quiz 2+3 Flashcards
arterial embalming
Embalming solution injected into an artery of the body while blood products are drained from a vein
cavity embalming
Direct treatment of the content of 3 body cavities: thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic
Applied in 2 phases: aspiration of the cavity continents and injection of undiluted cavity fluid
hypodermic embalming
Injection of embalming chemicals directly into the tissues with a hypodermic syringe and needle or hypo valve trocar
A supplemental embalming procedure
surface embalming
Reservation of tissues by direct contact
Preservative chemicals applied to a cotton compress and pressed to skin/tissues
A supplemental embalming
decomposition of proteins by enzymes of aerobic bacteria
separation of compounds into simpler substances by the action of microbial and/or autolytic enzymes, begins at death
intrinsic vs extrinsic
Intrinsic → pathological processes, circulatory conditions, degree of body moisture, distribution of the preservative chemicals
Extrinsic → type of preservatives used, strength and volume of embalming solutions, environmental factors surrounding the interment or entombment (casket, vault, crypt) such as moisture, molds, bacteria, insects, air
embalmed tissue
Embalming preservatives and germicides interact primarily with body proteins creating embalmed tissue that can no longer be easily
broken down by bacterial or autolytic body enzymes
no assurances
variables are too numerous prevent assurance that embalming will last for a certain amount of time
decedent care report
embalming authorization
embalming fundamentals
- The use of personal protective equipment is applied in all decedent care activities.
- KNOW WHO YOU ARE EMBALMING – Identify all bodies throughout all phases of care.
- Complete and maintain a decedent care report for each body brought into your care.
- Cover the body at all times to maintain the dignity of the deceased
something that preserves or has the power of preserving; (2) an additive used to protect against decay, discoloration, or spoilage
very important for function in the body, made up of amino acids, and are the building blocks for lost of stuff in the body?
the decomposition of organic matter
a process to promote and establish conditions that minimize or eliminate biohazards
obtaining food by absorbing dissolved organic material especially obtaining
nourishment from the products of organic breakdown and decay
to prevent or retard an unwanted alteration of a physical state. Slowing the onset of the changes of decomposition by the use of refrigeration, dry or wet ice, and the injection of chemicals or nonformaldehyde-containing fluids
bloodborne pathogen standard
Universal precautions
Engineering controls – adequate ventilation and proper plumbing, training
Work practice controls – PPE, proper training
Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
a fatal disease caused by a prion (a
pathogen smaller than a virus). The causative agent is very difficult, if impossible to destroy. The causative agent appears to be concentrated in cerebrospinal fluid
an agent, usually chemical, applied to inanimate objects/surfaces to destroy most disease causing microbial agents, excluding bacterial spores
embalming machine
keep in good repair?
two primary areas of consideration
employee training and information
Directs employers to train employees in the safe use and handling of hazardous substances or materials
exhaust ventilation
Exhaust ventilation should draw fumes away from the embalmer.
Provide an ample supply of incoming clean, fresh air
causes skin and mucous membrane infection, and is also a known carcinogen
FTC - misrepresentation
Can’t represent that state or local law requires that a deceased person be
embalmed when such is not the case.
Can’t fail to disclose that embalming is not required by law, except in certain
special cases (by the funeral rule)
FTC - preventive language
Can’t represent that embalming is required for different modes of final disposition when refrigeration is available and when state or local law does not require embalming.
Must disclose on GPL in immediate conjunction with the price shown for embalming: “Except in certain special cases, embalming is not
required by law. Embalming may be necessary, however, if you select certain
funeral arrangements, such as a funeral with a viewing. …”
Must include on the itemized statement of funeral goods and services selected
the statement: “ … You do not have to pay for embalming you did not approve
if you selected arrangements such as direct cremation or immediate burial. If we charge for embalming, we will explain why below.
FTC - when family may have to pay for embalming
an agent, usually chemical, applied either to inanimate objects / surfaces or living tissue for the purpose of destroying disease-causing microbial agents, but usually not bacterial spores
hepatitis vaccine B
must be made available to all employees who
have occupational exposure
methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
pathologic bacterial staph infection that causes over 100K hospital infections a year. MRSA can be found on the skin, in the nose, in blood and urine, and in exudates or fluid from an infected site
OSHA - 4 divisions directly affect funeral establishments
General Rule
Hazard Communication Standard
Formaldehyde Rule
Bloodborne Pathogen Rule
OSHA - hazard communication rule
Requires that employers communicate to employees the dangers that exist in the workplace as a result of hazardous substances or
rule of thumb for protective garments
embalmer should have no exposed
short term exposure limit
state regulations - regulate embalming
practice of embalming is regulated primarily by
the individual states
state regulations - regulate and license FHs and FDs
individual state?
funeral home employees who worked as embalmers had a greater exposure to tuberculosis than funeral home employees who did not embalm bodies
time weighted average