Question 1 Flashcards
You are either good at maths or you are not
What do beliefs would reveal about people mindsets
If students believe they are not good at completing task then they would develop a lack of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation towards completing tasks
What is the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset
Include examples
Growth mindset
Dweck believes that people with growth mindsets believe that they can develop their own basic abilities through hardwork and making mistakes
Fixed Mindset
Dweck believe that people with fixed mindset believe that their abilities can not be develop they like to document their achievements
How do teachers belief impact on students learning
What practical approaches can they use to foster growth mindset in students
Teacher - fixed mindset would allow praise students who have only achieved all or most answer correct and avoid given praise to students who have made mistake leading students all of them to develop a fixed mindset and forming them in not developing past their present abilities.
Knowledge is actively created
Knowledge is built upon reflection on physical and mental actions
Constructivism - examine student errors made during mathematical tasks and the misconceptions that they had formed and allow them to reflect on the positive feedback you provide them