Canine midterm past Flashcards
How could you explain the decrease of body temperature prior to parturition?
• Estrogen increase provokes the thermoregulatory center of CNS
• Prolactin peak provokes the thermoregulatory center of CNS
• Increased progesterone provokes the thermoregulatory center during the pregnancy
• Uterine contractions need more metabolic energy
Increased progesterone provokes the thermoregulatory center during the pregnancy
Which factor does NOT influence the success of AI? • Determining the optimal time for AI • Semen quality • Insemination technique • The weather of the day
The weather of the day
Which statement is FALSE concerning the Normal uterine involution?
• The major amount of involution occurs during the initial 4-5 week postpartum period
• Odorless green, dark red/brown, or obvious bloody vaginal discharge is characteristics
• Fever and foul-smelling brownish or reddish brown vaginal discharge are characteristics
• The non-pregnant uterus also undergoes involution after diestrus
• Fever and foul-smelling brownish or reddish brown vaginal discharge are characteristics
Which is not a sign for impending parturition in bitch? Mark the incorrect statement
• The bitch is restless, nesting
• Vulva becomes swollen and edematous
• Clear, translucent, watery discharge from the vagina
• Sudden increase in body temperature by 1-2 C
• Sudden increase in body temperature by 1-2 C
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding clinical pseudopregnancy?
• Lactation appears in all cases
• All non-pregnant bitches in diestrus are pseudopregnant however the clinical symptoms are varied
• Predisposed bitches usually suffer the syndrome after each estrous cycle becoming more severe throughout their lifetime
• Clinical signs usually begin 6-12 weeks after estrus
• Lactation appears in all cases
Where and when does the oocyte maturation process end, so when does the oocyte become fertilizable in bitch?
• In the ovarian follicle, 2-3 days after ovulation
• In the uterine lumen, 2-3 days after ovulation
• In the fallopian tube, 2-3 days after ovulation
• In the fallopian tube, 4-5 days after ovulation
• In the fallopian tube, 2-3 days after ovulation
What can be the consequence of spaying a dog in diestrus? • Nothing • Obesity • Pregnancy • Over Pseudopregnancy
Over Pseudopregnancy
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding clinical and biochemical alterations in pregnant bitch
• Increased plasma volume sufficient to cause a normo-chromic, normo-cytic anemia
• Increased insulin resistance
• Constantly decreasing energy requirements
• Mild leukocytosis
• Constantly decreasing energy requirements
What progesterone level is expected at Day 0th of oestrous cycle (LH peak) in the dog? • >6 ng/ml • rises above 2 ng/ml • 10 ng/ml • <1 ng/ml
• rises above 2 ng/ml
Mark the CORRECT statement regarding pregnancy diagnosis!
• Invasion of placental trophectoderm occurs late, around day 22 (Day of the LH surge)
• Embryos can enter the uterus around day 3 (Day of the LH surge)
• The dog has a hemochorial placental structure
• Fertilization is completed in the uterine horn
Invasion of placental trophectoderm occurs late, around day 22 (Day of the LH surge)
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding clinical pseudopregnancy
• Medical treatment is not recommended in patients with mild clinical pseudopregnancy
• In case of lactation, medical treatment is recommended
• The use of a dopamine antagonist as primary medication is recommended
• Vomiting may occur as a side effect of medication
The use of a dopamine antagonist as primary medication is recommended
What is the difference in P4 levels in case of pregnant and non-pregnant bitches?
- Nothing
- Pregnant bitches have high progesterone during the whole-length of pregnancy, while non-pregnant bitches progesterone values drop after oestrus
- In pregnant bitches placenta produces the progesterone and it is responsible for the high P4-values during pregnancy
- In non-pregnant bitches there is no ovulation, so the progesterone level stays up
• Nothing
Which of the followings is NOT indication for artificial insemination? • prevention of genital infections • lower quality semen • physical difficulties in mating • cryptorchid male
• cryptorchid male
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding pseudopregnancy
• a physiological condition that does not always involve lactation
• in susceptible individuals (predisposed bitches), spaying during diestrus (in luteal phase) can also lead to iatrogen clinical pseudopregnancy
• in case of pseudopregnancy, spaying is contraindicated even during anestrus
• it can be treated with dopamine agonist through inhibition of prolactin activity
in case of pseudopregnancy, spaying is contraindicated even during anestrus
What is the meaning of preovulatory luteinization?
