Midterm Flashcards
‘Globalists’ believe that globalization is a primary source of disruptive change in world politics.
Realist sceptics of globalization believe that globalization (or more accurately, internationalization) is a product of hegemonic power and does not alter the basic structure of world politics, nor the centrality of states and state power to national security and survival
According to the textbook, globalization…
All options are correct
Contemporary globalization is associated intimately with the revolutions in…
Transport and communication technologies
Which of the following factors is NOT considered an ‘engine’ of globalization?
Globally, the dominant form of populism today is that of the left.
How did industrialization contribute to the ‘great divergence’?
All of the options are correct
Rational state’ refers to…
The ways in which states become organized less through interpersonal relations and family ties, and more by abstract bureaucracies such as civil service and nationally organized military
What was the “great divergence”
The global power disparity between the West and East during the 19th century
What caused China’s decline during the nineteenth century?
All of the options are correct
Which of the following is NOT among some of the key features of the modern international order?
The emergence of Multipolar world
Newly independent countries that had formerly been colonized were unaffected by the Cold War, which mainly involved the global superpowers
According to this chapter, British withdrawal from empire was more peaceful than that of other colonial powers, with the major and significant exceptions of India and conflicts and Malaya
What war began the era of modern total war?
The First World War
What key policy was associated with the Truman Doctrine?
The United States entered the First World War in Europe because of…
The popular solidarity the American people felt towards the people of Western Europe
Various factors influenced decolonization except…
Population size of the colonized country
The use of ‘cold’ in the term “Cold War” refers to the lack of war in Asia from 1945 to 1989
All of the following are reasons why some oppose the use of the term the ‘new Cold War’ to describe contemporary relations between Russia and the West, except…
All the options given are correct
What term best describes the balance of power in the immediate post-Cold War era?
Since 2008, Russia intervened militarily in which of the following countries?
Which of the following challenged optimistic views about whether China’s economy will remain ‘peaceful’?
All of the options given are correct
The financial crisis that hit the advanced capitalist core in 2007 supported predictions about the future importance of the BRICS because the crisis
Reinforced the view that international economic institutions had to be reformed to reflect shifting economic power
In the 1990’s global order was widely understood through the lens of neorealism
In the 1990’s, proponents of which approach to International Relations believed that as large developing states joined international institutions they would gradually become social into a Western-led global order?
Which of the following is an example of the institutions that were created at the end of the Second World War (and based on the power situation of that era)?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Those who stress the importance of the BRICS as a diplomatic grouping point to all of the following developments as evidence, except…
Immanuel Kant was an early claimant that liberal states are pacific in their international relations with other liberal states
The UN’s response to the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq on August 2nd, 1990, has been used as an example of collective security
_______ was a social reformer domestically and an imperialist internationally
J.S. Mill
According to Kant, which of the following is not required to achieve perpetual peace?
Extensive economic ties
What was the primary organ of the idealist inter-war order?
The League of Nations
What concept supposes that liberal states will not go to war with one another?
Democratic Peace Theory
In “The End of History?” (1989),…. famously celebrated the triumph of liberalism over all other ideologies, but his argument now appears deeply flawed.
Francis Fukuyama
U.S. President _____ advocated for the creation of a League of Nations regulate international anarchy through collective security
Woodrow Wilson
Which of the following is NOT currently offered as evidence of the demise of liberal internationalism?
The increasing power of the EU relative to the United States
A key element of Marxist thought is the non-material conception of history
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels famously argued that ‘the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of…
Class Struggle
The main body of critical theory emerged from which school of thought?
The Frankfurt School
The Latin American Dependency School applies Lenin’s views, and argues that countries in periphery suffer as a result of the exploitation of the countries in the core
What is the Marxist approach often known as?
Communist Theory
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels famously argued that ‘the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of
Class struggle
According to Gramsci, the mutually reinforcing and reciprocal relationships between socio-economic relations and political and cultural practices that together underpin a given order are known as which of the following?
Historic bloc
Realist thinkers typically argue that international politics is based on power, rather than on principles of morality or justice, but this does mean that they are entirely dismissive of questions of morality or that they advocate for immoral actions
Realists view power as relational-meaning that is exercised through interactions with other entities-and as relative-meaning that it is measured by comparison with other entities
Which term describes the realist view that each state must take responsibility for its own security given an anarchic international system?
Balance of power
Realism is a theoretical approach that was developed in the twentieth century in the United States and Britain, although its adherents often reference earlier works dating back to ancient times
Which of the following thinkers is not associated with realist thought?
Geopolitics is the study of how physical space influences international relations.
