Quiz 1 Flashcards
Evidence based practice requirements
- Ask
- Acquire
- Appraise
- Apply
- Assess
“Ask” EBP
Identify a problem or need for change
“Acquire” EBP
Search literature for scientific studies and articles that address the issues of concern
“Apraise” EBP
Evaluate and synthesize the research evidence regarding its validity
“Apply” EBP
Choose interventions that are based on the best available evidence with the understanding of the patients preferences and needs
“Assess” EBP
Assess the performance and evaluate the outcomes
Clinical practice guidelines
Summarizing the best evidence from literature review studies
Research practice gap
Simpler is better
Focus on what readers need to know
Recovery model
Helps individuals develop knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to make good choices or change harmful behaviors
Emphasizes on rehab and recovery
Trauma-informed care
Recognizes that trauma is almost universally found in the histories of mental health patients
It is the contributor to a lot of things
Ask “what has happened to you instead of what is wrong with you
Avoid retraumatizing through restraints
Therapeutic use of self (Art of Nursing)
Building rapport with a patient
Promotes cooperation —> increases patient outcomes
Caring (Art of nursing)
Understanding, patient, empathetic
Needs to be combined with knowledge
Authentically listening, teaching, learning, and assisting with basic human needs
Attending (Art of nursing)
“Intensity of presence”
Being present and there for patients
Actively listening, body posture, eye contact
Advocating (Art of nursing)
Commitment to patients health, well being, and safety
Ex: providing informed consent, respecting patient decisions, protecting against threats
Lists diagnostic criteria for each mental disorder
Used by psychiatrists, NP, therapists for assessing, diagnosing, and planning care
Myths and misconceptions
Mentally ill= different or odd
Mentally healthy= logical and rational
The ability to recover from or adjust successfully to trauma or change
Becoming paralyzed by the negative emotions
Successful transition through crisis
Prevalence of mental disorder
Proportion of a population with a mental disorder at a given time
Mental health parity act
Required insurers to offer mental health benefits
Many disorders have biological influences
Ex: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, ptsd, autism, anorexia, etc.
Culture and mental illness
First do own self assessment
Can affect the way we care for someone
Eye contact can differ from culture to culture
Symptoms can reflect a persons cultural pattern
Culture bound syndromes
Susto: terrifying event when soul leaves the body
Jumping Frenchmen and Maine syndrome: exaggerated startled reaction (PTSD?)
Amok: violent
Psychiatry and spirituality/religion
Holistic focus is to recognize religious or spiritual needs of patients
Belief in higher power
Altered state of consciousness
Ex: meditation and mindfulness can bring peace
Ex: pray for comfort, to find support and meaning in life
Negative stereotype that leads to an attitude or belief view mental illness as inferior, dangerous or unstable
Treatment settings Before civil war
Asylums were created for recovery
Private psychiatrists office or mental hospital
Psychiatric hospitals decreased with creation of medicare and Medicaid
Medicaid paid for short term hospitalization
Supreme Court considered ppl in psychiatric hospitals was unjustified isolation
Court state mental illness is a disability
Clinical algorithms
Support clinicians on accurate diagnosis and treatment plans
Clinical pathways
Detail the steps in a course of treatment or care plan