Quiz 3 | Muscles Exam (Head/Neck) Flashcards
identify “a” origin, insertion, action
identify: orbital part of orbicularis oculi
origin: medial wall of orbit
insertion: adjacent muscles
action: closes eyelids
identify muscle “b” origin, insertion, action
identify: zygomaticus major muscle
origin: zygomatic bone
insertion: angle of mouth
action: elevates angle of mouth
identify muscle “c” origin, insertion, action
identify: risorius
origin: fascia over parotid
insertion: skin at corner of mouth
action: pulls angle of mouth laterally
identify muscle “d” origin, insertion, action
identify: depressor anguli oris muscle
origin: mandible
insertion: skin at corner of mouth
action: pulls corner mouth downward (frowning)
identify muscle “e” origin, insertion, action
identify: masseter muscle
origin: maxilla and zygomatic arch
insertion: ramus and angle of mandible
action: elevates mandible
identify muscle “f” origin, insertion, action
identify: sternocleidomastoid
origin: sternum and clavicle
insertion: mastoid region of temporal bone
action: flexion and rotation of the neck and head
identify “a” origin, insertion, action
identify: frontalis muscle
origin: galea aponeurotica
insertion: skin superior to orbit
action: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
identify “b” origin, insertion, action
identify: corrugator supercilii
origin: upper medial border of orbit
insertion: eyebrow
action: furrows brow
identify “c” origin, insertion, action
identify: Orbicularis oculi
origin: medial wall of orbit
insertion: circular path around orbit
action: closes eyes
identify “d” origin, insertion, action
Identify: zygomatic major
origin: zygomatic bone
insertion: skin at corner of mouth
action: draws angle of mouth upward (smiling)
identify “e” origin, insertion, action
Identify: risorius
origin: fascia over parotid
insertion: skin at corner of mouth
action: draws angle of mouth upward (smiling)
identify “g” origin, insertion, action
Identify: mentalis muscle
origin: mandible
insertion: skin of chin
action: elevates and protrudes lower lip (pouting)
identify “h” origin, insertion, action
Identify: buccinator
origin: maxillae and mandible
insertion: orbicularis oris
action: compresses cheeks (kissing)
identify “i” origin, insertion, action
Identify: depressor anguli oris
origin: mandible
insertion: skin at corner of mouth
action: pulls corner of mouth downward (frowning)
identify “a” origin, insertion, action
Identify: temporalis muscle
origin: parietal bone
insertion: coronoid process of mandible
action: elevates mandible
identify “b” origin, insertion, action
Identify: masseter muscle
origin: maxilla and zygomatic arch
insertion: ramus and angle of mandible
action: elevates mandible
identify “c” origin, insertion, action
Identify: digastric muscle
origin: mastoid process of temporal bone
insertion: intermediate tendon of digastric muscle
action: depresses mandible ; elevated hyoid bone
identify “b” origin, insertion, action
identify: pterygoid muscle
origin: lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
insertion: neck or mandible
action: laterally moves and protracts mandible
identify “a” origin, insertion, action
Identify: splenius capitis
origin: 7th cervical and t1 - t3 thoracic vertebrae
insertion: occipital bones and mastoid process
action: extension of head and neck
identify “b” origin, insertion, action
Identify: Levator scapulae
origin: transverse process of c1-c4
insertion: vertebral border of scapula
action: elevates scapula
identify “c” origin, insertion, action
Identify: rhomboid minor muscle
origin: spinous process of 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae
insertion: s. Vertebral border of scapula
action: adducts scapula
identify “d” origin, insertion, action
Identify: rhomboid major muscle
origin: spinous process of 2nd and 5th thoracic vertebrae
insertion: I. vertebral border of scapula
action: adducts scapula
identify “e” origin, action, insertion
Identify: descending part of trapezius muscle
origin: occipital bone, spinous processes of 7th cervical and all thoracic vertebrae
insertion: clavicle and acromion and spine of scapula
action: elevates clavicle, adducts, elevates or depresses scapula; extends head
identify “f” origin, insertion, action
Identify: deltoid muscle
origin: acromion process and spine of scapula; clavicle
insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
action: abducts, flexes, extends, and medial or lateral rotation of arm