Quiz 1 Flashcards
A parasite that does not require its host
A host where parasite develops to maturity
A host that supports the immature parasite
A host used for transport.
T/F - paratenic hosts are usually neccessary for part of the parasite’s life cycle
Time from ingestion to invasion/causing signs
Pre-patent period
What carriers parasites on outside of body
Mechanical vector
Term for single host reproduction
Direct life cycle
Term for multiple host reproduction
Indirect life cycle
Forms of sexual reproduction
Conjugation (nuclear exchange)
Syngamy (fusion of gametes)
Forms of asexual reproduction
Binary fission
Multiple fission/schizogony
What is the motile feeding form of parasites
What is the resistant, resting stage
What is a reportable parasitic disease affecting cattle (SPELLING!)
Tritrichomonas foetus
Which parasite only has a trophozoite phase
Trichomonas gallinae
Histomonas meleagridis
What are three key features of Tritrichomonas foetus
3 anterior flagella
1 recurrent flagellum
Undulating membrane
Where does Tritrichomonas foetus live in the bull and cow
In the preputial cavity of bull
Vagina, uterus, oviducts of cow
Reproduction Tritrichomonas foetus
Binary fission
How is Tritrichomonas foetus transmitted
Is Tritrichomonas foetus transmission direct or indirect
What does Tritrichomonas foetus cause in cows
Early abortion (*) Endometritis, retained placenta
What does Tritrichomonas foetus cause in bulls
Can bulls infected with Tritrichomonas foetus be used in breeding
Dx of Tritrichomonas foetus
Samples from preputial, placenta, fetus, uterus, vagina
Smear, culture, ELISA
Can you use float to diagnose Tritrichomonas foetus
What causes oral ulcers in birds
Trichomonas gallinae
Key morphological feature of Trichomonas gallinae
4 anterior flagella
Is transmission of Trichomonas gallinae direct or indirect
Transmission of Trichomonas gallinae
- Crop milk of mother to young
- Raptor predation on infected birds
- Cloacal drinking
What causes cankor in doves
Trichomonas gallinae
T/F adult birds are usually asympomatic with Trichomonas gallinae
True - c/s usually only in young birds
Dx Trichomonas gallinae
History C/S Gross lesions Organisms in saliva Smears of necrotic lesions
When do samples need to be collected to dx Trichomonas gallinae
Within 48h of death
What causes ‘Blackhead disese’
Histomonas meleagridis