Past 2020 Flashcards
What develops into corpus luteum after ovulation?
- The platelets of corpus hemorragicum convert into corpus luteum
- The theca and granulosa cells turn into luteal cells
- The antral fluid of the follicle
- The luteal cells coming from the blood circulation
- The theca and granulosa cells turn into luteal cells
What is the reproductive role of kisspeptin neurons?
- Directly stimulates the follicle growth
- Induces LH release in the pituitary cells
- Based on metabolic inputs, stimulates or inhibits the GNRH neurons
- Decreases the leptin level in the blood
Based on metabolic inputs, stimulates or inhibits the GNRH neurons
What is the two cell-two gonadotropin model?
- Production of estrogen and progesterone in different cells
- Testosterone production by theca cells (LH) and its conversion to estrogen by granulosa cells (FSH)
- Stimulatory effect of FSH on estrogen and LH on progesterone synthesis
- Testosterone-dihydrotestosterone conversion
Testosterone production by theca cells (LH) and its conversion to estrogen by granulosa cells (FSH)
What is regulating the seasonality?
- Improving plane of nutrition in springtime
- Internal biologic clock
- Pineal gland melatonin through the kisspeptin- GnRH axis
- Stimulatory effect of increasing sexual activity in male animals
- Pineal gland melatonin through the kisspeptin- GnRH axis
Anatomical classification of porcine uterus:
Uterus bicornis
Uterus bicornuate
Uterus duplex
Uterus simplex
Uterus bicornuate
What is the most important accessory male organ in the male dog?
Bulbourethral gland
Ductus deferens
The boar does not have…
Bulbourethral gland
Vesicular gland
How the semen is collected in the boar? Electroejaculator Gloved hand technique Artificial vagina Rectal massage
Gloved hand technique
Where can be found the GnRH surge center in the males? Males do not have GnRH surge center In the hypothalamus In the hypophysis In the testis
Males do not have GnRH surge center
Which cell produces the Anti Müllerian Hormone (AMH)? Oocyte Spermatozoa Leydig-cell Sertoli-cell
Which cell produces the testosterone? Sertoli-cell Leydig-cell Granulosa-cell Interstitial-cell
What is the target cell of the FSH in the testis? Sertoli-cell Leydig-cell Spermatid Spermatogonia
Where can be found the sex determination region responsible for the formation of the male reproductive organs?
Important role of ovary:
Oocyte production
Steroid production
Site of fertilization
Oocyte and steroid production
Oocyte and steroid production
What is the name of the ovarian feature right after ovulation?
Corpus luteum
Corpus haemorrhagicum
Graaflan follicle
Corpus haemorrhagicum
How many waves of follicle developments are in the porcine estrus cycle?
2 to 3
There are no waves
4 to 5
What is the site of fertilization in swine?
Utero-tubal junction
In the tip of the uterine horn
Ampullo-isthmic junction
In the infundibulum
Ampullo-isthmic junction
What do endometrial cups produce? hCG PMSG PGF2a Progesterone
PMSG (aka eCG)
Small ruminants
Are seasonally polyestrous animals
Show the signs of estros year round
Have 1 or 2 estrous cycles in a year
Are long day breeders
Are seasonally polyestrous animals
How long is the estrous cycle in the sheep? 16-17 days 20-21 days 27-28 days 9-10 days
16-17 days
Mark the INCORRECT statement! Which factor does NOT predispose to PRIMARY UTERINE INERTIA?
Inadequate uterine stimulation in one- or two - pup litters
Old bitch
High humidity
High humidity
Which is NOT a sign for impending parturition in the bitch?
- The bitch is restless, nesting
- Vulva becomes swollen and edematous
- Clear, translucent, watery discharge from the vagina
- Sudden increase in body temperature by 1-2 °C
Sudden increase in body temperature by 1-2 °C
What is the difference between the mechanism of action of protein and steroid hormone?
A. Protein hormone act in the cytoplasm, steroids act both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus
B. Protein hormones induce only slow response
C. Steroid hormones pass into the cytoplasm what protein hormones cannot do
D. Only the steroid hormones are able to pass the blood-brain barrier
A. Protein hormone act in the cytoplasm, steroids act both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus
In what stage are follicles at the birth of the piglets?