Two sub-types of neorealism/structural realism are
Defensive and offensive
Neoclassical realists build on the work of classical realists to highlight the significance of foreign policy actors’ interpretations of the world around them but are less focuses than classical realists on the role of human nature and the pursuit of power
The concept of ‘gender performativity’ is at the heart of postcolonial feminism
Which years were designed as the United Nations Decade for Women?
1975-1985 (70’s-80’s)
According to ____ gender inequality is a major barrier to human development that leads to greater incidence of war and violence
Liberal feminism
By asking not only “where are the women?” but also “which women are where?”, feminism and feminist movements work towards overcoming exclusions.”
What key aspect of feminism is highlighted in this statement?
Inclusivity and diversity
Choose the correct option about gender.
Gender encompasses both men and women
Drawing from the insights provided in the textbook and during lectures, which of the following statements is accurate?
Only a small percentage of national parliamentaries are women even in western countries
Which of the following is a key contribution of feminist IR theory?
All of the above
Postcolonial and decolonial approaches were helpful for understanding international relations during the era of rapid decolonization, but have lost popularity because they have little to offer in an era of relatively declining Western power.
Neo-colonialism, as defined by Kwame Nkrumah, refers to
A state that is theoretically independent, but in which the economic system and the political system are in reality directed by an external power
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of imperial wars?
They generally target land, not the people who live within it
Which of the following is an example of a normative concern raised by postcolonial and decolonial approaches?
The attitudes, practices, and structures that support Western supremacy in the world are problematic because they tend to elevate Western states and peoples as being fundamentally more important, historically significant, and worthy of attention than non-Westerners
Which of the following is an example of ‘retrieving the (formerly) colonized as subjects IR?’
Robbie Shilliam’s research on the political thought and practice of the descendants of enslaved Africans around the world
Decolonial approaches are more commonly associated with thinkers of Asian and African descent, while postcolonial approaches have been principally cultivated by Latin American thinkers.
Which of the following statements does not describe the common patterns of imperial or colonial control exercised by European powers?
Culturally, they promoted indigenous languages, laws, and religions, rather than imposing those from the West
Who argued that, as a system, colonialism represents a totalizing form of violence?
Frantz Fanon
Social facts exist because of human agreement
Constructivists emphasize the role of ____ in shaping the interests of actors such as states
While mainstream IR assumes that states have enduring interests such as power and wealth and focuses on the material forces that constrain their ability to further those interests, constructivism argues that social forces such as ideas, knowledge, norms, and rules also influence states’ identities and interests and the very organization of world politics.
Which of the following is not true of materialism?
Materialism holds that actors have fixed interests.
According to this chapter, all of the following are true of norms except…
Norms are always based in calculations of material interests
The logic of consequences attributes action to the anticipated costs and benefits, while the logic of appropriateness highlights how actors are rule-following, worrying about whether their actions are legitimate.
A) In your textbook, three significant developments challenging globalization (check crisis of globalization) are highlighted. Identify and explain these three developments and discuss the challenges they pose to globalization.
B) Contemporary political science discourse emphasizes that globalization’s impacts are unevenly distributed, varying among countries. Place yourself in the shoes of a resident in a developing country. Examine the protentional advantages and disadvantages of globalization from this perspective.
C) From a feminist viewpoint, analyze the effects of globalization on gender equality. Highlight the benefits that globalization presents in relation to gender equality.
A) 1. Global populist revolt
- Dominant form of populism today is that of national populism or radical right (Europe, the Americas, Asia)
- Built on festering public distrust with mainstream politics; reinforced by growing public aversion to multiculturalism, social impact of widening inequality, and divisive national culture wars
- Declining support for the liberal world order (EX: Trump ‘America First’ agenda)
2. Return of great power rivalry
- New rise in powers such as China, Brazil and India in the 21st century
- Shift from unipolar (U.S.) to multipolar (China, India, Brazil)
- Russia’s invasion on Ukraine is an example of a dramatic escalation of the rivalry
3. Growing securitization of global connectivity
- Geo-economic competition, COVID-19 pandemic, and the fallout from unprecedented Western economic sanctions imposed on Russia from invading Ukraine
- GEO ECONOMIC: World’s major economic powers have intensified their competition
- COVID: Exposed the vulnerabilities of economies to global supply chain disruption
- SANCTIONS: European dependence on Russian energy supplies have highlighted how global connectivity can also be weaponized by states
B) Citizens from developing countries have to face exploitation at work to meet demands for developed countries. However they have more access to knowledge and technology
C) Globalization has given people around the world access to more information (through television and the internet). With this, attitudes towards women have changed, allowing them to get jobs they normally wouldn’t have, leading woman to have their own income.