1 – Name the first four of the eight characteristics of SwáSthya Yôga:
- the complete practice, integrating eight modalities of techniques;
- the codification of the general rules of execution;
- the retrieval of the archaic concept of enchained sequences without repetition;
- directed towards people who identify with this proposal.
2 – Is SwáSthya Yôga the only Yôga that uses the ashtánga sádhana?
Yes, only SwáSthya Yôga utilises the ashtánga sádhana.
3 - Is SwáSthya Yôga the only Yôga that uses choreographic sequences? If so, wasn’t that concept created by Master DeRose?
Originally, only SwáSthya Yôga utilised choreographic sequences (choreographies). This concept of execution was retrieved from the Ancient Yôga by Master DeRose in the 1950s. The concept goes back to a time when humans adored the Sun. The last principle of that primitive way of execution is the most ancestral practice of Hatha Yôga itself: the súrya namaskára!
4 - Is SwáSthya Yôga the only Yôga that possesses explicit rules of execution?
Yes. There are no books published before the Prontuário de Yôga Antigo (Records of Ancient Yôga) written by Master DeRose in 1969, which mentions them.
5 – If SwáSthya Yôga is the only Yôga that possesses explicit rules of execution, does that mean Master DeRose created them?
Absolutely not. The general rules always existed, but Master DeRose discovered them, just as the force of gravity always existed but had to be discovered by Newton.
6 – What are the general rules codified by Master DeRose?
The rules of: breathing, permanence, repetition, localisation of consciousness, visualisation, didactic angle, balancing, safety (study them in the Tratado de Yôga (Treatise of Yôga)).
7 – How do you summarise the rules of breathing?
Upward movements are done inhaling; downward, exhaling.
8 – What are the rules of permanence?
For beginners: maintain the ásana while holding your breath; when you need to breathe, return.
For those with experience: remain as long as possible, within reason.
9 – What is the general rule of repetition?
Execute only once with the longest possible permanence, and move to the next exercise without repeating. There are exceptions.
10 – What is the rule of localisation of consciousness? And the rule of visualisation?
During the execution of an ásana, it is important to localise the consciousness in the part of the body that is requiring your attention. The visualisation rule says: to sedate, apply the visualisation of blue-sky colour over the localisation of consciousness; to stimulate the region, apply an orange colour (other colours may also be used). Advanced practitioners can apply the visualisation of mantras and yantras over the chakras.