ANOVAs Flashcards
-compares 3+ means
-when more than 1 IV
-tests for difference but not what differs
-F statistic
One-Way Repeated Research Design
-one group doing the same thing over titme
Posttest-Only Randomized Group
-2+ groups that are only measured after the intervention
Posttest-Only Non-Randomized Research Design
-not randomized
-2+ groups that are only measured after the intervention
Factorial-Fully Independent Research Design
-with or without randomization
-each intervention has subsets
-2+ interventions at the same time
-each person stays in the same group the whole time
-look for interactions, main effect of each IV
-if interaction is significant (crossing lines), dont worry about main effects (differing)= run simple effects
Factorial-Fully Repeated Research Design
-each intervention has subsets
-2+ interventions at the same time
-all participants switch groups throughout the study
Factorial Mixed Research Design
-with or without randomization
-Participants in designated groups move through several parts
-most common in PT
One Way independent ANOVA
-one IV
-is there a difference somewhere?
-3 kinds of viagra and their effects
-non parametric: Kruskal-Wallis
One way Repeated Measures ANOVA
-one repeated IV
-travel through time
-Sphericity: variannces of the differences are equal
-tested using Mauchley’s test, dont want sig
Non parametric: friedman’s ANOVA
2x2 independent ANOVA
-2 or + IVs
-look for significant differences NOT interactions (factorial)
2x2 Repeated Measures ANOVA
-2 or more repeated IVs
2x2 Mixed or Split plot ANOVA
-2 or more IV
-at least 1 is independent and one is repeated
Ex: 3 groups being tested 5 times
x= groups
df= degrees of freedom
f= bigger=more significant
does not alter alpha level, post tests do
Planned Contrasts
-additional test to determine which groups differ from each other
-more statistical advantage
-must be done prior
-a prori
Post-Hoc Comparisons
-additional test to determine which groups differ from each other after ANOVA
-not planned
-control the alpha level
-test all pairwise comparisons
Bonferroni: controlls for type 1, only small variances, normality, better if small
Turkey: controlls for type 1, only small variances, normality, better if large
Games-Howell: liberal when smaple is small, if variances arent homogenous