Quiz 3 Flashcards
Annular Cartilage (lamprey)
Ring-like structure that forms the main skeletal element of the oral funnel
Chondrocranium (lamprey)
Formed from endocranial elements
Partly encloses the brain and sense organs and has cartilages that extend anteriorly to support the annular cartilage
Lingual Cartilage (lamprey)
Median cartilage that extends posteriorly from the annual cartilage, ventral to the chondrocranium
Supports the rasping tongue
Branchial Basket (lamprey)
Network of cartilages that extends posterior and connected to the chondrocranium
Supports the pharyngeal region
Pericardial Cartilage (lamprey)
Crescent-shaped cartilage at the posterior end of the branchial basket
- Lies on the posterior wall of the pericardial cavity
Main differences between lamprey and higher fish pharyngeal skeletons
- In lampreys, the structure is a connected network, not separate arches
- In lampreys, it is connected to the pericardial cartilage
- Branchial basket in lampreys lies superficially, just beneath the skin and lateral to the gills, rather than deep and medial to the gills
Notochord (lamprey)
Axial support for the body
Extends from beneath the posterior part of the brain to the tip of the tail
Representation of vertebrae in the lamprey
Lie dorsal to the notochord on either side of the spinal cord
Large, triangular bony plate on the pharyngeal region, covers the gills
J-shaped bone that lies anterior to the operculum
- Has a fringe of serrations on the posterior edge
Bone that lies posteroventral to the operculum
Rounded bone that lies ventral o the preoperculum
Branchial Arches (fish)
Lie deep to the opercular bones and support the gills
Frontal (fish)
Forms much of the skull roof and roofs the orbit
Parietal (fish)
Bone that lies posterior to the frontal
Lacrimal (fish)
Large (ish) bone that forms the anteroventral margin of the orbit
Maxilla (fish)
Slender bone that articulates to the anteroventral part of the lacrimal and the posterior part of the dentary; posterior end is embedded in soft tissue
Premaxilla (fish)
Most anterior bone of the upper jaw that articulates with the other premaxilla and the nasal and maxilla
Bears teeth on the anteroventral side
Is projected forward during opening of the mouth in derived actinopterygians
Nasal (fish)
Thin bone that extends anterior from the frontal
Comparison of bones in fish and other vertebrates
Should be noted that bones with the same name are not homologous with one another
- Frontal in fish = parietal in tetrapods
- Parietal in fish = postparietal in tetrapods
Supports the jaw onto the rest of the skull in fishes
Consists of three bones:
- Hyomandibular (dorsal)
- Metapterygoid
- Quadrate (ventral, articulates with lower jaw)
Forms most of the posterior end of the lower jaw, articulates with the quadrate of the upper jaw
Two parts:
- Angular is large, flat, superficial component
- Articular is medial and endochondral
Dentary (fish)
Can be seen anterior to the anguloarticular
Bears teeth
Small endochondral ossification that lies posteroventrally on the lower jaw
Vertebral Column (Fish)
Consists of trunk and caudal vertebrae
- Each vertebra has a centrum as its main body
- All vertebrae have elongated dorsal neural spines
Caudal Vertebrae
Vertebrae of the tail
- Have elongated hemal spines ventrally
Trunk Vertebrae
Vertebrae anterior to the tail
- Bear ribs, both dorsal and ventral
Fish Ribs
Ventral Ribs
- Prominent
- Curve ventrally and form the myosepta adjacent to the body cavity
Dorsal Ribs
- Extend laterally
- More delicate, are attached via ligaments to the posterior surface of more anterior ventral ribs
- Often missing in prepared specimens
Dorsal Fins
Anterior and Posterior
Supported by thin, elongated fin rays
- Termed spines if they are ossified (all anterior rays, first two posterior)
- Termed soft fin rays if not ossified and may branch distally (remaining posterior)
- Each is supported at the base by a radial perygiophore
Radial Pterygiophore
Ventrally tapered bony element that underlies each fin ray in the anterior and posterior dorsal fins
