Quiz 3 Flashcards
According to this chapter, ‘NGO’ is an umbrella term applied to a broad range of organizations that differ in size, scope, motives, and functions.
According to this chapter, NGOs are never initiated by states.
How do TNGOs differ from transnational social movements (TSMOs)?
TNGOs have a formal structure, while TSMOs are informal coalitions.
According to this chapter, TNGOs have become more business-like in which of the following ways?
They are increasingly professionalized and commercialized.
According to this chapter, all of the following arguments support the contention that TNGOs contribute to more democracy at the international level, except…
TNGOs are democratically structured and their representatives are publicly elected
Recent years have seen a resurgence of major powers’ promotion of regional frameworks to pursue spheres of interest or influence.
The emergence of the European Union developed from what was initially a purely West European creation born of the desire for reconciliation between
France and Germany
What treaty embodied the critical turning point for the European Union by establishing monetary union?
Maastricht Treaty, 1992
The term ‘global commons’ refers to areas and resources that are not under sovereign jurisdiction.
The Kyoto Protocol was established in 1992 at the Rio Conference on the Environment.
The classic statement on ‘sustainable development’ was provided in 1987 by the ____
Brundtland Commission Report
The model used to explain why over-exploitation of shared environmental resources may occur even when it is against collective, long-term interests is known as
The “tragedy of the commons”
The Montreal Protocol (1987) was established to deal with the depletion of ____
The ozone layer
What major event marked the rise of global health security as a concept and concern for states and international organizations?
The Cold War
Which of the following is NOT one of the three elements contributing to the concept of global health security?``
Advances in space exploration
What are the negative externalities in the context of economics?
Benefits associated with an action that are not realized by the individual taking that action
Philanthropic organizations working on global health have been criticized for their lack of accountability and because their funding decisions can skew global health priorities based on the preferences of an elite minority.
Horizontal issues receive the most funding and political attention in global health.
Health became a global issue in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for each of the following reasons, except…
There was a concerted global effort to combat malaria, which led to cooperation on other infectious diseases.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), refugee status is declaratory, meaning that any person who qualifies as a refugee is by that very fact a refugee, regardless of the formal recognition of the host country.
Even though states have no obligation to grant asylum or admit refugees, they do have the
obligation not to forcibly return asylum seekers to the countries where they are facing
persecution; this is known as the right to non-refoulement
According to the UN’s 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, refugees are people who are outside their countries of origin and cannot return ‘owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted’ for each of the following reasons, except…
unwillingness to participate in criminal activity
Which of the following is not a category of forced migration as classified by the cause of displacement?
Groups or people of concern
Voluntary migration is usually based on economic calculations, although some argue that the line between voluntary and forced migration is blurring.
How is voluntary migration described in the lecture (or in the PowerPoint)?
Economic migration
The income gap continued to increase in both wealthy and poor countries, most notably in sub-Saharan Africa, and for women and girls worldwide.
The orthodox approach to hunger states that there is enough food, but that the problem is distribution and entitlement.
Globalization can contribute to both increased food production and increased hunger.
Who famously argued that the population growth naturally exceeds the growth in the food supply?
Thomas Malthus
Which of the following is NOT a key aspect of neoliberalism
The belief that an unregulated free-market system best advances individual rights and freedom of choice
What term refers to an international economic order that is based on the pursuit of free trade, but which allows state intervention in the market to support national security and national and global security?
Embedded liberalism
Which concept describes the idea that efforts to achieve development should not negatively impact future generations?
Sustainable development
Liberal globalists argue that everyone benefits from the wealth created by globalization. While populist nationalists argue that only the global elite profit.
IMF and World Bank conditionalities require states to meet certain policy objectives laid out by these institutions as a prerequisite for receiving loans.
What was established in 1995 as a replacement for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade?
WTO - World Trade Organization
The IMF has consistently opposed austerity policies for ideological reasons since the global financial crisis.
As originally conceived in the Bretton Woods agreements, the formal role of the World Bank is to…
regulate trade so that developing states can participate in the global economy
The Iranian ‘Islamic Revolution’ of 1979 was a watershed event in transnational terrorism because it marked a turning point after which a number of groups began to target citizens and other symbols of the West.
Why is terrorism the weakest form of irregular warfare with which to alter the political landscape?
Unlike insurgents and revolutionaries, terrorists lack broad support for their objectives