quiz 17- types of coastal management Flashcards
What are 4 hard engineering strategies
Groynes,sea wall,gabions and rock armour
What are groynes?
Long rock or wooden barriers built at right angles along the beach
How do groynes protect the coast?
The groyne stops longshore drift which means the beach builds up reducing erosion
What are the advantages of Groynes
their effective for 40 years
their cheap
What are the disadvantages of Groynes
its unattractive to tourists
makes it hard to walk along the beach
What are sea walls?
A curved wall made out of concrete built on the edge of the coastline
How do sea walls protect the coast
The sea wall reflects wave energy back into the sea. As a result the backwash doesnt remove land
What are the advanatages of sea walls
can reduce coastal flooding
are affective for many years
What are gabions?
Metal cages filled with rocks and placed in areas vulnerable to erosion