Forms and due dates Flashcards
Form 8332
Allows the non-custodial parent claim the child as a dependent for the Child Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit ONLY
file with tax return
When is form 1040 due?
What is Schedule C and when is it due?
Self -employment file with 1040
Form 1040 ES and due dates
Estimated Payments ~April 15 ~June 15 ~Sept 15 ~January 15
Forms 941 or 944 and due dates?
Social security and medicare taxes and income tax withholdings: April 30/July30/Oct31/Jan31
W2 and due date
Wages and Tax Statement: January 31st (to employee)
W3 and due date
Same as W2 sent to Social Security Admin: January 31
Form 940 and due dates
FUTA - federal unemployment tax paid by employers
Jan 31st
April 30/July30/Oct 31/Jan31 but only if the liability for unpaid tax is more than $500
gambling winnings
Form 1099-B
Proceeds from Brokerage or Barter exchange transactions
Form 1099-C
Cancellation of Debt
Form 1099-Div
Dividend and Distributions
Form 1099-G
Certain Government Payments (unemployment)
interest income
Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions
Miscellaneous Income
Original Issue Discount
Taxable distributions recieved from Cooperatives
Payments for Qualified Education Programs (Sections 529 or 530)
Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc
Proceeds from Real Estate Transaction
Distribution from HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA
Form 4868
Filing for an extension
Form 1040X
Amended return
Form 8814
Allows parents to report a dependent child’s interest, dividends or capital gains distributions on the parents return.
Form 8615
Calculates the Kiddie Tax that will go on the dependent child’s return
FinCen Form 114
FBAR to report income from foreign financial accounts to Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Form 2120
Multiple Support Declaration
Form 3520
US citizen Income from Foreign trusts and gifts foreign persons
Form 5471
US tax form for US citizens who are officers, directors and shareholders in foreign corporations
Form 8379
Injured spouse allocation
Form 8939
Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets: Report foreign financial assets > $50,000 on last day of tax year or $75,000 any day of tax year