Esophagus is prominent but remains a simple tube in tetrapods; specializations in some
- Some birds have a crop
- Where gill pouches occur in the embryo
- Boundary between esophagus and stomach often indistinct
Connection to the stomach from the pharynx
- Fairly thin pipe
Large sac
- Sphincter present in higher vertebrates
Essentially consists of the intestine
- May come in different forms
- Valvular intestine in sharks
- Subdivision of large and small typical of mammals
- Usually does most of the chemical digestion and absorption
Small Intestine
Consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum
- Length after the first loop of the small intestine is more or less equally subdivided
- This is where most of the absorption occurs
First loop of the small intestine
Ileocecal Valve
The separation between the small and large intestine
Large Intestine/Colon
Shorter, but wider than the small intestine
- May be subdivided: ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
- Rectum or cloaca may be present at the end
- Mainly functions in storage and water resorption
Includes the exits of other systems
Exit for the digestive system only
Outpocketing of the digestive tract that may be variably developed
- Typically between the small and large intestines
- Usually one in mammals, two in birds
- Some fish have it between the stomach and intestine
- Size is variable
Sac on the side of the esophagus for temporary food storage
Arises in jawed vertebrates with the beginning of carnivory
- Has glands that produce enzymes: gastric juices used for chemical digestion
Main Functions:
- Dump for food in order to feed it to the intestine at a constant rate
- Peristaltic contractions help reduce food size
Some specializations
Bird Stomach
Two part stomach
- Proximally: proventriculus
- Distally: gizzard
Glandular part of the stomach in birds
- Proximal
- Secretes gastric juices to aid in digestion
Thick, muscular portion of the stomach in birds
- Distal
- Contains grit and sometimes small pebbles that have been intentionally digested
- Grit/pebbles help grind large, harder foodstuffs
Also present in crocodilians
Ruminant Stomach
Four-chambered; part esophagus, part stomach
- Other mammals have complex stomachs but in a different arrangement
- Part of a fermentation system
- One or more chambers support microorganisms that carry out digestion of cellulose plant cell walls because plant material is low in energy and difficult to process
- Rumen
- Reticulum
- Omasum
- Abomasum
Rumen and reticulum function as fermentation chambers; material (cud) is regurgitated and chewed again to produce finer particles. Swallowed again into the omasum and abomasum
Walls of the chamber can absorb nutrients
Methods of Increasing the Surface Area of the Intestine
- Lengthen
- Longer tube = more surface area
- Mainly in teleosts and tetrapods - Spiral Valve
- Lengthens and slows passage
- Typical of primitive jawed fishes
- Typhlosole of lamprey may be related - Ceca
- Outgrowth(s) along the intestine
- Variable and common - Rough Surface
- Fingerlike projections of the internal lining of the intestine (villi)
- Microvilli: projections on individual cells
- Begins in the embryo as an inpocketing of ectoderm (stomodeum)
- The boundary between the ectoderm and endoderm breaks down, completing the passage
- Mouth consists only of the opening
Oral Cavity
Posterior to the mouth, also forms from the stomodeum
- Includes Rathke’s pouch and nasal pit, both of which migrate variably in different organisms
Rathke’s Pouch
A.K.A. Hypophyseal Pouch
- Middorsal pit in the roof of the stomodeum
- Helps form the hypophysis (pituitary gland)
Nasal Pit
A.K.A. Nasal placode
- Formed from the olfactory epithelium
Present within the oral cavity
- True tongue is mobile, muscular, forms from the hypobranchial musculature and its base hyoid apparatus
- Primary tongue of fishes, not muscular
- Rasping tongue of cyclostomes is not the same
Primary Use
- Manipulation of food
- Intraoral transport
- Swallowing
Other Uses (Develops)
- Obtain food (frogs, many lizards, salamanders, anteaters, etc.)
