Quiz 3 Flashcards
Two types of nuclei that contain the cell bodies of CN III
- The general somatic efferent nerve cell bodies are located in the OCULOMOTOR nucleus.
- The oculomotor nucleus is loc. in the MIDBRAIN at the level of the superior colliculus.
What types of fibers originate within each nucleus.
The general visceral efferent fibers originate in the EDINGER WESTPHAL nucleus located in the midbrain. The preganglionic PS fibers travel with the INFERIOR DIVISION OF CN III to synapse in the CILIARY ganglion. Post ganglionic PS fibers leave the ciliary ganglion via the SHORT CILIARY nerves to innervate the sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles.
CN III travels within the _____ of the cavernous sinus and enters the ______ to access the orbit. Within the orbit, where it divides into the superior and inferior branches.
- lateral wall
2. superior orbital fissure
The superior branch of CN III supplies:
the levator palpebrae superioris and superior rectus muscles.
The inferior branch of CN III supplies:
medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles.
Describe the afferent limb of the pupillary light reflex:
light on retina –> CN II–> brain (pretectal nuclei in rostral midbrain)
Describe the efferent limb of the pupillary light reflex:
brainstem (edinger westphal nucleus)–> CN III (inferior division) –> ciliary ganglion –>short ciliary nerves –>sphincter pupillae
Describe the afferent limb of the pupillary dark reflex
no light on retina –> CN II–> brain (pretectal nuclei in rostral midbrain)
Describe the efferent limb of the pupillary dark reflex
brain –> spinal cord–> cervical sympathetic chain –> superior cervical ganglion –> internal carotid plexus
A. sympathetic root–> ciliary ganglion (no synapse) short ciliary nerves–> dilator pupillae
B. V1–> nasociliary nerve –> long ciliary nerves –> dilator pupillae
General sensory afferent fibers of the trigeminal nerve - cell bodies are located in the ____ ganglion
General sensory affarent for trigeminal include:
a. face
b. scalp
c. auricle
d. external aucostic meatus
e. nose
f. paranasal sinuses
g. mouth -general sensation, not taste sensation (except posterior 1/3 of tongue)
h. dura mater
Special visceral efferent cell bodies of the trigeminal nerve are located in the ____ nucleus
cell bodies in motor nucleus of CN V in pons
Special visceral efferent of the trigeminal include:
muscles of mastication
anterior belly of digastric
tensor tympani
The trigeminal ganglion sits on the petrous portion of the temporal bone in the ___ cranial fossa
What are the 3 different types of hitchhiking fibers of CN V:
- Postganglionic parasympathetics from parasympathetic ganglia to target organs.
- postganglionic sympathetics from ciliary and pterygopalatine ganglia to target organs.
- SA (taste) from anterior 2/3 of tongue.
V1- opthalmic division exits cranial fossa by traveling through the ____ of the cavernous sinus. Gives off ____ before passing through the superior orbital fissure
lateral wall; recurrent meningeal branch
What are 5 structures that receive general affarent innervation from V1
- cornea
- lacrimal gland
- skin of forehead
- scalp
- eyelids
- nose
- paranasal sinuses
- dura of anterior and posterior cranial fossa
List the 4 different branches of CN V1 and the structures that they supply and sub branches if present
- Meningeal branch: dura of anterior cranial fossa
- Frontal nerve: scalp, forehead, frontal sinus, upper eyelid
a. Supra orbital
b. Supratrochlear - Lacrimal nerve: lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, skin of upper eyelid
a. receives hitchiking fibers from pterygopalatine ganglion for innervation of lacrimal gland –>travel in V2 of zygomatic - Nasociliary nerve:
a. short ciliary nerves: postganglionic PS fibers form cornea and iris
b. Long ciliary nerves: postganglionic sympathetic fibers; affarent fibers form cornea and iris
c. Anterior ethmoidal nerve: general affarents from ethmoidal air cells, tip of nose
d. Posterior ethmoidal nerve: general affarents from sphenoidal sinus, and dura of anterior cranial fossa
e. Infratrochlear nerve: general afferents from root of nose
V2- maxillary division exits the cranial cavity through _____ and enters the orbit through_____
foramen rotundum; inferior orbital fissure aka infraorbital nerve
What are the four different branches of CN V2 and the structures they supply and sub branches if present:
- Meningeal branch: dura of middle cranial fossa
- Zygomatic nerve:
a. Zygomaticotemporal
b. Zygomaticofacial - Infraorbital nerve:
a. Anterior superior alveolar nerve
b. Middle superior alveolar - Hitchhiking fibers: greater and lesser palatine nerves (special afferent/taste fibers)
List the different branches of CN V3 and the structures they supply and sub branches
- Buccal: Pierces buccinator, affarents from skin of cheek.
- Lingual:
a. joined by chorda tympani of CN 7
b. Suspends submandibular ganglion
c. Carries hitchiking fibers to submandibular & sublingual glands - Inferior alveolar:
a. general affarents from chin, lower lip, lower teeth
b. general efferents to mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric - Muscular branches of V3:
a. masseteric
b. temporal
c. medial pterygoid
d. lateral pterygoid - Meningeal branch: dura of middle cranial fossa
- Auriculotemporal:
a. arises from two roots that meet around the middle meningeal artery
b. passes through parotid gland to convey hitchiking postganglionic PS fibers from otic ganglion
c. affarents form auricle, EAM, parotid gland, temple
CN 7 consists of a large ____ root and a smaller ___ root
motor; sensory
The two roots enter the _____ part of the temporal bone through the ____
petrous; internal acoustic meatus
CN 7 forms the _____ ganglion within the
geniculate; general afferent and special affarent cell bodies.
What are the branches of CN 7 within the fascial canal and what type of fibers do they carry and where are the fibers destined
- Greater petrosal: Travels through the petrous part of the temporal bone to exit into the middle cranial fossa. It carries preganglionic PS fibers to the pterygopalatine ganglion.
- nerve to stapedius: General efferents to stapedius
- Chorda tympani: joins the lingual nerve in the infratemporal fossa. It carries preganglionic PS fibers for the submandibular ganglion and special affarent fibers for taste from the anterior 2/3 of tongue.
Within the parotid gland, CN 7 gives off a ______ branch, as well as branches to the muscles of fascial expression.
Posterior auricular branch
What are the five branches of CN 7 for muscles of fascial expression
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Mandibular
- Cervical
Fascial nerve stimulates _____ via the greater petrosal nerve, and ______ via the chorda tympani nerve
lacrimation, salivation
Greater petrosal nerve carries ______ fibers to the _____ gland
Preganglionic PS; lacrimal
They are joined by the ______ nerve, which carries _____ fibers from the internal carotid plexus to form the nerve of the _____ canal
deep petrosal nerve; postganglionic sympathetic fibers; pterygoid canal