Qualifying Relative (QR) requirements Flashcards
What are the three tests for claiming any type of dependent (QR or QC)?
- Citizenship Test
- MFJ Test
- TP or Spouse Not A Dependent Test
What are the 4 Qualifying Relative tests?
- Not a QC test
- Member of household OR relationship test
- Gross Income Test
- Support Test
What is the the “Not a QC” Test for QR?
- A child is not your QR if he is your QC or the QC of someone else
When could a QC become a QR for someone other than the parents?
If the child’s parents are not required to file a tax return and either:
- do not file the tax return
- only file a tax return to get back withholdings or estimated payments(Can’t claim any deductions/credits)
What is the “Member of the Household” OR Relationship” test for QR?
- anyone that lived in your household all year
OR - A qualifying relative that did/did not live with you:
- brother/sister - descendants
-Step:mom/dad/sis/bro (include half)
-In-laws: mom/dad/bro/sis
*these relationships do not end with divorce or death
not cousins
A “member of the household” must live with you all year to be a QR. What are acceptable temporary absences? (6)
- Medical (nursing home)
- education
3 . business
4.Military - vacation
- Juvenile facility
* a person who died or was born during the year also meets the member of the household all year test
Can a cousin be a QR?
No. A cousin does not meet the relative test so they must live with you all year in order to meet the member of the household test.
What is the QR “ Gross Income” test?
GI < $4200
Gross Income Test: What income is included in GI?
All income received that is not exempt from taxes.
Gross Income Test: Is rental income included in GI?
Yes: Rental Income is included and should NOT be reduced by rental expenses
Gross Income Test: Is business income included in GI?
Yes: Business Income = Net Sales + Misc Income - Cost of Goods sold
Gross Income Test: Is unemployment included in GI
Gross Income Test: Is social security included in GI?
Generally excluded UNLESS additional income is received.
Gross Income Test: Is income earned by a person permanently and totally disabled included in GI?
Do not include income for services performed in a sheltered workshop setting
How could a child living in Canada or Mexico be considered a QR?
- the child is not living with TP so he can’t be TPs Qualifying child
2 . Child meets “relative” test for QR - Child lives with someone who is not a US citizen and does not have US gross income - they are not US taxpayers so the child can not be their QC
- Child meets the gross income and support test
What is a multiple support agreement?
What are the two conditions?
If 2 or more people provide more than 1/2 support of a child they can agree that one will claim the dependent.
- the person claiming the dependent must pay more than 10% of the child’s support
- No one else can pay over 1/2 the total support
When is a Multiple Support Agreement used for a QR?
When 2 or more people provide support but no one provides more than 1/2 the support
How are QR tests different from QC tests?
- QR does not have age tests
2. a QR does not have to live with you
Support Test: Is non-taxable income included?
Support Test: How do calculate lodging for support?
FMV of home +allowances for furniture/appliances+utilities/#people in the home
Support Test: What expenses can be used to calculate support?
Expenses that are contributing to the maintenance and livelihood of the individual: 1. food 2. lodging-fmv 3. clothing 4. education 5.med + dental 6. recreation 7.transportation etc *divide by # of people in house benefited
Support Test: What is the “support test” for QR?
A TP must pay more than 1/2 the QR support.
The QR’s funds only count as support if they are actually spent on their own support.
What are the 3 tests for becoming a dependent of any type (QR or QC)?
- Citizenship: dependent must be US citizen, US national, US non-resident alien, resident of Canada or Mexico
- TP can not be a dependent.
- MFJ test - you can not claim someone who filed MFJ as a dependent unless they only filed MFJ to be refunded with holdings or estimated payments
Can the taxpayer’s spouse be a dependent?
What is the Age Test for QR?
There is none.
Support Test: What items are excluded by the TP when calculating support for a dependent? (4)
- Scholarships received by dependent
- taxes
- life insurance premiums
- medical insurance benefits (med insurance pays)
- .Capital items (ie: furniture) purchased for personal/family reasons for the benefit of the entire family
If a relationship test violates local law can it be counted for the Relationship Test?
Support Test: Can income from a loan used for dependents support be included in the calculation?
Support Test: Are welfare benefits included in the support calculation?
Support Test: Are social security benefits included in the support calculation?
Support Test: Is child support included in the calculation?
Only the amounts paid during the year. Do not include child support paid that was owed from prior years.