- Birds have very long tongues that loop around the head and attach to the rostrum
Taste Buds: sensory organs responsive to chemicals
Vomeronasal Organ
Organ in the oral cavity that is implicated both pheromone and prey detection
- Tongues may participate; i.e. tongue flicking in lizards and snakes
Oral Glands
Various types are present
- Most fish lack oral glands other than a few that secrete mucus
- Lampreys have a pair of large glands that secrete anticoagulant
- Oral glands are common in terrestrial vertebrates (salivary glands lubricate food)
- Mammals and some amphibians produce digestive enzymes in the mouth (amylase)
- From enzymes come POISON
Glands in the Pharynx
E.g. thyroid, thymus
Produces several hormones that are important in metabolism, growth, reproduction and development of the nervous system
- Begins as a midventral outgrowth of the pharynx then loses connection with it
- Formed of follicles that are scattered in the pharynx in most fishes; discrete gland in tetrapods
- Usually migrates a fair distance posteriorly, more and more in more derived organisms
Part of the immune system and attacks various kinds of microbes
- Develops from some pharyngeal pouches in all vertebrates
- Located at the base of the neck
- Invaded by stem cells that differentiate into lymphocytes that then circulate in the blood and enter the lymph nodes and other lymphoid
- Most prominent in the young and tends to become reduced in older individuals
Teeth in Lampreys
Not true teeth, but tooth-like denticles
- Associated with the mouth and rasping tongue
- Keratinized and cone-like
True Teeth
Present in Gnathostomes
- Secondarily lost in some
- Usually a marginal series but may be scattered instead of simply restricted to the jaw margin
- Both epidermal and dermal origin
- Homodont in fishes and reptiles, heterodont in mammals
- Composed of a crown, root, pulp cavity; made of enamel, dentine and cementum
Teeth are loosely attached to the jaw and are attached to it by ligaments
- Teleosts, Sphenodon
Teeth are half in a socket
- Many lizards
Teeth are deeply set in the jaw
- Mammals, archosaurian reptiles
Teeth are continuously replaced
- Most lower vertebrates
- Replacement is not random but is complex and comes in successive waves of replacement
- Adjacent teeth are replaced out of phase with one another, ensuring no areas of the jaw are never devoid of teeth
Two sets of teeth
- Most mammals
One set of teeth that are never replaced
- Toothed whales, sloths
Space in the thoracic cavity that contains various organs and structures
- Begins as two spaces that later partially merge
- Gut forms from the endoderm
- Coelom forms from the hypomere (mesoderm), which splits internally to pouches that expand to form two large bilateral spaces
- Mesoderm: connective tissues, muscles, peritoneum, mesodermal epithelium
- Lateral Hypomere: parietal peritoneum (somatopleure, somatic mesoderm + ectoderm)
- Medial Hypomere: visceral peritoneum (splanchnopleure, splancnic mesoderm + endoderm)
- Left & right coelomic cavities initially separated by the dorsal and ventral mesenteries (splanchnic peritoneum)
- Dorsal mesentery persists in adults and serves as the passage for vessels and nerves
- Ventral mesentery mostly disappears, which make the coelomic cavities merge
Pericardial Cavity
Forms from the anteroventral part of the coelomic cavity
- Cavity is initially open but during development a transverse septum develops from mesenchyme
- Cavity is pushed back in tetrapods by the development of the neck
- Extension of the transverse septum (pleuropericardinal membrane) develops to cover the cavity dorsally
Pleural Cavity
Separates the lungs from both the coelom and the pericardial cavity
- Mammals, turtles, some lizards, crocodiles, birds
- In mammals, pleuroperitoneal membrane becomes the diaphragm and transverse septum becomes the central tendon
Two apposed sheets of splanchnic hypomere
- Secure the integrity of cavities, define spaces for organ activity, isolate organs from one another
Ventral Mesentery
Area for expansion for the liver (which is a ventral outgrowth of the gut)
- This creates two distinct mesenteries: the lesser omentum and the falciform ligament
- Falciform ligament is the only remnant of the ventral mesentery in an adult
Dorsal Mesentery
More prominent than the ventral and becomes quite complex
- In the general sense, there are many mesenteries, but in a strict sense there is also THE mesentery, which surrounds the small intestine
- Mesocolon: supports large intestine
- Mesorectum: supports the rectum
- Mesogaster: AKA greater omentum, supports the stomach
Omental Bursa
Forms from an expansion of the mesogaster during development
- Drapes ventrally over viscera, partly due to rotation of the gut
- Contains a lot of an individual’s fat
- Contains potential space: the lesser peritoneal cavity
- Entrance is the gastroepiploic foramen
Largest gland of the gut
