Quantitative And Qualitative Methods Flashcards
Quantitative methods (6)
Interviews Questionnaires Surveys Psychological tests Psychometric tests Projective tests
Qualitative methods (4)
Qualitative interview
Focus groups
Ethnographic research
Historical research
Quantitative method interviews
Gathering info about people by conversing with them face to face dialogue
General requirements for interview (7)
Establishment of rapport Statement of purpose Detached/ objective attitude Staying on topic Careful wording of questions Knowing when to end Accurate record of interview
Unstructured interviews
Interviews in which the interviewer provides minimal direction to the interviewer
Structured interviews
Interviews with a pre specified set of topics and order of discussion
Standardized structured interviews
Wording of questions order of questions
Mixed question interviews ( 3)
Interviews using different kinds of questions open ended, fixed option (close ended) rating scale questions
Problems with interviews (8)
Interviewer bias Personal bias Social and ethic bias Interviewee dishonesty Implementation costs Training costs travel costs administration costs
Gathering info about people anonymously using a standardized series of questions
Components of a questionnaire (4)
Identification questions
Research questions
Branching instructions
Fixed option items
Questions with qualitatively distinct response alternatives
Rating scale items
Questions with quantitatively distinct response alternatives
Categorical, numerical, graphical
Yes no or true false items
Likert scale
Agree disagree
Funnel questions
A series of related questions soliciting progressively more detailed info
Open ended questions
Questions that respondents answer in their own words
Question bias double barreled questions
Items that ask two separate questions simultaneously
Loaded questions
Items that contain emotionally charged or value laden terms
Leading questions
Items that tend to influence response in a certain direction
Double negatives
Items that use two negative expressions to convey a positive idea
Response bias acquiescence
Tendency to agree with items regardless of their content
Tendency to disagree with items regardless of their content
Tendency to answe items in an extreme way regardless of their content
Social desirability
Tendency to answer items in a socially acceptable way regardless of the correctness of the answer
Questionnaire wording (5)
Avoid words with double meaning
Avoid overly lengthy questions
Ask questions based on respondents own experience
Design the entire questionnaire around a theoretical rationale
Pre test the questionnaire on a test sample
Administering an interview or questionnaire to a sample of individuals to estimate characteristics of a large population
Confidence and tolerance levels
Range of values within which a population value falls with a specified probability
Tolerance level precision
The range of values within which the true population value falls with a specified probability
Confidence level
The probability that the true population falls within the tolerance level
Reasons for sampling (3)
Simple random sampling
Sampling such that every member of the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected
Cluster sampling
Random sampling in 2 phases
Primary selection units (clusters groups)
Secondary selection units ( individuals within groups
Stratified sampling
Random sampling from mutually exclusive and exhaustive strata in the population