Creating Comfort and Pain Management Flashcards
what is the nurses role in providing care, compassion, and comfort
- empathy
- authentic presences and compassion
- communication
- advocacy
providing comfort definition
- attending to individual’s complex physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs within context of an authentic presence and compassion
what are other distressing symptoms (besides pain)
- shortness of breath
- nausea and vomiting
- itching
- constipation
nursing interventions to shortness of breath
- sitting upright
- DB&C
- oxygen therapy
- medications
nursing interventions for nausea and vomiting
- medications
- hydration, ice chips
- cool cloth to forehead
- fan in the room
- medications
nursing interventions to itching
- medications
- heat/cold
- lotions
nursing interventions to constiaption
- nutritional interventions
- fluids/hydration
- ambulation
- medications
sympathetic nervous system response to pain
- increased respirations, heart rate, BP, blood glucose
- Diaphoresis, muscle tension, dilated pupils
- nausea, vomiting
parasympathetic nervous system response to pain
- pallor, muscle tension
- decreased hear rate, BP
- rapid irregular breathing
- weakness, exhastions
what are examples of behavioural responses to pain
- nonverbal expressions, vocalizations
- physical exhaustion
- emotional exhaustion
- anxiety, fear
- depression, hopelessness
- irritability, anger
- chronic fatigue, altered sleep
- affects social, spiritual, and psychological well being
older adults
may believe pain is a part of aging
stoic individual
society tends to respect those who suffer in scilence
uninformed person
dont know to ask for pain medication
marganilized individual
dont want to be stigmatized
common misconceptions
think that pain medications will lead to addictions
4 types of pain
- acute pain
- chronic pain
-breakthrough pain - cancer pain
acute pain
- identifiable cause
- predictable ending and short duration
chronic pain
- persistent of intermittent
- may not have identifiable cause
breakthrough pain
- pain breaks through medication treatment that control pain
cancer pain
- may be acute or chronic
- may be due to disease or treatment
what assessment should you use to asses shortness of breath
what does the P stand for
Provocative / pralliative
what does the Q stand for
what does the r stand for
what does the s stand for
what does the t stand for
what does the u stand for
what are some non pharmalogical nursing interventions for pain
- relaxation/giuded imagery
- distractions
- music
- biofeedback
- acupuncture
- massage
- hot/cold
- therepeutic touch
- herbal supplements
barrier to effective pain management can be created by
- the paitient
- the heath care provider
- the health care system
patient related barriers to effective pain management
- poorly controlled pain
- fear of addiction
- fear of adverse effects
- fear of tolerance
- concern about patient taking too many pills already
- not wanting family/ friends to worry
- belief that pain inevitable
heath care provider barriers to effective pain management
- concern about addictions
- fear of legal repercussions
- no visible cause of pain exists
- time constraints
- assumptions about “drug seeking”behaviour