Qualitative Data Analysis and Reflexive Thematic Analysis Flashcards
What is thematic analysis (TA)?
A method for identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within qualitative data.
How does thematic analysis go beyond simple data organization?
It interprets various aspects of a research topic, providing deeper insights.
What types of qualitative data are suitable for thematic analysis?
Interviews, focus groups, and textual data.
What is Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) as proposed by Braun and Clarke?
A thematic analysis approach emphasizing researcher reflexivity, subjectivity, and active interpretation of data.
How does Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) differ from other coding approaches?
It rejects the idea of themes “emerging” and instead sees themes as actively constructed.
What is the primary focus of coding reliability thematic analysis?
Accuracy, coder agreement, and structured codebooks.
What is the difference between codebook approaches and reflexive TA?
Codebook approaches use structured frameworks but retain some interpretative flexibility, while reflexive TA prioritizes subjective interpretation.
Why does reflexive TA not require coder agreement?
It focuses on rich, interpretative insights rather than standardized coding reliability.
What is the goal of the familiarization phase in RTA?
To deeply understand the data by reading transcripts multiple times and noting patterns.
What activities are involved in the familiarization phase?
Reading and re-reading data, taking notes, and manually transcribing for nuanced understanding.
What is the purpose of generating initial codes in thematic analysis?
To systematically label relevant data segments for later theme development.
What are semantic and latent codes in thematic analysis?
Semantic codes reflect explicit meanings, while latent codes explore underlying assumptions.
What is an example of a semantic code in student well-being research?
“Lack of teacher training” as an explicit barrier to well-being promotion.
What is the goal of searching for themes in RTA?
To identify overarching themes by grouping related codes.
How can thematic mapping help in searching for themes?
It visually organizes relationships between codes and themes.