Quiz 1.8 Flashcards
Spinal Nerves
Mixed nerves that send sensory and motor signals to/from CNS and extremities
Group of muscles that a SINGLE spinal nerve innervates
Organized generally by region
Lumbar region nerves
Iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, Genitofemoral, lateral cutaneous, femoral, obturator
Sacral region nerves
Superior/inferior gluteal, posterior femoral, pudendal, sciatic (tibial and common fibular)
Femoral Nerve
Innervates Illiacus, psoas major, Quadriceps femoris, sartorius
Bend at the hip, flex/ext leg at knee
(thigh and hip flexor)
Obturator nerve
Adductor muscles of leg
ADDuct leg
Sciatic nerve (upper)
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus
Knee flexion, lower leg external rotation, Hip extension, thigh internal rotation
Tibial nerve
Gastrocnemius, popliteus, soleus, plantaris
Plantar flexion
Fibular (Common peroneal) nerve
Short head biceps femoris, tibialis anterior
Dorsi flexion
Brachial plexus
Originate C5-T1
Control shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist
Spinal nerve -> Roots -> Trunks -> Divisions -> Cords -> Branches
Musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, median, ulnar
Musculocutaneous Nerve
Brachialis, biceps brachii, corocobrachialis
Arm flexion, shoulder adduction
Axillary Nerve
Deltoid, Teres minor, long head triceps
ABduction of arm, shoulder rotation, some arm extension
Median Nerve
C5-C8, T1
Flexor muscles of forearm, thenar muscles
Wrist flexion, thumb movement (grip, grab, etc)
Ulnar nerve
C8, T1
Flexor carpi ulnaris, Flexor digitorum profundus, hypothenar muscles, adductor pollicis
Flex fingers, flex wrist, aDDuction of hand
Radial Nerve
C5-8, T1
Triceps brachii, aconeus, brachioradials, extensor carpi radialis longus/brevis, supinator, wrist hand extensors
Arm extension, wrist extension, supination, elbow stabilization
Iliohypogastric nerve
Internal & external obliques, transverse abdominis
Rotate and bend trunk, stabilize spine and pelvis, flex trunk, organ protection
Ilioinguinal nerve
internal oblique and transverse abdominis
Rotate and bend trunk, stabilize spine and pelvis, flex trunk
Genitofemoral nerve
Upper thigh, labia majora, anterior scrotum
Sensory nerve
Lateral cutaneous nerve
psoas major muscle, psoas minor muscle, quadratus lumborum muscle, iliacus muscle
Sensory of lateral thigh
Lateral rotation of hip, stabilize lumbar
Superior gluteal
Gluteus medias & minimus, tensor fascia latae
aBDuct thigh, internal rotation, hip aBDuction, accessory knee flexor
Inferior gluteal
Gluteus maximus
Extend hip
Posterior femoral cutaneous
posterior thigh, butt, posterior calf, labia, scrotum
Sensory nerve
Pudendal nerve
External anal sphincter and perianal skin
Pelvis muscles like urethra
Medial antebrachial and brachial cutaneous nerve
SENSORY nerve of for medial aspect of forearm