Quantification & Costing Flashcards
What methods of measurement are you aware of?
IPMS - Offices, Resi & Retail.
RICS Code of Measurement Practice - 6th Ed 2015 - GEA/GIA/NIA - all other buildings.
ICMS - set of measurement rules that result in a single methodology for reporting, grouping and classifying construction project costs. Basis of NRM.
NRM 1, 2 & 3 (2021) - 2021 update to align with ICMS & RIBA PoW 2020
CESMM - Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement.
What is NRM?
New Rules of Measurement.
Books published by the RICS to provide a set of measurement rules for estimating / cost planning / procurement for construction projects.
What is NRM 1?
Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works.
What is NRM 2?
Detailed measurement for building works.
What is NRM 3?
Order of cost estimating and cost planning for building maintenance works.
What are the sections of NRM?
0 - Facilitating Works
1 - Substructure
2 - Superstructure
3 - Internal Finishes
4 - Fittings Finishes and Equipment
5 - Services
6 - Prefabricated Buildings and Building Units
7 - Work to Existing Buildings
8 - External Works
9 - Main Contractor’s Prelims
10 -Main Contractor’s Overhead and Profit
11 - Project / Design Team Fees
12 - Other Development / Project Costs
13 - Risks
14 - Inflation
What is ICMS?
International Cost Management Standards.
Provide a framework for cost and carbon management in construction from concept to completion.
What are RPI and CPI?
Retail Price Index and Consumer Price Index.
Government’s preferred measures of inflation.
Why is it important to measure the works according to industry standards and best practice?
To provide consistency and greater accuracy of pricing.
To ensure all parties price on the same basis and reduce risk of dispute.
How can Benchmarking assist Value Engineering?
It can inform the spread of cost among construction elements so you can identify if something is ‘high’.
What is GIA?
Gross Internal Floor Area:-
Area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
What is NIA?
Net Internal Area:-
The usable area within a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
Can you name some of the pricing documents we might use?
Bill of quantities (BoQ).
Schedule of rates (SoR).
Schedule of works (SoW).
Activity schedule.
Can you name some of the pricing options for construction contracts?
Lump sum.
Target cost.
Guaranteed maximum price.
What is meant by the abbreviation GEA?
Gross External Area.
This is the area of the building measured externally at each floor level.
What is a lump sum contract?
Provides for payment of a set amount.
The fixed price is determined by a contractor by estimating their cost to provide the work and then add OH&P.
What are the advantages of a lump sum contract?
The contractor takes on the pricing risk but stands to benefit from the increased profit.
Cost certainty for the employer.
What are the disadvantages of a lump sum contract?
Presents a higher risk to the contractor. If the contractor underestimates their cost hen the profit margin decreases.
Contractor may therefore increase their tender price.
What is a cost-plus contract?
Otherwise known as a cost reimbursable.
Pays the contractor for the actual costs incurred, plus a pre agreed percentage for profit.
What are the advantages of a cost-plus contract?
Since they contract is flexible in nature, the initial bid isn’t as detrimental as they are with lump sum.
Allow employers to make design changes along the way.
What are the disadvantages of a cost-plus contract?
The final contract price is uncertain until the end of the contract.
Contractor may include higher costs to increase profit.
When may a cost-plus contract be appropriate?
When the scope of work has not been properly defined.
When there is emergency work to be undertaken.
What is a remeasurement contract?
Works are carried out based on approximate quantities.
The actual quantities of work carried out are measured and the tendered rates are applied.
The contractor is paid for the actual work they have done.
What are the advantages of a remeasurement contract?
Since the work is tendered on approximate quantities, the contractors will submit competitive tenders.
The contractors risk is fairly low.