Secondary stage
Primordial stage
They appear and develop later
Primary stage
Primordial stage
How long is the estrous cycle in goat? 20-21 days 16-17 days 27-28 days 9-10 days
20-21 days
How long is the pregnancy in the sheep? 150 days 90 days 180 days 60 days
150 days
How long is the dogs pregnancy? 92-93 days 45-55 days 62-63 days 56-58 days
62-63 days
What is characteristic of the reproductive cycle in dogs?
Seasonally polyestrus
Seasonally monoestrus
Aseasonal monoestrus, spontaneous ovulation
Aseasonal monoestrus, spontaneous ovulation
What is NOT characteristic of a cats reproductive cycle?
A. It is characterized by seasonal polyestrus
B. It is characterized by induced ovulation
C.Spontaneous ovulation does not occur
D.The cycle can be interrupted by summer heat or stress
C.Spontaneous ovulation does not occur
In how many fractions does the bull ejaculates the semen? 1 2 3 4
When does luteinization start? Right after ovulation Day 2 of the estrous cycle Right before ovulation Following the fertilization
Right after ovulation
What is the typical feature of fertilizable porcine oocyte after ovulation?
Covered by multilayer cumulus cells
Covered by 1 to 2 layers of cumulus cells
In denuded stage
Secondary oocyte covered by cumulus cells
Covered by multilayer cumulus cells ?
How many primordial follicles does the newborn female piglet have? 50-70 thousand Cc 1 billion 400-500 thousand 10-20 thousand
400-500 thousand
How many spermatozoa are in the ejaculate of boar? Multiple billion 200-400 million 100-200 million 50-100 million
50-100 million ( as natural mating will have 60-80 x109 spermatozoa)
Which statement is true about the mare’s pregnancy? Maternal recognition (gestational days 12-14) inhibits PGF2a production Maternal recognition (gestational days 12-14) induces PGF2a production Maternal recognition (gestational days 12-14) inhibits PMGS production Maternal recognition (gestational days 12-14) inhibits endometrial cups formation
Maternal recognition (gestational days 12-14) inhibits PGF2a production ?
What happens in a mare if an embryonic mortality develops after the formation of endometrial cups? The mare will return within 1 month The mare will return within 2 months The mare will not return within 3 months The mare will return within 21 days
The mare will not return within 3 months ?
She won’t return until the following breeding season
Where does the embryo develop in the mare after fixation?
At the tip of the uterine horn on the cranio-dorsal side
At the tip of the uterine horn on the cranio-ventral side
Near bifurcation on the cranio-dorsal side
Near bifurcation on the cranio-ventral side
Near bifurcation on the cranio-ventral side ?
Melatonin is produced …
During light hours in the small ruminants
During night / dark hours in the small ruminants
All day in the small ruminants
Early in the morning in the small ruminants
During night / dark hours in the small ruminants ?
In case of testicular trauma in a stallion, we should NOT…
… reduce the swelling with hydrotherapy
… give antibiotics
… administer NSAIDS
… allow the stallion to tease mares for easier recovery
… allow the stallion to tease mares for easier recovery
What is the most likely diagnosis if: there is a 3cm echogenic uterine fluid, a CL on the ovary and the mare is ba.. (whole q not on picture) Subclinical endometritis Clinical endometritis Endometritis Estrus
Endometritis ?
WHAt does the embryo need for the maternal recognition in the mare? Hatching Intrauterine migration Formation of endometrial cups Placentation
Intrauterine migration
Which method is suitable for heat detection in mare?
Vaginal cytology
Measurement of blood estradiol levels
Measurement of the electrical conductivity of vaginal mucus
None of them
none of them ???
Which method is specific for mares pregnancy test? Measurement of progesterone level Vaginal examination Heat detection Rectal palpation
Measurement of progesterone level
Rectal palpation
In which case can PMSG level give a false positive result for a mares pregnancy?
