quesmed obs Flashcards
mx for maternal GBS colonisation
IV intrapartum abx
what immunoglobulin is given to baby if mum gets hep B
when is aspirin given in pre eclampsia
from 12 weeks to term
what type of bacteria is GBS
gram positive cocci
what class of antibody is synthesised in rhesus sensitisation
when are anti d prophylactic injections given
one dose at 28-30 weeks
or 2 doses and 28 and 34 weeks
when is early scan for dates and mx pregnancies performed
11-14 weeks
what is given in PPROM
IM betamethasone 2x 12 hrs apart
for foetal lung maturity as they are likely to deliver preterm
how to differentiate placenta praevia from vasa praevia
in vasa praevia there will be membrane rupture and foetal distress alongside bleeding
in placenta praevia there will not
preterm labour is defined as
before 37 weeks
preterm labour mx
steroids and tocolytics
examples of tocolytics
pregnancy and chickenpox rules
check antibodies
if not present and over 20 weeks GA, give oral aciclovir 7-14 days after exposure
postpartum depression first line mx
guided self help
post partum tears
1st degree
2nd degree
3rd degree A/B/C
4th degree
1st degree= perineal skin and vaginal mucosa
2nd degree= perineal muscle but no sphincter involvement
3rd degree
A= <50% external anal sphincter
B= >50% external anal sphincter
C= internal anal sphincter
4th degree= anal mucosa