Quest 1 Flashcards
expected reproductive success, reflects how well an organism is adapted to its environment
differential reproductive success
some individuals leave more viable offspring in the next generation than others due to traits that are more advantageous
descent with modification
species change over time and give rise to new species, all share a common ancestor
phylogenic diversity
measure of biodiversity/evolutionary history based on phylogeny
changes in the dna sequence
life history traits
growth rate, age/size a sexual maturity, reproductive schedule, mortality rate
life history strategy
schedule/manner of investment in survivorship and reproduction during lifetime
antibiotic resistance
bacteria and fungi that develop the ability to defeat drugs designed to kill them
formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution
set of observable characters
genetic makeup of an individual
earth has always changed in uniform ways and the present is the key to the past
norm of reaction
expression of the genotype depends on environmental conditions
natural selection
process in which living organisms adapt and change
natural selection steps
- variation
- inheritance
- differential reproductive success
artificial selection
humans chose which individuals reproduce and select traits that are most beneficial to them
inherited trait that makes an organism more fit to its environment and arose from direct action of natural selection of the primary function
traits that serves one function now but it evolved under different selective conditions and served a different function in the past
inheritance of acquired characteristics
when an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed to offspring
pleiotropic genes
genes that affect more than one characteristic
antagonistic pleiotropy
the same genes codes for more than one trait where one trait is beneficial and the other is detrimental
complex traits
variation within multiple genes and their interaction with behavioral and environmental factors, represent layers of adaptations and exaptation
gene sharing
a protein that serves a function in one part of the body is recruited to perform a new/different function in another part
gene duplication
proteins can switch function without loss of the original function, extra copy is formed
constraints to evolution
- genetic variation
- gene constraints
- gene flow
- physical constraints
- arms race
- evolution lacks foresight
Charles Darwin
idea of natural selection and descent with modification
E. Darwin
theory of evolutionary change
co-authored a paper with Darwin on the theory of evolution by natural selection, wallace’s line
inheritance of acquired characteristics, transformation and adaptation of species
uniformitarianism vs. catastrophism
used methodological naturalism to seek general principles in facts
darwin’s finches
variation in beak morphology, formalized his idea of natural selection
wallace’s line
imaginary drawn line to mark the difference between species found in different areas
darwin used pigeons to explain artificial selection bc pigeon breeding was very popular at the time. he used this to open into his natural selection idea
california brassica rapa
mustard plant affected by drought, natural selection favored plants with an earlier flowing time. proved this by using plants from different years
flowers and reaction norm
genotypes do not code for a fixed number of leaves
oldfield mice
genetic variation alone is not enough for NS to occur
life history strategy/traits, selective pressures, predation on guppies up//down stream
swallows in nebraska
environmental disturbance by humans causes a need for NS to occur, birds with shorter wings are more likely to survive
10,000 bacteria generations
antagonistic pleiotropy. creating bacteria lines and keeping them in freezers, test is same phenotypes would still evolve with different history, they did. size varied and they found an ideal temp
mollusk eyes
lens evolved independently in different species through natural selection
complex traits
skull and feather structure
examples of selection constraints
placement of eyes on owls vs ostrich, size/shape of animals, leg size
sex ratio in butterflies
uneven sex ratio but shifted back to 1:1 because NS can change characters of population