Embryonic mortality before day 21
Embryonic mortality before day 35
Embryonic mortality after day 35
Embryonic mortality after day 35 ?
• If pregnancy loss occurs – cups remain and eCG is still produced for months
• False positive result
• Consequence: prostaglandines cannot cause abortion after D35
• Usually the season is lost
What should be the suspected diagnosis, if a bitch in good general condition has bloody vaginal discharge 6 weeks after parturition? Subinvolution of placental sites (SIPS) Normal uterine involution Postpartal endometritis Pyometra
Normal uterine involution
How could you explain the decrease of body temperature prior to parturition?
Estrogen increase provokes the thermoregulatory center of CNS
Prolactin peak provokes the thermoregulatory center of CNS
Increased progesterone provokes the thermoregulatory center of CNS during the pregnancy
Uterine contractions need more metabolic energy
Increased progesterone provokes the thermoregulatory center of CNS during the pregnancy
Which statement is FALSE concerning the hormonal background of the luteal phase in bitches?
During the second half of pregnancy, prolactin and LH are important luteotropic factors
Low LH levels cause abortion
Progesterone, produced by the corpus luteum and the placenta, is primarily responsible for maintaining pregnancy
The pregnancy-specific relaxin hormone has an indirect luteotropic effect
Low LH levels cause abortion -i think so
Which statement is correct? Clinical signs of prooestrus in dogs are induced by.. Increase of progesterone concentration Increase of oestrogen concentration LH peak Increase of prolactin concentration
Increase of oestrogen concentration ?
LH peak - LH peaks in between proestrus and estrus?
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding the anestrus period of bitch!
Obligate calm period
Its duration is basically determined by the duration of the interestrus
It is an important period of the uterine involution
In the last weeks of anestrus, the ovaries are characterized by intense follicular development
It is an important period of the uterine involution
How long can be treated manually the retained fetal memebrane in a cow? 24 hours 3-5 days 10 days 2 weeks 21 days
3-5 days
it says in the summary: gentle removal after 7 days so maybe 3-5 days?
How can be treated the retained fetal membrane in a cow?
Flushing of the uterus 1x/day, for 5 days
Only with systemic antibiotic treatment
Manual removal of the fetal membrane and uterine tablets
Flushing of the uterus 2x/day, for 3 days
Manual removal of the fetal membrane and uterine tablets
Mark the INCORRECT answer! Indications for bovine caesarean section.
Alive absolute large foetus
Dilatation failure
Torsio uteri
Living foetus with normal presentation and size
Living foetus with normal presentation and size
Choose a safe painkiller for pregnant or lactating bitches!
Low lipid soluble morphine derivatives
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Alpha-2 agonists
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)?
Choose the answer that contains the steps of care for newborn puppies in the correct order.
- Clearing the airways and oral cavity, 2. Reversing the effects of fentanyl, 3. Gently rubbing the thorax and muzzle, 4. Umbilical cord management
- Umbilical cord management, 2. Gently rubbing the thorax and muzzle, 3. Clearing the airways and oral cavity, 4. Reversing the effects of fentanyl
- Umbilical cord management, 2. Gently rubbing the thorax and muzzle, 3. Reversing the effects of fentanyl, 4. Clearing the airways and oral cavity
- Umbilical cord management, 2. Clearing the airways and oral cavity, 3. Reversing the effects of fentanyl, 4. Gently rubbing the thorax and muzzle
- Clearing the airways and oral cavity, 2. Reversing the effects of fentanyl, 3. Gently rubbing the thorax and muzzle, 4. Umbilical cord management
What is NOT characteristic of a cats reproductive cycle?
In case no ovulation occurs, the corpus luteum phase is missing and proestrus begins again after the period of interestrus
In case ovulation occurred, but mating was not fertile, an approx. 35-day pseudopregnancy follows
The pseudopregnant cat is characterized by the onset of milk production, so the non-pregnant cat can also nurse the kittens of other female cats
In case of fertile mating, the female cat becomes pregnant, the length of the pregnancy is approx. 65 days
In case no ovulation occurs, the corpus luteum phase is missing and proestrus begins again after the period of interestrus