- Extends ventrally into the connective tissue between two neural spines
Anal Fin
Lies along the midventral line, opposite to the posterior dorsal fin
- First two fin rays are spines, remaining are soft rays
- Radial pterygiophores support these rays by extending dorsally; anterior few fuse into large element that attaches to ventral rib(s) behind which hemal spines begin
Caudal Fin
Supported by soft fin rays that form a homocercal tail in the perch
Last few neural spines
Flattened hemal spines of the last few caudal vertebrae, immediately posterior and ventral to the uroneurals
Provide most of the support for the fin rays of the caudal fin
Modified neural spines that are unattached to vertebrae
Provide some support for the dorsal part of the caudal fin
Dorsoventrally elongated bone that lies deep to the (sub)operculum and extends to the ventral midline to articulate with the opposite cleithrum
Main supporting element of the pectoral girdle
Articulates ventrally with the cleithrum and anterodorsally to the posttemporal
Bone that is attached to the posterior end of the skull and articulates posteroventrally to the supracleithrum
Large element of the shoulder girdle that lies dorsal to the procoracoid
Large element of the shoulder girdle that lies ventral to the scapula
Elongated, triangular bone that extends dorsoventrally beneath the pectoral fin
- Widened end lies deep to the cleithrum
- Tapers ventrally, passing medial to the fin and extends towards the pelvic fin
Radial Pterygiophores (Pectoral Fin)
Extend from the scapula or procoracoid and distally articulate with the soft fin rays
Paired triangular plates of bones that are oriented anteroposteriorly and form the pelvic girdle
- Wide base located posteriorly
- Tapers and passes dorsal to the articulation between the two cleithra anteriorly
Pelvic Fin
Fin rays each attach directly to the posterior end of a basipterygium
- Are all soft fin rays except for the medial ray
Premaxillae (mudpuppy)
Paired, most anterior part of the skull/upper jaw
Frontals (mudpuppy)
Paired, large bones immediately posterior to the premaxillae
Parietals (mudpuppy)
Paired, large bones posterior to the frontals
- Has long slender anterior projection that extends lateral to the frontals
Antorbital Processes (mudpuppy)
Paired, cartilaginous
Part of the chondrocranium
Project laterally near the anterior end of the parietal bones
- Project from the trabecular cartilage
Vomer (mudpuppy)
Modified to take on the role of the maxilla (which the mudpuppy lacks)
- Forms the anterolateral margin of the skull
Palatopterygoid (mudpuppy)
Forms the central part of the lateral margin of the skull
- Posterior to the antorbital process
- Compound element formed from the palatine and pterygoid
Prootic (mudpuppy)
Paired bone that contributes to the otic capsule
Lies lateral to the parietal, near the suture of the parietals and frontals
Opisthotic (mudpuppy)
Paired bone that contributes to the otic capsule
Lies posterior to the squamosal
Fenestra Ovalis (mudpuppy)
Contained within a cartilaginous region that lies between the prootic and opisthotic
Squamosal (mudpuppy)
Extends anterolaterally from the opisthotic to form the posterolateral margin of the skull
Quadrate (mudpuppy)
Articulates with the squamosal posteriorly and the palatopterygoid anteriorly
- Inclines anteroventrally
- Forms the jaw joint at its articulation with the mandible
Quadrate Cartilage (mudpuppy)
Cartilaginous bridge from the anterior end of the quadrate to the lateral margin of the parietal
Columella (mudpuppy)
Disc-shaped bone that lies anterior to the opisthotic and covers the cartilaginous region between the opisthotic and prootic
- Covers the fenestra ovalis
- Has a small stylus projecting from its lateral surface
Transmits vibrations to the inner ear
Foramen Magnum (mudpuppy)
Large opening on the posterior surface of the skull
- Spinal cord passes through it
Exoccipitals (mudpuppy)
Paired, form the posterior part of the skull, lateral and ventral to the foramen magnum
- Each contains an occipital condyle
