Present Simple 1 Flashcards
Present Simple (Přítomný prostý):
Subject + `Verb (S+V)
Subject + Verb + s (S+Vs)
is used:
1) for facts
I / we / you / they live in Japan.
He / she / it lives in Japan.
I live in Japan. Do you live in Japan? Yes, I do. No, I don't. I don't live in Japan. Where do you live?
She speaks Spanish very well. Does she speak Spanish very well? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. She doesn't speak Spanish very well. What language does she speak?
Present Simple (Přítomný prostý):
Subject + `Verb (S+V)
Subject + Verb + s (S+Vs)
is used:
2) to say how often we do things (repeated actions at present).
It is often used with such words as:
always usually often sometimes hardly ever never
every day
once a week
on Saturdays
at the weekend, etc.
It answers the questions ‘ how often…?’.
I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.
How often do you go to the dentist?
Ann doesn’t drink tea very often.
In summer John usually plays tennis once or twice a week.
Jeho žena pracuje v bance.
His wife works in a bank. Does his wife work in a bank? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. She doesn't work in a bank. Where does she work?
Naši přátelé bydlí v Praze 6.
Our friends live in Prague 6. Do they live in Prague 6? Yes, they do. No, they don't. They don't live in Prague 6. Where do they live?
Její kamarád učí češtinu v Londýně.
Her friend teaches Czech in London. Does her friend teach Czech in London? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. He doesn't teach Czech in London. What does he do in London? What does he teach in London?
Jsem často unavený.
I'm often tired. Are you often tired? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. I'm not often tired. Why are you often tired?
Obvykle je šťastný.
He's usually happy. Is he usually happy? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. He isn't usually happy. When is he happy?
Jsou vždycky doma.
They are always at home. Are they always at home? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. They aren't always at home. When are they at home?
Často má problémy ve škole. [on]
He often has problems at school. Does he often have problems at school? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. He doesn't often have problems at school. Why does he have problems at school?
V neděli máme vždycky návštěvu.
We always have visitors / visits on Sundays.
Do we always have visitors on Sundays?
Yes, we do.
No, we don’t.
We don’t always have visitors on Sundays.
How often do we have visitors?
Obvykle obědvají [mají oběd] v jednu hodinu.
They usually have lunch at one o'clock. Do they usually have lunch at one o'clock? Yes, they do. No, they don't. They don't have lunch at one o'clock. What time do they usually have lunch?
Zřídkakdy nás navštěvují.
They hardly ever / rarely visit us.
Často čtu anglické knihy.
I often read English books.
Někdy chodíme do Národního divadla.
We sometimes go to the National Theatre.
Vždycky chodí do postele v jedenáct hodin. [ona]
She always goes to bed at eleven o’clock.
Vždycky hraje v sobotu tenis. [on]
He always plays tennis on Saturdays.