Question Set 6 Flashcards
In regards to horse health, what do the letters FEC stand for?
Fecal egg count
As the horse increases in age what physical changes happens to the incisors?
Appear to slant forward and outward
Name three warm season grasses.
Bahia grass, Bermuda grass, sorghum, pearl millet, crab grass, wheat grass
What encourages development of maximum bone and hoof size?
Optimum nutrition
Name one device that can be added to shoes to provide additional traction in muddy or snow conditions
Toe calks, heel calks, studs, borium
What metal bit material increases salivation to makes the mouth more responsive?
A conformational fault that refers to horses whose entire forelimb is too far under its body is known as what?
“Camped Under”
Which category of vitamins includes thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, folic acid and vitamin C?
Water soluble vitamins
How long should a horse be isolated before entering a new herd?
21 days
The white marking “paper faced” is also called what?
When do the center permanent incisors erupt?
2 1/2 years
Horses whose toes point outward are called?
Having to do with nutrients, what do the initials ADF stand for?
Acid detergent fiber
If you are viewing a horse from the profile, you are looking at it from what view?
The side or side view
What is the wooden dowel device placed around a horse’s neck to prevent them from reaching their bandages?
Neck Cradle
What is a farrier?
A person who trims and/or applies shoes to horses’ hooves
An injury to the sole of the foot caused by concussion is called a what?
Sole bruise
Regardless of breed, the hindquarters should appear to be what shape when viewed from the side?
What should be the first priority when designing horse fencing?
On what general structure is the white line found?