Qualitative and Extras Flashcards
Qualitative Research Types
Case Study: example phenonmenon (DPT class of 2026)
Grounded Theory: developed from previous data (why are we burnt out)
Phenomenology: describes experience of humans (exploring lived exeriences of PT students)
Ethnography: sociology through observation (pt cohort)
Historical: past occurrences and trying to explain current events
Qualitative Research Methods
Focus group
Participant observation
Artifacts (journals and documents)
Qualitative Research Reliability
-Multiple viewing of tapes by same or multiple
-Kappa Statistic of inter-rater reliability
Qualitative Research Credibility
-establishing you are credible from the participant in the research
-only participants can judge
Qualitative Research Trustworthiness
Truth Value:
Quan- Internal validity
Quan-External validity
Qual- Dependability
Qual- Confirmability
Qualitative Research Transferability
-degree to which the results can be generalized
-increase by describing context and assumptions
- aka external validity
Qualitative Research Dependability
-need to account for ever changing context of research
-must describe changes
Qualitative Research Comfirmability
-degree in which the results could be confirmed or corroborated
Qualitative Research Maintaining Validity
-record acurrately
-include primary data and all in report
-be candid
-seek feeddback
Reference Software
Refworks: store research articles
-Hetsch index
-attempts to measure pproductivitty and citation impact of a scholar
-higher the better
-amount of citations
Impact Factors
-average number of times articles from the journal published within 2 years that are cited in a year
Predatory Publishers
-Beall’s List
Kappa (K)
-non parametric test of association for inter-rater agreement
-need nominal data
-was agreement by chance?
-tested for significance
-1 is perfect, 0 is by chance
K= (observed-chance)/
Chi Square
-nominal data
-proportion or relationships
-2 variables to determine if they are independentt from one another
Exploratory Factor Analysis
-used on outcome measures (questionnaires)
-determine the numnber of contructs in the tool by finding correlations
-internal consistency
ex: which toys go in what box