Quiz 1 Flashcards
Apostolic Age
Apostles were alive
Jesus is the Divine God and through Jesus, there is salvation
audience: people joining “The Way” (Jewish and Gentiles)
Patristic Age
After the Apostles die
Disagreement: Church was the ONLY way of salvation or Church was NOT THE ONLY way of salvation
audience: apostates (once believed in a religion, but renounced it)
High Middle Ages
“The Great Schism” (Break between East and West)
no salvation outside the Church
audience: Easterners who left the Catholic Church
Late Middle Ages
Beginning of “trouble” in the Church
Church members must fully submit to the Pope, attempts to reunite the East and West (Council of Florence)
audience: Church members who do not fully submit to the Pope as final authority
Counter Reformation and the Enlightenment
Roman Catholic efforts opposed the Protestant Reformation
Enlightenment: age of discovery and science
audience: Protestant churches who left the Roman Catholic church
Modern Era
Philosophical logic and defence of Catholic faith
Easterners have access to salvation, attempts to reconcile with Easterners
Invincible ignorance: those not aware of Gospel
Vincible ignorance: those aware of Gospel and reject it
audience: Easterners/Universal Church
Post-Conciliar Age
Vatican II
Church does not condemn anyone to Hell
Catholicism is the true church
religious freedom
audience: non-Christian churches AND Christians who do not live a charitable life
Jesus Christ
(Apostolic Age)
“those who do not believe are condemned already” (John)
(Apostolic Age)
Salvation is open to everyone, regardless of their membership in the Church
Irenaeus of Lyons
(Patristic Age)
The Church is the best, but not only, way of salvation
Cyprian of Carthage
(Patristic Age)
“Salus extra eccelsiam non est” There is no salvation outside the Church (directed towards apostates)
Augustine of Hippo
(Patristic Age)
No one can find salvation except in the Catholic Church
Fourth Lateran Council
(High Middle Ages)
One universal Church with salvation
Thomas Aquinas
(High Middle Ages)
No salvation outside the Church
Boniface VIII
(Late Middle Ages)
Only salvation AND confession in the Church
Membership of the Church is secondary to submission to the Pope
Council of Florence
(Late Middle Ages)
No salvation outside the church
Attempted to reunite the Eastern and Western Church and is still open
Robert Bellarmine
(Counter Reformation and Enlightenment)
No salvation outside the Church
Church is compared to Noah’s Ark
(Modern Era)
No salvation outside the Church
Gregory XVI
(Modern Era)
“One universal Church of the faithful outside of which no one at all is saved”
Greek Orthodox churches have the same salvation as Catholics since they follow the same essential beliefs.
Pius IX
(Modern Era)
Those who are invincibly ignorant have access to salvation.
Freedom of religion is not taught in the Catholic Church, and salvation is not found in any other religion
Pius XII
(Modern Era)
Last major recapitulation of “no salvation outside the Church” before Vatican II
Second Vatican Council
(Post-Conciliar Age)
Recognizes that elements of salvation can be found outside the Catholic Church
Invincible ignorant people can be saved, vincible ignorant people cannot
People have religious freedom immune from coercion from others
Declares relationships with Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and Jews in Nostra Aetate
Catechism of the Catholic Church
(Post-Conciliar Age)
All people who have been baptized are members of the Catholic Church. Those who simply claim membership are not.
Catholics must “persevere in charity” and live a “good Catholic life”
Unsolved riddles of the human condition
What is man? Meaning of life? What is moral good? What is sin? What is the road to true happiness?
“Whence do we come, and where are we going?”
Contemplate the divine mystery
Express through an inexhaustible abundance of myths
Search through philosophical inquiry
Seek freedom from the human conditions through ascetically practices, profound meditation, or God
Men may acquire the state of perfect liberation by themselves or through higher help
Catholic Church regards sincere reverence to other religions
Take pains to submit wholeheartedly to God
Do not acknowledge Jesus as God
Honour Mary and call on her with devotion
Worship God through prayer, almsgiving, and fasting
Jews and Gentiles
Shares the same roots (Apostles and disciples came from Jews)
Catholic church decries hatred, persecution and anti-semitism directed against Jews