Quiz 2 (10/20/2023) Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT part of this chapter’s definition of war?
War is seen by political and military leaders as an end goal.
Contemporary civil wars are fought within the territory of a sovereign state, and do not involve international actors such as the UN, humanitarian organizations, or foreign states.
In the realist view, what is the primary actor in international relations?
The states
Which branch of international relations theory allows for more cooperation between states when it comes to security?
Liberal Institutionalism
Clausewitz is known for each of the following concepts except…
International v. Imperial war
Which two approaches operate largely within the same framework with regards to national security?
Constructivism and Liberal Institutionalism
…in his 1959 book, Man, the State, and War, classified theories of the causes of war into three categories, or levels of analysis. Waltz refers to these levels of analysis as “images”
Kenneth Waltz
____ consists of a disagreement or a conflict of interest, between states that causes one or both relevant parties to consider the use of force
Immediate causes of war
The Bretton Woods system was originally designed to prevent another Great Depression and advance the economic interests of the United States.
The explosive growth in levels of global inequality has been driven primarily by a dramatic acceleration of wealth accumulation rather than a worsening of poverty.
The ‘realist’ tradition of IPE focuses on the ability of institutions to foster trade on the open global market.
Followers of Antonio Gramsci advance the core Marxist concern with the power structures that underpin capitalism, but also place more emphasis on the ‘ideology’ or sets of ideas that themselves form a part of the structure of the global political economy.
What international institution was NOT part of the Bretton Woods system at its inception?
The United Nations
According to this chapter, child labor…
has many root causes, including inadequate government legislation and multidimensional poverty.
Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the globalization of production?
Women workers have been pushed out of the labor force, as it has become strongly
What are the three main explanations for why civil wars occur?
Greed-Based, Grievance-Based, and Opportunity-Based
According to the lecture, what does the Greed-Based explanation for civil wars suggest?
Individuals and groups start conflicts to make money or gain economic advantages.
According to the Grievance-Based explanation for civil wars, what is a significant factor contributing to these conflicts?
Socio-economic or political injustices like inequality and discrimination.
According to the Opportunity-Based explanation, which of the following options makes civil wars more likely to occur?
Existence of a weak government
If a civil war is primarily driven by socio-economic or political injustices, which explanation does it align with?
The broadly adopted neoliberal approach that advocates the roll-back of the state, he deregulation of the economy, and the maintenance of fiscal discipline, came to be known as…
The Washington Consensus
IPE’s rich thematic interests are generally considered to center on the trio of…
Trade, production, finance
According to this chapter, the future of globalization might include any of the following except…
A reaffirmation of a US-dominated global economic order by countries like China and India
Underdevelopment theory argued that it was not possible for all less developed countries to ‘catch up’ to the advanced West because of the lasting effects of colonialism and because in a capitalist system, development depends on underdevelopment.
All scholars of gender are feminists.
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’, a policy rescinded by the US military in 2011, is an example of a restriction on the participation of individuals with LGBTQI identities in the military.
Sex refers to the social codes that express masculinity and femininity, while gender refers to the biological characteristics (primarily genital and reproductive.)
Comparative research suggests that Britain’s former colonies are more likely to criminalize homosexuality today than the ex-colonies of other powers, indicating that the analysis of which ‘cultures’ are homophobic is inseparable from an understanding of international patterns of dominance and resistance in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Gendered assumptions about which civilians were most likely to be killed resulted in the evacuation by humanitarian agencies of women and children from Srebrenica during the 1992-5 Bosnian War, leaving behind men and teenage boys, some 8,000 of whom were slaughtered.
The term that describes how particular groups of women experience simultaneous and cross-cutting oppressions that exceed gender is…
Masculinity and femininity are ___ concepts.
Globalization and trade liberalization have….
Both empowered women who have entered the formal economy and made women more
vulnerable due to the mobility of global investment flows
In what sense are the mechanisms of border passage gendered?
Travelers must display a passport, and most states require individuals to state that they are
either male or female on official forms; this presents challenges for non-binary and trans
The ‘reproductive economy’ is best defined as…
largely non-monetary economy that coexists with the productive economy, and which
includes a range of domestic and care work in addition to childbirth and parenting.
In the early years of the formation of the field of International Relations, race was discussed as a mainstream and not marginal issue.
Which of the following is not true of ‘racialization’?
‘Racialization’ refers to biological or natural underpinnings of racial distinctions
The biological calculus of race came out of a theological debate over the humanity of non-Catholic peoples.
Which phrase is used by theorists of race to refer to structural conditions that uphold white normativity?
White supremacy
Francis Galton, the originator of eugenics, argued that
Reproduction should be scientifically controlled because ‘defects’ such as a lack of
intelligence are inherited
Who controversially argued that Islamic politics could only pursue ‘a perpetual state of war until the entire world either embraced Islam or submitted to the rule of the Muslim state’?
Bernard Lewis
International institutions can exist without an organizational dimension, but international organizations cannot exist without an institutional framework.
Which term refers to the laws governing the conduct of war once launched?
Jus in bello
The 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is a good example of a/an ____ institution.
Institutions such as the principle of sovereignty, which compromise the primary rules and norms of international society without which the world of independent states could not exist, are described as ___ institutions.
The kings and queens who ruled European states before the 19th century saw humanity in general, including monarchs, as being subject to ______
Gods law and to natural law