Questions from lectures 2021 Flashcards
What happen to the spermatozoa in the epididymis?
- The development of the tail of spermatozoa is finished
What is the task of the tail of the epididymis?
- Not: maturation (in head and body of epididymis) or morphological maturation
The males do not have GnRH surge center
- Correct
- Incorrect
- I do not know
Where can the sex determining region be found?
- Y chromosome
- X chromosome
- Granulosa cells
- Lydig cells
- Sertoli cells
Y chromosome
What is the name of the 2nd phase of spermatogenesis?
- Spermatomorphogenesis
What is the name of the hormone taking part in the ejaculation?
- No hormone
- Oxytocin
- No hormone
Which species ejaculated into the vagina?
- Cattle
- Dog
- Pig
- Horse
Where is the mitochondrial helix located?
- At the mid piece
- Around the head
- Around the tail
- At the neck
- At the mid piece
The dog ejaculate in ….. fractions
- 3
- 2 (released in the 2nd phase)
- 1
Which type of tissues gives the basic structure of the penis in ruminants?
- Fibroelastic tissue
- Fibroerective tissue
- Mixture if the above mentioned
- Fibrotissue
- Fibroelastic tissue
When does the testicles arrive into the scrotum in the bull?
- 3-4 months of the pregnancy
- after births within 2 weeks
- 8-9 months of the pregnancy
- 3-4 months of the pregnancy
Which of the tasks mentioned below does not belong to pempiniformis plexs?
- Spermatogenesis
- Blood transport
- Temperature control
What is the target cell of the FSH?
- Sertoli cells
- Leydig cells (LH)
- spermatia
Sertoli cells
what does the low level of alkaline phosphatase indicate?
a. the epididymal tube is blocked
b. the testicular tube is blocked
c. testicular inflammation
a. the epididymal tube is blocked ?
what does teratozoospermia mean?
all spermatozoa ar dead
the volume of the semen is reduced
the number of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology is increased
the number of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology is increased
what is the still acceptable ration in spermatozoa with abnormal morphology?
how can the mass movement be checked?
with high magnification
with low magnification
with both magnifiction
with low magnification