Quiz 1 Flashcards
What is Audiology?
The healthcare profession devoted to hearing
What is an Audiologist?
an individual who by virtue of academic degree, clinical training and license to practice and/or professional credential is uniquely qualified to provide a comprehensive array of professional services related to audiologic identification, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of persons with impairment of auditory and vestibular function, and to the prevention of impairments associated with them
What are the 4 parts of the official definition of audiology?
Evaluation, Rehabilitation, Education, Prevention
What is Evaluation?
assess nonmedical diagnosis of auditory/vestibular problems
What is Rehab?
The use of amplification devices etc.
What is Education?
Working closely with school personnel and others. Screenings, classroom acoustics..
What is prevention?
Hearing conservation programs, PPE
What is the origin of Audiology?
After WWII. SLPs and otologists created aural rehab.
How many people are estimated to have hearing loss?
35 million; 10% of people
What does the outer ear consist of?
Pinna, External Auditory Canal and lateral surface of tympanic membrane.
What is the most visible portion of the outer ear?
What is the pinna made of?
Cartilage and skin
What are the common landmarks of the outer ear?
Earlobe, Helix, Tragus, Antitragus, Intertragal notch, Concha (cymba and Cavum)
What is the earlobe made of?
fatty tissue
What is the helix?
The outer rim of the pinna
What is the tragus made of?
A piece of cartilage
What is the antitragus?
A bump off of the helix above the lobe
Where is the intertragal notch?
Between the tragus and the antitragus
What is the Concha cavum?
Lower part of the outer ear like a bowl
Where is the Concha Cymba?
Above the cavum
What is the function of the pinna?
It funnels sound into the External Auditory Canal (EAC) and is a resonator
What is the External Auditory Canal?
The tunnel into the temporal bone
What shape is the EAC?
elliptical or oval
The EAC and Auricle (pinna) are formed by…
one continuous piece of cartilage covered by skin
What is the EAC covered in?
Cerumen and hair follicles
What are the functions of the EAC?
Resonator, filter for low frequencies, TM protector and temperature regulator
What are the pharyngeal arches?
Mandibular, hyoid, glossopharyngeal
What are the 3 layers of the arches?
Ectoderm (outer), entoderm (inner), mesoderm (inner core)
What 4 things does each arch have?
artery, muscle, cartilage, nerve
What is microtia?
a very small pinna
What is anotia?
no pinna
What is Canal Atresia?
Absence of the EAC (bilateral or unilateral)
What is cauliflower ear?
Trauma to the ear that causes the pinna to lose its landmarks.
What are some traumas that can happen to the outer ear?
Sunburn, Frost bite, hits
What are keloids?
Small lumps after piercings
What is external otitis?
Outer ear infection/ swimmers ear
What is tympanosclerosis?
Thickening of the TM could be from Otitis media.
What are collapsing canals?
Cartilage looses elasticity and causes canals to collapse during hearing tests in the elderly
What are stenotic canals?
Very narrow EAC
What are osteomas?
Spongy bony tumors that rarely cause hearing loss
What are extoses?
Hard bony growths close to TM. Usually many of them
What is otalgia?
Ear pain
Describe the tympanic membrane
thin, transparent, disc-like, concave
separates the middle ear cavity from the outer ear
tympanic membrane
how many layers does the tympanic membrane have?
3 layers
What are the 3 layers of the tympanic membrane?
Lateral surface, middle layer, and medial surface
Composed of a thin layer of skin that is continuous with the EAC. The epithelial layer
The lateral surface of the tympanic membrane
Composed of fibrous connective tissues. Helps the TM vibrate in response to acoustic stimuli.
The middle layer of the tympanic membrane
Formed by the mucus membrane which lines the middle ear
the medial surface of the tympanic membrane
the fibrocartilaginous ring at the edges of the tympanic membrane
tympanic annulus
the bony groove that the tympanic annulus fits into
tympanic sulcus
What are the quadrants of the tympanic membrane?
anterior superior, posterior superior, anterior inferior, posterior inferior
Which quadrant is the cone of light?
anterior inferior
Which quadrant is behind the estuation tube?
anterior superior
How should the tympanic membrane appear in an otoscopic examination?
smooth pearly grey and concave
What is tympanosclerosis?
Thickening of the TM. it becomes calcified. TM will stop moving
opening in the attic or roof of the middle ear
minute air-filled chamber medial to the TM
Tympanum or tympanic cavity-
The roof of the middle ear. Formed by the mastoid portion of the temporal bone
superior wall
the floor of the middle ear cavity. Formed by the tympanic plate. Separates the middle ear cavity from the jugular bulb
inferior wall
the lateral wall of the middle ear cavity is also
the tympanic membrane
Lateral wall of the inner ear.
Medial/Labyrinthine Wall
What are the two openings in the lateral wall of the middle ear cavity?
the oval window and the round window
What is the promontory?
the bulge on the medial wall of the middle ear cavity
What nerve passes through the middle ear?
facial nerve
What is another name for the anterior wall?
The carotid wall because carotid artery is right in front of it
What is another name for the eustachian tube?
auditory tube
Allows air to enter Middle Ear & provides pressure equalization with atmospheric pressure to maximize Tympanic Membrane mobility
eustachian tube
what are the 3 smallest bones in the body?
the ossicles
What are the ossicles?
malleus, incus and stapes
What are the 2 middle ear muscles?
Stapedius and tensor tympani
attached to the head of the stapes and moves the stapes to the side and tenses the oval window
Attached to handle of the malleus. Moves the malleus and tenses the TM
tensor tympani
in the middle ear, energy changes from …… to ……
acoustic to mechanical
can be caused by swelling with estuation tube opening. Caused by infection, allergies, adenoids swelling.
negative middle ear pressure