Parasphenoid (mudpuppy)
Large, triangular, plate-like bone that forms most of the skull’s ventral surface
Ethmoid Plate (mudpuppy)
Cartilaginous plate anterior on the chondrocranium
- Visible anterior to the parasphenoid in ventral view
Chondrocranium (mudpuppy)
Consists of:
- Basal plate
- Exoccipital
- Opisthotic
- Synotic tectum
- Prootic
- Parachordal plate
- Quadrate
- Quadrate cartilage
- Fenestra communis
- Ethmoid plate
- Trabecular horn
- Antorbital process
- Trabecular cartilage
Synotic Tectum
Thin cartilaginous bridge that connects the left and right otic capsules
Basal Plate (mudpuppy)
Cartilaginous bridge between the left and right exoccipitals
Parachordal Plate (mudpuppy)
Cartilaginous plate that extends anteriorly from each otic capsule
Trabecular Cartilages (mudpuppy)
Slennder, rod-like, cartilaginous elements extending anteriorly from the parachordal plates
Trabecular Horns (mudpuppy)
Small projections anterior to the ethmoid plate that lie between the nasal capsules
Meckel’s Cartilage (mudpuppy)
Cartilaginous structure that extends through the interior of the mandible
- Mostly visible in medial view
- Forms the articular surface for the quadrate of the upper jaw posteriorly
Mentomeckelian (mudpuppy)
Where Meckel’s Cartilage ossifies anteriorly into the mandibular symphysis
Dentary (mudpuppy)
Covers most of the lateral surface of Meckel’s cartilage
- Bears a long row of marginal teeth
Coronoid (mudpuppy)
Is exposed largely on the medial side of Meckel’s cartilage as well as a tiny exposure on the dorsolateral side
- Bears a short row of marginal teeth
Prearticular (mudpuppy)
Covers much of the posterior part of the mandible in medial view
- Tapers anteriorly as a wedge on the dentary
Hyoid Apparatus (mudpuppy)
Large, composed of the hyoid arch and parts of the first three branchial arches
- Hyoid arch is largest, anterior, supports the tongue
Hypohyal (mudpuppy)
Hyoid Arch
- Small, median
- Paired
Ceratohyal (mudpuppy)
Hyoid Arch
- Lateral, elongated
- Paired
Basibranchial 1 (mudpuppy)
- Median
- Extends posterior from the hypohyals to the base of the first branchial arch
Branchial Arch 1 (mudpuppy)
Formed of:
- Ceratobranchial 1 (paired, anterior)
- Epibranchial 1 (paired, posterior)
Basibranchial 2 (mudpuppy)
Extends posteriorly from the left and right ceratobranchial 1
Ceratobranchial 2 (mudpuppy)
Tiny, nodular element at the base of epibranchial 2
Epibranchial 3 (mudpuppy)
Smallest epibranchial, lies posterior to epibranchial 2
Cervical Vertebra (mudpuppy)
Only one!
- Articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull
- Anteroventral process of the atlas projects into the foramen magnum
- Posteriorly articulates with the first of the trunk vertebrae
Trunk Vertebrae (mudpuppy)
Lots of them
- Have transverse processes that extend from the centrum and articulate with small, Y-shaped ribs
Neural Canal (mudpuppy)
Passes dorsal to the centra in vertebrae
- Neural arch forms the roof of the canal; has a neural process
Prezygapophyses (mudpuppy)
Present on each vertebra for articulation with the preceding vertebra
Postzygapophyses (mudpuppy)
Present on each vertebra for articulation with the succeeding vertebra
Sacral Vertebra (mudpuppy)
Just one!
- Articulates to the pelvic girdle through its ribs
Caudal Vertebrae (mudpuppy)
Tail vertebrae
- Each have a hemal arch
- Most lack ribs, but still have transverse processes
Pectoral Girdle (mudpuppy)
Mainly cartilaginous
Left and right halves that overlap ventrally but don’t fuse
Scapula (mudpuppy)
Short bone with the suprascapular process dorsally
- On ventral side, have glenoid fossa, the depression that articulates with the forelimb
Procoracoid Cartilage (mudpuppy)
Slender, elongated, projects anteriorly from the glenoid fossa
Coracoid Cartilage (mudpuppy)
Broad, ventral, plate-like part of the pectoral girdle; they partly overlap
Humerus (mudpuppy)
Brachium of the forelimb
Radius (mudpuppy)
Anteromedial bone of the antebrachium on the forelimb
Ulna (mudpuppy)
Posterolateral bone of the antebrachium on the forelimb