- Typically divided into lobes
- Supplied by the hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, drained by hepatic veins
- Develops as a ventral outgrowth of the anterior part of the intestine (endodermal)
- Transverse septum forms the serosa of the liver and coronary ligament
- Connects to gut via the hepatic ducts that lead bile there
Bile System
- Bile is produced in the liver
- Carried away by hepatic ducts
- Merge with cystic duct from the gall bladder
- Common bile duct carries bile to the gut
Gall Bladder
Holds a reserve of bile that can be sent to the gut when needed
Functions of the Liver
- Storage and manufacturing centre of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats of the body; receives and converts most food that enters the body
- Production of red blood cells (early fetal stages)
- Destruction of old blood cells
- Detoxification and removal of toxic substances from the blood
- Produces bile, parts of which acts as emulsifiers to help break down fats and make them soluble in water and digestable
Produces enzymes/proenzymes and hormones
- Common to all vertebrates but not always a discrete gland
- Within the dorsal mesentery to the stomach and intestine
- Begins as two outgrowths of the intestine (dorsal and ventral
- One or more ducts lead to the duodenum
- Exocrine function: produces alkaline mix of enzymes and proenzymes
- Endocrine function (scattered throughout exocrine): produce insulin and glucagon, both important for controlling glucose levels
Islets of Langerhans
AKA Pancreatic Islets
Parts of the pancreas scattered through the exocrine portion that produce glucose-regulating hormones
Major hemopoetic organ (at least in embryo)
- Not a gland or part of the digestive system, just in the area
- Also functions in defence, storage and destruction of blood cells
- Derives embryologically from gut endoderm
- Loses hemopoetic function in mammals
- Origin: supraspinous fossa of scapula
- Insertion: greater tuberosity of humerus
- Action: extends humerus
- Origin: infraspinous fossa of scapula
- Insertion: greater tuberosity of humerus
- Action: rotates humerus laterally
Teres major
- Origin: posterior border of scapula, dorsal third
- Insertion: medial surface of humerus via tendon in common latissimus dorsi
- Action: flexes and medially rotates the humerus
Teres minor
- Origin: posterior border of scapula, distal to glenoid fossa
- Insertion: greater tuberosity of humerus
- Action: flexes and laterally rotates humerus
- Origin: posterior cervical and anterior thoracic vertebrae
- Insertion: distal border of scapula, distal portion
- Action: draws scapula toward vertebral column
Rhomboideus capitis
- Origin: medial portion of nuchal crest
- Insertion: dorsal border of scapula, anterior
- Action: rotates and draws scapula anteriorly
Serratus ventralis
- Origin: transverse processes of C3-C7
- Insertion: medial surface of scapula, near dorsal border
- Action: draws scapula anteroventrally
- Origin: lateral surface of R1-R9/R10
- Insertion: medial edge of scapula, near dorsal border
- Action: draws scapula ventrally, helps support trunk on forelimb
- Origin: subscapular fossa of scapula
- Insertion: lesser tuberosity of humerus
- Action: adducts humerus
- Origin: coracoid process of scapula
- Insertion: media surface of proximal end of humerus
- Action: adducts humerus
Biceps brachii
- Origin: small tubercle at dorsal margin of glenoid fossa of scapula (via tendon)
- Insertion: bicipital tuberosity of radius (by tendon)
- Action: flexes antebrachium
Medial head of the triceps brachii
- Origin: shaft of humerus
- Insertion: olecranon process of ulna (common tendon with lateral and long heads)
- Action: extend antebrachium
- Origin: mastoid process of temporal and jugular process of occipital
- Insertion: venteromedial surface of dentary
- Action: depresses mandible
External intercostals
- Origin: posterior margin of a rib
- Insertion: anterior margin of the adjacent posterior rib
- Action: protracts ribs, increasing the diameter of the thorax
External oblique
- Origin: posterior 9-10 ribs and lumbodorsal fascia
- Insertion: mainly linea alba (sternum to pubis, via aponeurosis)
- Action: constricts abdomen
- Origin: medial surface of dentary
- Insertion: tongue, posterior fibers on basihyoid and ceratohyoid
- Action: depresses tongue, draws root anteriorly, curls tip of tongue ventrally
- Origin: ventromedial surface of dentary (just posterior to symphysis)
- Insertion: ventral surface of basihyoid
- Action: draws hyoid anteriorly
- Origin: lateral part of ventral surface of basihyoid
- Insertion: tongue
- Action: depresses and retracts tongue
- Origin: lateral surface of ribs
- Insertion: lateral surface of more anterior ribs
- Action: draws ribs together
Internal intercostals
- Origin: anterior margin of a rib
- Insertion: posterior margin of the adjacent anterior rib
- Action: retracts ribs, decreasing diameter of thorax