Quality and Patient Saftey & Teaching and Learning Flashcards
quality of care
degree to which health care services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with the current professional knowledge
a patient saftey incident is also called
adverse event
adverse event is defined as
an event or a circumstance that could have resulted, or did result, in unnessasary harm to the patient
harmful incident
an incident that resulted in patient harm
near miss
an incident that did not reach the patient
- no harm resulted
no-harm incident
an incident that reached the patient, but no discernible harm resulted
5 goals for patient saftey and quality improvements in canada
- person centered care
- safe care
- accesiable care
- appropriate care
- integrated care
cultural saftey
an outcome based on respectful engagement that recognizes and strives to address power imbalances inherent in the health care system
Patient education
process of imparing knowledge to patients and their caregivers about their health
patient education should be
patient centered
what might effect a persons ability to learn
- emotional capability
- intellectual capability
- physical capability
- developmental stage
social learning theory purpose
helps educators understand learners and develop interventions that enhance motivation and learning
what are the three domains of learning
- affective (attitudes)
- phycomotor (motor skills)
- cognitive (understanding)
cognitive learning
includes all intelecual behaviors and requires thinking
cognitive learning includes
- remembering
- understanding
- applying
- evaluating
- creating
affective learning
expression of feelings and acceptance of attitudes, opinions, or values
affective learning includes
- responding
- valuing
- organizing
- characterizing
psychomotor learning
integration of metal and muscular activity in order to aquire a skill such as the ability to walk or eat with a utensil
psycomotor learning includes
- preception
- set
- guided response
- mechanism
- complex overt responce
- adaptation
- origination
Quality of patient care in the health system includes
- accessibility
- effectiveness
- efficency
- patient saftey
- patient centered care
- equitable
right care, right time, right setting, by right practitioner
care achieves expected benefit based on evidence
patient saftey
harm is avoided
patient centered care
respects patient preferences, culture and values
care recieved regardless of gender, ethnicity, location or status
_ out of __ hospital admissions, an adverse event has occured
1 out of 18
task factors
workload, time pressure, staffing levels
factors influencing saftey
- patient and health care provider factors
- task factors
- technology factors
- environmental factors
- organizational factors
technology factors
what kind is used, how effective is it, does it breakdown
patient and health care provider factors
personal characteristics each individual, personal wellness
environmental factors
considers the physical work environment
orginizational factors
structural, cultural and policy related characteristics of the institution
the canadian patient saftey institute was developed in
CPSI goal
take a multidisciplinary approach to safe patient care
CPSI identified
key knowledge, skills and attributes related to safe patient care for all health care workers
6 CPSI safety framework domains
- Contribute to a culture of patient safety
- Work in teams for patient safety
- communicate effectively for patient safety
- optimize human and environmental factors
- Recognize, respond to, and disclose adverse events
Swiss Cheese model explained
- holes represent shortcomings, or areas where there is a potential for failure
-some slices have more holes than others - when stacked together, holes do not align because they are in different places = some facets of organization can compensate for the shortcomings of others
- represents that the blame / root of the problem cannot be traced back to a singular cause; rather a combination of factors or system
Iceburg conceptual models represents
looking for contributing factors rather than direct cause to prevent additional adverse events in the future
7 most common types of errors in the healthcare system
- medication errors
- tranfusion errors
- errors during surgery
- restraints
- falls
- burns
- pressure injuries
- wrong patient
if an event occurs
- disclosure process
- anticipate patient / family reaction
- plan for support
- usually managers job
disclosure process must include
- how the accident was handled
- future plans to minimize the event form occuring agian
- regret that the event ever occured
Nurses role in patient safety
- assit the client to meet basic needs
- reduce physical hazards
- reduce equipment related and procedural harm
- reduce transmission of pathogens
- maintain sanitation
- control pollution
the student nurses role in patient safety
- apply patient safety mindset
- work hard to learn skill and knowledge behind them
- develope relationships with patient and clients
- practice evidence informed care
- maintain continuity of care for patients and family
- act ethically at all times
- avoid blaming when an error occurs
- research patients thourally before initiating care
- make a plan / prioritzing care
- come to work prepared
- use knowledge and critical thinking to guide decsions
- practice within scope of practice
- seek assistance if needed or unsure