Quality_Criteria_in_Qualitative_Research Flashcards
What is meant by quality criteria in qualitative research?
Standards and guidelines used to assess the rigor, trustworthiness, and credibility of qualitative studies.
How does qualitative research ensure rigor compared to quantitative research?
Instead of statistical validity and reliability, qualitative research ensures rigor through transparency, reflexivity, and credibility measures.
What are Lincoln and Guba’s four trustworthiness criteria?
- Credibility (Internal Validity)
- Transferability (External Validity)
- Dependability (Reliability)
- Confirmability (Objectivity)
What is credibility in qualitative research?
Ensures that findings are believable and accurately reflect participants’ realities.
How can credibility be ensured in qualitative research?
- Prolonged engagement.
- Triangulation of data sources.
- Member-checking.
- Peer debriefing.
What is transferability in qualitative research?
Refers to whether the findings can be applied to other contexts or groups.
How can transferability be enhanced in qualitative research?
Using thick description—providing detailed contextual accounts that allow readers to determine applicability.
What is dependability in qualitative research?
Demonstrates that findings are consistent and could be replicated in a similar context.
How can dependability be maintained in qualitative research?
- Maintaining an audit trail of research decisions.
- Using a code-recode strategy to check consistency.
What is confirmability in qualitative research?
Ensures findings are shaped by participants’ experiences rather than researcher bias.
What techniques ensure confirmability in qualitative research?
- Reflexivity—acknowledging researcher biases.
- Triangulation—cross-checking data sources.
What is authenticity in qualitative research?
Authenticity focuses on fairly and accurately representing participants’ experiences and voices.
What are the components of authenticity according to Lincoln and Guba (1986)?
- Fairness—considering multiple perspectives.
- Ontological Authenticity—helping participants gain deeper insight.
- Catalytic Authenticity—encouraging action.
What are Creswell’s procedural criteria for qualitative research?
Creswell suggests using at least two strategies such as triangulation, member-checking, peer review, or thick description to enhance research quality.
What is triangulation in qualitative research?
Using multiple data sources, methods, or investigators to confirm findings and enhance credibility.