Questions Flashcards
Make yes/no and open questions:
I occasionally go to the opera.
(how often?)
Do you occasionally go to the opera?
How often do you go to the opera?
I usually get up as soon as I wake up.
what time?
Do you usually get up as soon as you wake up?
What time do you usually wake up / get up?
I usually leave the house quickly.
what time?
Do you usually leave the house quickly?
What time do you usually leave the house?
I often walk to school / work.
how often?
Do you often walk to work?
How often do you walk to wprk?
I sometimes go to work by car.
how often?
Do you sometimes go to work by car?
How often do you go to work by car?
I often run upstairs.
how often?
Do you often run upstairs?
How often do you run upstairs?
I usually go abroad in summer.
Do you usually go abroad in summer?
Where do you usually go?
I usually do housework at the weekend.
Do you usually do the housework at the weekend?
When do you usually do the housework?
I sometimes play squash with my colleagues.
Do you play squash with your colleagues?
Who do you usually play squash with?
I often make dinner for my friends.
who / what?
Do you often make dinner for your friends?
Who do you often make dinner for?
What do you make for dinner?
I often have a cup of coffee after lunch.
how many cups of coffee?
Do you often have a cup of coffee after lunch?
How many cups of coffee do you usually have?
I like all kinds of chocolate.
what kind of chocolate?
Do you like all kinds of chocolate?
What kinds of chocolate do you like?
I receive about 20 e-mails every day.
how many e-mails?
Do you receive about 20 emails every day?
How many e-mails do you receive?
I often stay up late.
how often?
Do you often stay up late?
How often do you stay up late?
I usually go to bed at 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning.
what time?
Do you usually go to bed at 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning?
What time do you usually go to bed?
I often have dreams about my childhood.
Do you often have dreams about your childhood?
What do you have dreams about?
I do my morning exercises every day.
how often?
Do you do your morning exercises every day?
How often do you do your morning exercises?
I occasionally stay up late.
how often? / why?
Do you occasionally stay up late?
How often /why do you stay up late?
I normally sleep 8 hours a day.
how many hours?
Do you normally sleep 8 hours a day?
How many hours do you sleep every day?
I quite often drink alcohol.
how often?
Do you quite often drink alcohol?
How often do you drink alcohol?
My best friend George has a big lunch with lots of beer.
Does your best friend have a big lunch with lots of beer?
What does your best friends have for lunch?
He then goes to sleep for a few hours.
Does he then go to sleep for a few hours?
What does he do then?
My friend Anya doesn’t eat very much.
how much?
Doesn’t your best friend Anya eat very much?
How much does she eat?
Karel runs 8 km at least four times a week.
how many kilometres?
Does Karel run 8 km at least four times a week?
How many kilometres does he run?
Anya trains for eight hours every day.
how many hours?
Does Anya train for eight hours every day?
How many hours does she train?
George usually trains before breakfast.
Does George usually train before breakfast?
When does George usually train?
Anya weighs 40 kg.
how many kilogrammes?
Does Anya weigh 40 kg?
How many kilogrammes does Anya weigh?
George weighs about 110 kg.
how many kilogrammes?
Does George weigh about 110 kg?
How many kilogrammes does he weigh?
Karel earns about 50,000 dollars week.
how much?
Does Karel earn 50,000 dollars a week?
How much does he earn?
George receives money from his parents.
Does George receive money from his parents?
Who does George receive money from?
My friends train for many hours every day.
how often?
Do your friends train for many hours every day?
How often do your friends train?
Karel owns two sports cars.
Does Karel own two sports cars?
What does Karel own?
Anya is 1,5 m tall.
how tall?
Is Anya 1,5 metres tall?
How tall is Anya?
George is 1,95 metres tall.
how tall?
Is George 1,95 metres tall?
How tall is George?
It is sometimes hard for me to fall asleep.
Is it sometimes hard for you to fall asleep?
Why is it sometimes hard for you to fall asleep?
I am sometimes late for work.
Are you sometimes late for work?
Why are you sometimes late for work?
I am often sleepy after lunch.
Are you often sleepy after lunch?
Why are you often sleepy after lunch?
I am usually energetic when I come home in the evening.
how often?
Are you usually energetic when you come home in the evening?
How often are you energetic in the evening?
I am often very tired after work.
how often?
Are you often tired after work?
How often are you tired after work?
I am very fit and healthy.
Are you very fit and healthy?
Why are you fit and healthy?
I am going to go out for a meal tonight.
Are you going out for a meal tonight?
Where are you going out for a meal tonight?
I am going to go there with my best friend.
who…. with?
Are you going there with your best friend?
Who are you going there with?
I am going to fly to Paris this weekend.
Are you flying to Paris this weekend?
Where are you flying this weekend?
My friend is going to go shopping later today.
Is my friend going shopping later today?
Who is going shopping later today?
She is going to go to Palladium.
Is she going to Palladium?
Where is she going?
She is going to go there with her husband.
Is she going there with her husband?
Who is she going there with?
We are going to cook dinner tonight.
Are we going to cook dinner tonight?
When are we going to cook dinner?
We are going to make some pasta.
Are we going to make some pasta?
What are we going to make?
My colleagues are going to go abroad soon.
Are my colleagues going abroad soon?
When are my colleagues going abroad?
They are going to go to Hungary.
Are they going to Hungary?
Where are they going?
They are going to stay there four days.
how long?
Are they staying there four days?
How long are they staying there?
I (last-naposledy) took an exam two years ago.
Did you last take an exam two years ago?
When did you last take an exam?
I (last-naposledy) stayed up late three weeks ago.
Did you last stay up late three weeks ago?
When did you last stay up late?
I (last-naposledy) lost something last week.
Did you lose something last week?
When did you last lose something?
I (last-naposledy) went to a party on the first of December.
Did you last go to a party on the first of December?
When did you last go to a party?
I (last-naposledy) went for a run on Saturday morning.
Did you last go for a run on Saturday morning?
When did you last go for a run?
I (last-naposledy) went to a restaurant on Tuesday.
Did you last go to a restaurant on Tuesday?
When did you last go to a restaurant?
I (last-naposledy) sang in the shower three hours ago.
Did you last sing in the shower two hours ago?
When did you last sing in the shower?
I (last-naposledy) had a cup of coffee yesterday.
Did you last have a cup of coffee yesterday?
When did you last have a cup of coffee?
I (last-naposledy) had a cup of tea on Sunday evening.
Did you last have a cup of tea on Sunday evening?
When did you last have a cup of tea?
My parents were born in the 1950s.
Were your parents born in the 1950s?
When were your parents born?
My parents were 30 years old when I was born.
how old?
Were your parents 30 years old when you were born?
How old were your parents when you were born?
I was born in hospital.
Were you born in hospital?
Where were you born?
I was born in hospital.
Were you born in hospital?
Where were you born?
My favourite food was pancakes when I was a child.
Was your favourite food pancakes when you were a child?
What was your favourite food when you were a child?
My best friend at elementary school was Natalie.
Was your best friend at elementary school Natalie?
Who was your best friend at elementary school?
My first teacher’s name was Isabella.
Was your first teacher’s name Isabella?
What was your first teacher’s name?
I was frightened of darkness when I was a small child.
Were you frightened of darkness when you were a child?
What were you frightened of when you were a child?