Quality Management (AL) Flashcards
Quality product
product that meets customers expectation and fulfills its intended purpose
Quality importance
-Helps with customer loyalty
-Reduce costs of customer complaints
-Reduce advertising costs as it establishes good brand image
-Can raise prices charged fro quality products
Quality control
Checking based on inspection of the product or sample of products
Quality assurance
A system agreeing and meeting quality standard at each stage of production to ensure consumer satisfaction
Methods of quality control
-Correction and improvement
Impact of quality control
-Inspection can be tedious so, inspectors become demotivated
-If checking happens only in a few points of production faulty products may pass through
-Reduces workers responsibility to maintain quality
Quality assurance methods
-Emphasis on prevention of poor quality products
-Stresses importance of zero defect product
-Establishing quaoity standard and targets
-Checking quality of raw materials brought in
Quality assurance impact
-Worker motivation increases when employees are responsible for self checking products
-System can be used to trace quality problems back to stage of production process where it occurs
-Reduces high costs of inspection and reworking faulty products
Total quality management
An approach to quality that aims to involve employees in quality improvement
Zero defect
way of thinking to ensure products meet customer expectations very time
Comparing business against performance standards of the best business in the same industry
Bench marking process
-Identify performance indicators to be benchmarked
-Measure performance in the areas
-Identify the businesses in the industry that are considered to be the best
-Use BPI data form the best business
-Set standard for improvement
-Change process to achieve the standards set
Benefits and limitations of benchmarking
-Helps businesses increase international competitiveness
-Process involves the workforce participation therefore leads to high motivation
-Hard to obtain relevant up to date info of businesses
-Only copies ideas and disocurages creativity and original ideas