A. an increase in plasma progesterone level prior to the LH peak can be observed
B. the plasma progesterone level starts to increase after the ovulation
C. pathological condition, which can occur in young bitches
D. none of the above
A. an increase in plasma progesterone level prior to the LH peak can be observed
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding canine pregnancy!
• ultrasonography is the most preferred modality for pregnancy diagnosis, assessment of litter size, viability of foetus and fetal age
• radiography is the most preferred modality for pregnancy diagnosis, assessment of litter size, viability of foetus and fetal age
• early detection of pregnancy is possible by measuring progesterone levels
• measurement of plasma relaxin concentration is the most preferred method for pregnancy diagnosis, assessment of litter size, viability of foetus and fetal age
early detection of pregnancy is possible by measuring progesterone levels
Mark the INCORRECT statement! Situations in which to avoid the use of oxytocin are
• after the delivery of the last pup
• the bitch is already in hard labor
• when 2 doses do not succeed in delivering a pup
• in the presence of fetal distress
• after the delivery of the last pup
What influences the changes in vaginal epithelium during the heat? • the progesterone concentration • the estrogen concentration • the LH concentration • the FSH concentration
• the estrogen concentration
In the dog, the maternal recognition of pregnancy is based on the production of…
• placental lactogen
• pregnancy specific protein B
• interferon tau
• no signal mechanism is known in the dog
• no signal mechanism is known in the dog
Which method we can NOT use for artificial insemination if we use frozen semen? • endoscopic method • scandinavian method • intravaginal method • surgical method
• intravaginal method
Which is a misjudgement of fetal heart rate?
• 100 - 150 bpm means moderate fetal distress
• indicates an immediate cesarean section below 180
• below 180 bpm means severe fetal distress
• above 220 (beats per minute) is normal
100 - 150 bpm means moderate fetal distress
How does the plasma progesterone change after ovulation? • decreases • stagnanes • increases • fluctuates
• increases
How long is a dog’s pregnancy? • 90-93day • 45-55day • 62-63day • 56-58day
• 62-63day
What is your suspect diagnosis in case of mucoid vaginal discharge in a pregnant dog?
• onset of parturition, flow away of foetal fluid
• foetal death
• metritis
• onset of parturition, flow away of mucoid plug
onset of parturition, flow away of mucoid plug
Which statement is correct? Clinical signs of prooestrus in dogs are induced by..
• increase of progesterone concentration
• increase of oestrogen concentration
• LH peak
• increase of prolactin concentration
increase of oestrogen concentration
Mark the CORRECT statement! What happens by the end of canine pregnancy?
• the progesterone concentration increases
• the prolactin concentration decreases
• the relaxin concentration is high
• LH peak is induced
• the relaxin concentration is high
What is characteristic of the reproductive cycle in dogs?
• seasonally polyestrus
• reproductive cycle in dogs is determined by an internal circannual rhythm and the number of hours of light
• seasonally monoestrus
• aseasonal monoestrous, spontaneous ovulation
• aseasonal monoestrous, spontaneous ovulation
When do you NOT necessarily have to think about dystocia (prolonged or difficult parturition)?
A. if greenish discharge is excreted from the vagina of the bitch for approx. 3 hours but no puppies have been born yet
B. the bitch has been panting, trembling, restless for 6 hours but nothing else is happening yet
C. the bitch has been panting, trembling, restless for 6 hours, the bitch bites backwards, sometimes cries painfully, but no amniotic fluid flows from the vagina and no pups in the birth canal
D, the bitch has had abdominal contractions for 45 minutes without successfully expelling a puppy
B. the bitch has been panting, trembling, restless for 6 hours but nothing else is happening yet